Le thème « Livre voitures anciennes » en vidéo par Veloce Publishing
Disponible sur YouTube (), une vidéo créée par Veloce Publishing aborde le sujet de « Livre voitures anciennes ».
YouTube regorge de vidéos fascinantes qui explorent des sujets variés, offrant à chaque utilisateur un vaste choix de contenu pour satisfaire toutes les curiosités. »
YouTube regorge de vidéos fascinantes qui explorent des sujets variés, offrant à chaque utilisateur un vaste choix de contenu pour satisfaire toutes les curiosités.
À la date de notre visionnage (), la vidéo avait accumulé un certain nombre d’interactions. Le compteur de Likes indiquait: 16.
Pour une évaluation complète, il faut considérer la durée (00:09:14s), le titre (Barrie Down Interview. Art Deco and British Car Design (Veloce)), ainsi que le commentaire de l’auteur :« UPDATE! Now available in paperback or eBook formats! https://www.veloce.co.uk/store/Art-Deco-and-British-Car-Design-The-Airline-Cars-of-the-1930s-p151478625
This is a book about automotive styling, in particular the streamlined styling that defined what are now known as Airline cars. During the mid-1930s the majority of British car manufacturers and coachbuilders experimented with streamlined styling. This fashion was the result of Art Deco, an international movement that influenced design and marketing in many different industries, and produced some of the most unique and visually exhilarating cars ever produced in Britain. Part One of the book explains and illustrates the Art Deco styling elements that link these streamlined car designs, and describes their development, their commonality, and their unique aeronautical names. The stories of the individual cars, their designers, and their development, are told in Part Two. Here, Barrie Down has collected examples of all the significant British streamlined production cars made between 1933 and 1936, many of them still represented by beautifully restored survivors. The book is well illustrated with over 200 contemporary pictures and colour photographs of existing cars, many of which have never before been published. This book is an instructive and visual feast for all car lovers.
Barrie Down has had a fascination with cars from as long ago as he can remember, and his childhood drawings were almost exclusively cars, cars, and more cars. Those he owned as an impecunious bachelor were from the 1920s and ’30s, from which he gained a healthy respect for the design and quality of vintage and thoroughbred cars. After emigrating to Canada in 1964, he spent over 20 years in the industrial design field, concerned primarily with transportation design. From his art historian wife, he learned to link design and social history, and discovered that the design of the cars he loved were strongly influenced by Art Deco. ».
Vous pouvez regarder la vidéo juste en dessous
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Les voitures vintage, joyaux de l’histoire automobile, captivent par leur style, leur ingénierie, et leur importance culturelle. Les passionnés cherchent souvent à enrichir leurs connaissances avec des livres, mais le choix sur le marché est varié. Comment choisir le bon ouvrage, que ce soit pour soi-même ou pour un ami ? Ce guide vous assistera dans l’exploration des différents types de livres, des lieux d’achat et des gammes de prix.
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Sélectionner un livre sur les voitures anciennes est une joie qui contribue à enrichir votre collection ou à offrir un cadeau significatif. Que vous soyez tenté par une rétrospective ou un ouvrage axé sur un sujet particulier, il est crucial de prendre le temps de découvrir les diverses catégories de livres pour dénicher celui qui satisfera le mieux votre passion ou celle du destinataire. Les livres de qualité, chargés d’histoire et d’illustrations, sont des trésors pour les fans de voitures anciennes et des souvenirs à chérir.
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Les bonnes raisons de choisir un ouvrage sur les voitures anciennes
Dans un monde où l’information numérique prédomine, il peut sembler plus pratique de rechercher desdonnéessur les voitures anciennes en ligne. Néanmoins, lesouvragesdemeurent une option essentielle pour les fans. Un ouvragebien conçuet illustré permet d’approfondir l’histoire automobilede manière exhaustive, avec une qualité d’édition et un savoir-faire qui offrent uneexpérience de lecturesans pareil. À la différence des ressources en ligne, souventfragmentéesou peu fiables, les ouvrages de collection fournissent desanalyses complètes, souvent écrites par desspécialistesou des journalistes du secteur.
Leslivres consacrés aux voitures anciennesne se limitent pas à fournir des informations, ils représentent également de véritablesobjets de collection. Certains de ces livres incluent des photographies uniques, des dessins techniques, et des essais qui ne sont disponibles nulle part ailleurs. Avoir unlivre sur son modèle préféréou sur une période précise est alors unplaisirqui dépasse la simple lecture.
Les genres de livres à considérer : Rétrospectives ou spécialisés ?
