L'histoire de l'autodrome de Linas-Montlhéry

Youtube: Retromobile 2019 – Le salon des voitures anciennes(Voitures anciennes paris)

Le thème «Voitures anciennes paris», une vidéo sur YouTube

Sur YouTube, publié par PETER AUTO (), une vidéo est intéressante pour ceux qui s’intéressent au thème «Voitures anciennes paris ».

La plateforme YouTube regroupe toute sorte d’informations et de vidéos, avec des critiques détaillées, des présentation de thématiques et des analyses approfondies de la société.

Lors de notre récente consultation de cette vidéo (), elle totalisait des interactions. Le décompte de Likes indiquait: 39.

La durée (00:11:07s), le titre (Retromobile 2019 – Le salon des voitures anciennes), fournis par l’auteur sont des éléments à noter, ainsi que la description :« La 44ème édition du salon Rétromobile a fermé ses portes le dimanche 10 février. Cinq jours durant, les passionnés de voitures anciennes ont déambulé dans les allées du Parc des Expositions de la Porte de Versailles à Paris pour admirer quelques-uns des plus beaux bijoux automobile.

De ce millésime, nous retiendrons notamment la belle collection de McLaren alignée sur le stand de Richard Mille, les célébrations des 100 ans de Citroën et Bentley, les 40 ans de la première victoire du moteur turbo en F1 avec Renault ou encore la présence de l’improbable Berliet T100.

De son côté, Peter Auto avait donné rendez-vous à tous les partenaires, concurrents, collectionneurs, exposants et spectateurs… Nous les remercions chaleureusement d’avoir répondu présent en nombre. Le stand aux couleurs de Chantilly Arts & Elegance Richard Mille a séduit les visiteurs qui pouvaient y contempler une Ballot 3/8LC et une McLaren F1 GTR.

Suivez-nous ☛ www.youtube.com/peterautoofficial ».

La vidéo est affichée juste en dessous pour votre consultation

Élargir ses connaissances grâce à l’actualité des voitures anciennes

Se tenir au courant de l’actualité des automobiles « classic » est primordial, car cela aide à suivre les tendances du marché et à repérer les modèles les plus prisés. Comprendre comment ce secteur évolue permet aussi aux mordus de prendre des décisions éclairées lors de l’achat ou de la restauration de leur véhicule. De nombreuxsites, comme ici,offrent une richesse d’infos sur ces sujets, permettant aux amateurs d’enrichir leurs connaissances et de rester à jour sur les nouveautés.

Entretien et assurance : conseils pour les propriétaires

Recherchez lesannoncesavec soin et consultez des sites spécialisés dans les automobiles collector. Vous y découvrirez une vaste sélection devoitures de collectionà vendre, qu’il s’agisse d’autos en parfait état ou de véhicules à restaurer. Lesannoncesdonnent des infos détaillées sur chaque véhicule, facilitant la comparaison desoptionset permettant unchoixéclairé.

Expositions : pourquoi et comment y participer

Assister à des salons commeRétromobileou à d’autresexpositionsd’automobiles « classic » est un excellent moyen de rencontrer desmordus, de trouver despartenairespour vos projets de restauration, et de découvrir les dernières tendances du marché. Ces événements offrent également l’opportunité de voir de près des modèlesuniqueset d’approfondir vos connaissances sur lesautos de collection.

Lesvoitures de collectionfascinent tant lespassionnésque lespassionnésdu monde entier. Qu’il s’agisse d’unevoiture ancienne, d’un modèleaméricainou d’uneChevroletclassique, le marché offre une multitude d’options pour ceux qui souhaitent agrandir leur collection. Ce guide est conçu pour vous aider à saisir les éléments essentiels pour réussir l’achatde votrevoiture de collection.

Comprendre le marché des autos de collection : conseils et astuces

Avant de se lancer dans l’achat, il est essentiel de comprendre lemarchédes automobiles de collection. Ce marché fluctue en fonction de nombreux facteurs, y compris la rareté dumodèle, son état, et son histoire. Par exemple, uneChevroletou unePorschebien conservée peut rapidement gagner en valeur au fil desannées.

Guide d’information sur le choix du modèle

Il est essentiel de bien choisir sonmodèle. De nombreux passionnés se tournent vers des automobileshistoriques, comme lesPorsche« vintage » ou descabrioletsrares. Prenez en compte lamarqueet lacartegrise, car cela peut avoir un impact sur le prix lors de lavente.

Options disponibles : comprendre les annonces

Recherchez attentivement lesannonceset consultez des sites spécialisés en automobiles « vintage ». Vous y trouverez une grande variété deautos de collectionen vente, que ce soit des voitures en parfait état ou des véhicules à restaurer. Lesannoncesfournissent des informations détaillées sur chaque véhicule, ce qui vous permet de comparer lesoptionset de faire unchoixéclairé.