Les publications dédiées sur une marque ou un modèle
Pour les amateurs d’autos anciennes qui sont fans par une marque ou un modèle en particulier, un ouvrage spécialisé peut faire un excellent choix. Il existe des ouvrages qui analysent en détail des marques iconiques comme Ferrari, Bugatti, Harley-Davidson ou la célèbre Citroën 2CV. Cependant, ces ouvrages comportent un certain risque pour un collectionneur averti : il est possible que la personne en ait déjà un exemplaire, ou que le livre ne traite pas des aspects qui lui tiennent à cœur. Si le destinataire s’intéresse à une période ou à un type de véhicule plus général, une rétrospective pourrait être plus appropriée.
Les livres d’exception
Les livres d’art sur les voitures anciennes se déclinent souvent en grand format et sont particulièrement recherchés pour leur qualité visuelle. Avec des photographies haute définition et des images d’archives rares, ces livres sont idéaux pour être exposés et feuilletés. Ce type de publication est souvent plébiscité pour ses qualités esthétiques autant que pour son contenu.
Avant de vous engager dans unacquisition, il est capital de bien comprendre les types d’ouvragesà votre disposition. En fonction de vos propres besoins ou des goûts de la personne à qui vous comptez offrir uncadeau, certaines options seront plus adaptées.
Les rétrospectives automobiles à large spectre
Ces publications englobent habituellement plusieurs décennies d’histoire automobile, mettant en avant des modèles variés issus de diverses marques, styles et époques. Elles sont pleines d’informations utiles et constituent un excellent point de départ pour les passionnés débutants ou pour ceux qui s’intéressent à l’histoire globale de l’automobile. Les rétrospectives soigneusement illustrées présentent un tableau captivant, soulignant l’évolution du design, des technologies et des tendances. Ce type de livre est une option parfaite pour uncadeau, car il s’adresse à un public diversifié sans être trop restrictif.
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#Barrie #Interview #Art #Deco #British #Car #Design #Veloce
Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: [Music] to me it’s a book about cars uh a book about car design the one factor that joins them all together is Art Deco why I’m a mechanical engineer in in ATA I’m not a mechanical engineer at my uh my education was in physics in Applied Physics which is a little removed from mechanical engineering but I found that really my strengths were mechanical engineering and and as my career started I I I was doing mechanical engineering simply because I loved it and was good at it so I tended to get moved towards the engineering and away from the scientific [Music] um I got involved with uh with uh industrial designers um particularly uh industrial designers that were uh Transportation designers um and for about 20 years I was offering uh Engineering Services to uh industrial designers and at the same time I was teaching at a design College teaching engineering to Industrial designers um so I got heavily involved with the thought processing of design and uh and learn to understand and recognize design I think probably they were the highlights those years when I was involved with uh with design people and uh and the skills that they taught me for example they they taught me or I was taught to um to do industrial sculpture to actually do the uh clay sculpting for for cars and for the uh Transportation projects that we were involved in that was really exciting because I love working with my hands I’ve always uh I’ve always worked on my own cars and uh I’m creative with my [Music] [Music] hands um well before I left England 45 years ago uh I was fairly heavily involved with vintage car movement and had several pre-war cars of my own and so that was always with me a love of of the vintage cars a love of of uh of the design that there was in in those cars even though I didn’t understand design at the time I do now and I know what was exciting me then um when I moved to Canada the whole environment changed and and I got involved with um uh with Club racing and did some Club racing myself and the organizing side of it and then family came along and you know the the old car movement sort of disappeared for a while once the family had grown up and left home then I was free to look at other things and memory started coming back and I started uh because having an old car was no longer accessible to me or reasonably accessible to me in in Canada but there were some of the memories and in particular the memories of one car um which was I now know it was a TR Gloria uh flowy um which I didn’t know what it was then but I remember it’s such a beautiful shape I loved it um and I I determined s to follow up and find out what it was so I did and I I contacted the trium phonus club and uh got some actually some some of their members in Canada and they put me in touch with with uh some of their British members and I finally found out what the car was and I found out that there was there was one car left which had a wonderful history and um and I uh on an earlier trip I tried to find this car and hadn’t been able to but on this trip I have been in contact with the owner and have finally photograph that car and hopefully that car will appear on the cover of the book and that’s what started it all uh having found that one car and then I realized that there were many other cars uh at the same time by different manufacturers had the same look the same streamline styling uh I call it but uh it’s generally known these days as Airline cars people call the meon C even though they weren’t sold as such um the art deco movement and its expression in in car design was very definitely a worldwide thing um our Deco itself was totally worldwide uh and in every aspect of of life really um certainly every aspect of design was affected by it and the first three chapters of my book I try to explain that and the word the worldwide aspects of it um how it affected cars was different in every country um we probably think of French design around in the mid 30s as as the typical Art Deco car design and maybe it was but to me that was the French expression of it now the the British expression of it was just as distinctive uh and just as different from anything else and that’s really what I know what I have researched and what I understand and even though I do touch on uh one or two other cars from different countries I really believe that was very little influence except in one or two specific cases uh from abroad most of it was influence from other designers in this country particularly from the uh from the coach Builders uh coach building designers [Music] uh I I’d like to say it was just waiting for me to write this book but uh I don’t know um it’s a question I’ve asked myself many time this seems to be a niche I found that hasn’t been written about before in depth there’s been uh there has been some a lot of people have talked about streamline design nobody has covered it as thoroughly as this and covered all the models that were available with stream line styling um there was a series of articles in um in uh Automobile Magazine uh within the last year uh Jonathan wood I believe covered covered it and covered it well but didn’t cover it in depth so I’ve tried to give a lot more dep to the subject and made in the [Music] book well my first my first car um which I would have got in about 19 um 1958 probably 57 was a 1934 Austin 7 most people at that time started off with Austin sevens um and then I went to my uh my Airline car which was a 1937 standard n one of the flying standards uh then I had a 1929 uh lee Francis and I spent uh two or three very happy years with that car that’s probably the one I I love most uh I used it was my daily transport um it was a beautiful car I loved it it was a v type um that had been uh had originally been or early had been burnt out and had been rebuild uh as a special as a road goinging special for SE tour I loved it after that I had a 1934 Rolls-Royce uh 2025 which was a big stat but uh again introduced me to a different side of of vintage and thoroughbread motoring love them all very strong memories of all of [Music] them well uh I don’t think it has any effect now but there is there is a lot of people that love old cars now and that love old car design and that will love this book because these are very distinctive cars uh very unusual and yet they’re old cars and they’re all part of the whole old car movement uh they have been restored or a lot of them have been restored and are r on a a regular basis some of them even on a daily basis um I had a rideing one just last week and just excited me so much I haven’t written it I haven’t ridden in a uh in a a pre-wall car for many many years I’m so exciting [Music] I love talking about it .
Déroulement de la vidéo:
3.19 [Music]
3.19 to me it&;s a book about cars uh a book
3.19 about car
3.19 design the one factor that joins them
3.19 all together is Art
3.19 Deco why I&;m a mechanical engineer in in
3.19 ATA I&;m not a mechanical engineer at my
3.19 uh my education was in physics in
3.19 Applied Physics which is a little
3.19 removed from mechanical engineering but
3.19 I found that really my strengths were
3.19 mechanical engineering and and as my
3.19 career started I I I was doing
3.19 mechanical engineering simply because I
3.19 loved it and was good at it so I tended
3.19 to get moved towards the engineering and
3.19 away from the scientific
3.19 [Music]
3.19 um I got involved with uh with uh
3.19 industrial
3.19 designers um particularly uh industrial
3.19 designers that were uh Transportation
3.19 designers um and for about 20 years I
3.19 was offering uh Engineering Services to
3.19 uh industrial designers and at the same
3.19 time I was teaching at a design College
3.19 teaching engineering to Industrial
3.19 designers um so I got heavily involved
3.19 with the thought processing of design
3.19 and uh and learn to understand and
3.19 recognize
3.19 design I think probably they were the
3.19 highlights those years when I was
3.19 involved with uh with design people and
3.19 uh and the skills that they taught me
3.19 for example they they taught me or I was
3.19 taught to um to do industrial sculpture
3.19 to actually do the uh clay sculpting for
3.19 for cars and for the uh Transportation
3.19 projects that we were involved in that
3.19 was really exciting because I love
3.19 working with my hands I&;ve always uh
3.19 I&;ve always worked on my own cars and uh
3.19 I&;m creative with my
3.19 [Music]
3.19 [Music]
3.19 hands um well before I left England 45
3.19 years ago uh I was fairly heavily
3.19 involved with vintage car movement and
3.19 had several pre-war cars of my own and
3.19 so that was always with me a love of of
3.19 the vintage cars a love of of uh of the
3.19 design that there was in in those cars
3.19 even though I didn&;t understand design
3.19 at the time I do now and I know what was
3.19 exciting me then um when I moved to
3.19 Canada the whole environment changed and