Conclusion : bilan de notre exploration

Lors de l’achat d’unevoiture de collection, il est fondamental de bien se renseigner et de prendre letempsde comparer lesannonces, lesmodèles, et lesoptions. Que vous cherchiez un modèle pour son esthétique, sa rareté, ou savaleur historique, le marché desvoitures anciennesoffre une diversité incroyable pour tous lesmordusetfansde bellesautomobiles.

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#Retromobile #salon #des #voitures #anciennes

Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: Hello and welcome to the Porte de Versailles in Paris for the 2019 staging of Rétromobile. Rétromobile is a show dedicated to the historic car. Come and we’ll show you around! And we kick off our tour with Patrick Peter on the Peter Auto stand in the colours of Chantilly Arts & Elegance Richard Mille. Is it the rendezvous of the year? The answer is yes as this event took place every year since 2014. We’ve decided to change the date because there are too many things going on in September so we’ve moved it to the early summer alternating with Le Mans Classic. What are this year’s novelties? Lots of celebrations – that’s what concours are for! We’ll celebrate Bentley’s 100th anniversary with a host of models present. There’s also Ballot’s centenary and a Facel Vega class. We’ll have at least 100 cars on display ranging from the beginning of the XXth century to a recent period like this McLaren just behind me. And speaking of this McLaren, it also corresponds to a new series you’re launching this year, Endurance Racing Legends. We want our races to appeal to a wider public. Our usual grids range from 1949 till the end of Group C in 1993. We experimented at last year’s Le Mans Classic with cars from the following generation from 1994 to 2010. It was a big success so we’re going to grow it at all our events this year. We’re used to seeing the Tour Auto Optic 2ooo leaving from Paris and heading for the south of France. This year the route’s taking a different direction, isn’t it? Well, we’re not really going north. We’re going to cover a loop that’s south east, due south and south west via Dijon, Lyon, Vichy, Tours and Deauville. Thank you Patrick Peter! We’ll catch up soon throughout the season. Here we are on the Richard Mille Stand, alongside Richard Mille! In 2014, Richard Mille associated himself with the first Chantilly Arts & Elegance Richard Mille. What made you join this ambitious project? I found that the project complemented Le Mans Classic, which is all about motor racing. In the former, it’s aesthetics, pure beauty. Chantilly is about cars, patrimony, activities…. Can you find time to do some visiting? Too little! I didn’t have time to enjoy the hot air balloon or go on the vaporetto. But it’s a feast for the eyes. The décor is marvellous and all the activities are really appealing. What I love about Chantilly is the spirit of a Sunday in the country. It’s chic without being showy; it’s got the tone absolutely right. It’s an event that people adore and they’re going to adore it more and more because it deserves it. Do you also take advantage of the gastronomy and the arts de table? I can’t tell a lie! What’s been your biggest love-at-first-sight moment at Chantilly? Without doubt the Ferrari 312 P which, in my opinion, is a model of style that’s never been equalled since. It’s got flowing lines, its volumes are perfect. We’re just stopping for a moment in front of this 1924 Bentley to remind you that it’s the make’s centenary this year. Chantilly Arts & Elegance Richard Mille will celebrate this anniversary with three specially dedicated classe in the Concours d’Etat. Now we’re at BMW, a partner of the Tour Auto Optic 2ooo. What does your make gain by associating itself with an event for historic racing cars? BMW’s interest isn’t in associating itself with a historic racing car event, but in associating itself with the history of the motor car in general. BMW’s success has been built on its history, on its past. Thanks to this past, today we can look to the future, to modern cars, to electric mobility. Our historic cars are very important because they’re works of art and we love displaying them. We like seeing them on the road too hence our partnership with the Tour Auto. In 2019, the 40th anniversary of the first victory of a turbo engine in Formula 1 is being celebrated. It was scored by this Renault behind me driven by Jean-Pierre Jabouille, and the race is also remembered for the fabulous scrap for second place between Gilles Villeneuve and René Arnoux. Speaking about the Dijon-Prenois circuit, don’t forget the Grand Prix de l’Age d’Or on 7-9 June this year! If this Renault is a real eye-catcher there’s another vehicle that attracts even more looks from the Rétromobile visitors – this one. The Berliet T1000 is a huge machine that’s five metres high, fifteen metres long and weighs fifty tons. People are really fascinated by this vehicle. Here we are at the RMC Découverte stand with two future participants in the Tour Auto Optic 2ooo: Aurélien and Gerry. How are you feeling two months from the start? It’s getting near! It’s really great news for Aurélien and me to be competing in the Tour Auto Optic 2ooo. We’re sort of taking over the role of Olivier Pernaut who raced in it last year with Margot Laffite in the same car. It’s being officially unveiled this evening in its new war paint so we’re really looking forward to living this exceptional experience. Jerry, you already raced in the Tour Auto last year when you replaced Margot Laffite for the last legs. For you, Aurélien, it’s completely new this year… Yes, it’ll be a first so I can’t wait to see what it’s like. Can you tell us a bit about this car? It’s a little Alfa Giulia Sprint GT from 1966 with a 700 cc engine that produces around 150 bhp. It’s been made as light as possible. It’s really nimble; it’s like a little kart. A stop at the lovely Motul stand. Hello Romain, is Motul still a partner of the Tour Auto Optic 2ooo this year? We think that Peter Auto organises the best motor car events in France, which is why we’re partners. We’re going to be present throughout the Tour Auto and we support all the entrants. They’ll all receive this numbered collector can with the number of their entry. Thanks Romain. We’ll see you for the Tour Auto Optic 2ooo at the Grand Palais on April 29th. Yet another anniversary in 2019 with Citroën’s centenary and an exceptional exhibition of vehicles with the Chevron badge. We’re back on the stand of the TV programme Vintage Mechanics with François Allain who’s entered for the Tour Auto. Yes, for the second time as a participant. The first was with a 2CV so I’m going to drive a Citroën again. Another racing machine? Yes, a racing machine that goes like the clappers! A Traction Avant. I found the symbol amusing in the year of Citroën’s centenary. My friends from the Chevron workshops are going to strip it down, go through it with a fine tooth comb, check it, drain it, purge it. They’re going to do everything they can and change a few essential parts, the brakes, tyres. It’ll be like new when we’ve finished! Our next stop is at Stand 21 with Romain Morizot. Stand 21 is very well known as it sells equipment for the modern driver. But on your stand we see a whole lot of vintage racing suits. Are they copies? Our principle is to do bespoke articles personalised down to the last detail. Our French workshops produce replicas of racing suits from different eras. The drivers have the cars and we make the suits, the helmets, the gloves and boots that go with them. It’s important as it’s part of the package when people turn up for events, in particular those organised by Peter Auto. Great! Do you also create new collections in the colours of historic events? Absolutely. For example, we sell the official Tour Auto Collection. Each participant can pre-order his racing suit, which we deliver directly to him in the Grand Palais. Same thing for Le Mans Classic every two years. It’s the result of collaborative work with Peter Auto, isn’t it? You’ve hit the nail on the head! The designs are submitted by Peter Auto’s office. Thanks a lot Romain; we’ll meet up in a few weeks time at the start of the Tour Auto 2ooo. We’re ready! We finish our visit on the Le Mans 24-Hours stand and remind you that the 10th running of Le Mans Classic will take place next year on 3, 4, 5 July 2020. In the meantime, Peter Auto is looking forward to seeing you at all its events in 2019. .