3.19 and I got involved with um uh with Club
3.19 racing and did some Club racing myself
3.19 and the organizing side of it and then
3.19 family came along and you know the the
3.19 old car movement sort of disappeared for
3.19 a while once the family had grown up and
3.19 left home then I was free to look at
3.19 other things and memory started coming
3.19 back and I started uh because having an
3.19 old car was no longer accessible to me
3.19 or reasonably accessible to me in in
3.19 Canada but there were some of the
3.19 memories and in
3.19 particular the memories of one car um
3.19 which was I now know it was a TR Gloria
3.19 uh flowy um which I didn&;t know what it
3.19 was then but I remember it&;s such a
3.19 beautiful shape I loved it um and I I
3.19 determined s to follow up and find out
3.19 what it was so I did and I I contacted
3.19 the trium phonus club and uh got some
3.19 actually some some of their members in
3.19 Canada and they put me in touch with
3.19 with uh some of their British members
3.19 and I finally found out what the car was
3.19 and I found out that there was there was
3.19 one car left which had a wonderful
3.19 history and um and I uh on an earlier
3.19 trip I tried to find this car and hadn&;t
3.19 been able to but on this trip I have
3.19 been in contact with the owner and have
3.19 finally photograph that car and
3.19 hopefully that car will appear on the
3.19 cover of the
3.19 book and that&;s what started it all uh
3.19 having found that one car and then I
3.19 realized that there were many other cars
3.19 uh at the same time by different
3.19 manufacturers had the same look the same
3.19 streamline styling uh I call it but uh
3.19 it&;s generally known these days as
3.19 Airline cars people call the meon C even
3.19 though they weren&;t sold as
3.19 such um the art deco movement and its
3.19 expression in in car design was very
3.19 definitely a worldwide thing um our Deco
3.19 itself was totally worldwide uh and in
3.19 every aspect of of life really um
3.19 certainly every aspect of design was
3.19 affected by it and the first three
3.19 chapters of my book I try to explain
3.19 that and the word the worldwide aspects
3.19 of it um how it affected cars was
3.19 different in every country um we
3.19 probably think of French design around
3.19 in the mid 30s as as the typical Art
3.19 Deco car design and maybe it was but to
3.19 me that was the French expression of it
3.19 now the the British expression of it was
3.19 just as distinctive uh and just as
3.19 different from anything else and that&;s
3.19 really what I know what I have
3.19 researched and what I understand and
3.19 even though I do touch on uh one or two
3.19 other cars from different countries I
3.19 really believe that was very little
3.19 influence except in one or two specific
3.19 cases uh from abroad most of it was
3.19 influence from other designers in this
3.19 country particularly from the uh from
3.19 the coach Builders uh coach building
3.19 designers
3.19 [Music]
3.19 uh I I&;d like to say it was just waiting
3.19 for me to write this book but
3.19 uh I don&;t know um it&;s a question I&;ve
3.19 asked myself many time this seems to be
3.19 a niche I found that hasn&;t been written
3.19 about before in depth there&;s been uh
3.19 there has been some a lot of people have
3.19 talked about streamline design nobody
3.19 has covered it as thoroughly as this and
3.19 covered all the models that were
3.19 available with stream line styling um
3.19 there was a series of articles in um in
3.19 uh Automobile Magazine uh within the
3.19 last year uh Jonathan wood I believe
3.19 covered covered it and covered it well
3.19 but didn&;t cover it in depth so I&;ve
3.19 tried to give a lot more dep to the
3.19 subject and made in the
3.19 [Music]
3.19 book well my first my first car um which
3.19 I would have got in about
3.19 19 um 1958 probably 57 was a 1934 Austin
3.19 7 most people at that time started off
3.19 with Austin
3.19 sevens um and then I went to my uh my
3.19 Airline car which was a 1937 standard n
3.19 one of the flying
3.19 standards uh then I had a 1929 uh lee
3.19 Francis and I spent uh two or three very
3.19 happy years with that car that&;s
3.19 probably the one I I love most
3.19 uh I used it was my daily transport um
3.19 it was a beautiful car I loved it it was
3.19 a v type um that had been uh had
3.19 originally been or early had been burnt
3.19 out and had been rebuild uh as a special
3.19 as a road goinging special for SE tour I
3.19 loved it after that I had a 1934
3.19 Rolls-Royce uh 2025 which was a big stat
3.19 but uh again introduced me to a
3.19 different side of of vintage and
3.19 thoroughbread motoring love them all
3.19 very strong memories of all of
3.19 [Music]
3.19 them well uh I don&;t think it has any
3.19 effect now but there is there is a lot
3.19 of people that love old cars now and
3.19 that love old car design and that will
3.19 love this book because these are very
3.19 distinctive cars uh very unusual and yet
3.19 they&;re old cars and they&;re all part of
3.19 the whole old car movement uh they have
3.19 been restored or a lot of them have been
3.19 restored and are r on a a regular basis
3.19 some of them even on a daily
3.19 basis um I had a rideing one just last
3.19 week and just excited me so much I
3.19 haven&;t written it I haven&;t ridden in a
3.19 uh in a a pre-wall car for many many
3.19 years I&;m so exciting
3.19 [Music]
3.19 I love talking about it
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