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Déroulement de la vidéo:

5.18 Hello and welcome to the Porte de Versailles in Paris for the 2019 staging of Rétromobile.
5.18 Rétromobile is a show dedicated to the historic car. Come and we’ll show you around!
5.18 And we kick off our tour with Patrick Peter
on the Peter Auto stand
5.18 in the colours of Chantilly Arts & Elegance Richard Mille. Is it the rendezvous of the year?
5.18 The answer is yes as this event took
place every year since 2014.
5.18 We’ve decided to change the date
5.18 because there are too many things
going on in September
5.18 so we’ve moved it to the early summer
alternating with Le Mans Classic.
5.18 What are this year’s novelties?
5.18 Lots of celebrations – that’s what concours are for!
5.18 We’ll celebrate Bentley’s 100th anniversary
with a host of models present.
5.18 There’s also Ballot’s centenary
5.18 and a Facel Vega class.
5.18 We’ll have at least 100 cars on display ranging
5.18 from the beginning of the XXth century
5.18 to a recent period like this McLaren just behind me.
5.18 And speaking of this McLaren,
5.18 it also corresponds to a new series
you’re launching this year,
5.18 Endurance Racing Legends.
5.18 We want our races to appeal to a wider public.
5.18 Our usual grids range from 1949
till the end of Group C in 1993.
5.18 We experimented at last year’s Le Mans Classic
5.18 with cars from the following generation
from 1994 to 2010.
5.18 It was a big success so we’re going to grow it
at all our events this year.
5.18 We’re used to seeing the Tour Auto Optic 2ooo leaving from Paris and heading for the south of France.
5.18 This year the route’s taking a different direction, isn’t it?
5.18 Well, we’re not really going north.
5.18 We’re going to cover a loop that’s south east,
5.18 due south and south west via Dijon,
Lyon, Vichy, Tours and Deauville.
5.18 Thank you Patrick Peter!
We&;ll catch up soon throughout the season.
5.18 Here we are on the Richard Mille Stand,
alongside Richard Mille!
5.18 In 2014, Richard Mille associated himself with the first Chantilly Arts & Elegance Richard Mille.
5.18 What made you join this ambitious project?
5.18 I found that the project complemented Le Mans Classic,
5.18 which is all about motor racing.
5.18 In the former, it’s aesthetics, pure beauty.
5.18 Chantilly is about cars, patrimony, activities….
Can you find time to do some visiting?
5.18 Too little! I didn’t have time to enjoy the hot air balloon or go on the vaporetto.
5.18 But it’s a feast for the eyes.
5.18 The décor is marvellous
and all the activities are really appealing.
5.18 What I love about Chantilly is the spirit
of a Sunday in the country.
5.18 It’s chic without being showy;
it’s got the tone absolutely right.
5.18 It’s an event that people adore
5.18 and they’re going to adore it more
and more because it deserves it.
5.18 Do you also take advantage of the gastronomy
and the arts de table?
5.18 I can’t tell a lie!
5.18 What’s been your biggest love-at-first-sight
moment at Chantilly?
5.18 Without doubt the Ferrari 312 P which, in my opinion,
5.18 is a model of style that’s never been equalled since.
5.18 It’s got flowing lines,
5.18 its volumes are perfect.
5.18 We’re just stopping for a moment in front
of this 1924 Bentley
5.18 to remind you that it’s the make’s centenary this year.
5.18 Chantilly Arts & Elegance Richard Mille
will celebrate this anniversary
5.18 with three specially dedicated classe
in the Concours d&;Etat.
5.18 Now we’re at BMW, a partner
of the Tour Auto Optic 2ooo.
5.18 What does your make gain by associating itself with
an event for historic racing cars?
5.18 BMW’s interest isn’t in associating itself
with a historic racing car event,
5.18 but in associating itself
with the history of the motor car in general.
5.18 BMW’s success has been built on its history, on its past.
5.18 Thanks to this past, today we can look to the future,
to modern cars, to electric mobility.
5.18 Our historic cars are very important
5.18 because they’re works of art
and we love displaying them.
5.18 We like seeing them on the road too hence
our partnership with the Tour Auto.
5.18 In 2019, the 40th anniversary of the first victory of
a turbo engine in Formula 1 is being celebrated.
5.18 It was scored by this Renault behind me driven
by Jean-Pierre Jabouille,
5.18 and the race is also remembered for the fabulous scrap for second place between
Gilles Villeneuve and René Arnoux.
5.18 Speaking about the Dijon-Prenois circuit,
5.18 don’t forget the Grand Prix de l’Age d’Or
on 7-9 June this year!
5.18 If this Renault is a real eye-catcher there’s another vehicle that attracts even more looks from the Rétromobile visitors – this one.
5.18 The Berliet T1000 is a huge machine that’s five metres high, fifteen metres long and weighs fifty tons.
5.18 People are really fascinated by this vehicle.
5.18 Here we are at the RMC Découverte stand
5.18 with two future participants in the Tour Auto Optic 2ooo: Aurélien and Gerry.
5.18 How are you feeling two months from the start?
5.18 It’s getting near! It’s really great news for Aurélien
and me to be competing in the Tour Auto Optic 2ooo.
5.18 We’re sort of taking over the role of Olivier Pernaut
5.18 who raced in it last year with Margot Laffite in the same car.
5.18 It’s being officially unveiled this evening in
its new war paint
5.18 so we’re really looking forward
to living this exceptional experience.
5.18 Jerry, you already raced in the Tour Auto last year when you replaced Margot Laffite for the last legs.
5.18 For you, Aurélien, it’s completely new this year…
5.18 Yes, it’ll be a first so I can’t wait to see what it’s like.
5.18 Can you tell us a bit about this car?
5.18 It’s a little Alfa Giulia Sprint GT from 1966
5.18 with a 700 cc engine that produces around 150 bhp.
5.18 It’s been made as light as possible.
5.18 It’s really nimble; it’s like a little kart.
5.18 A stop at the lovely Motul stand.
5.18 Hello Romain, is Motul still a partner of
the Tour Auto Optic 2ooo this year?
5.18 We think that Peter Auto organises
the best motor car events in France,
5.18 which is why we’re partners.
5.18 We’re going to be present throughout the Tour Auto
and we support all the entrants.
5.18 They’ll all receive this numbered collector
can with the number of their entry.
5.18 Thanks Romain.
We&;ll see you for the Tour Auto Optic 2ooo
at the Grand Palais on April 29th.
5.18 Yet another anniversary in 2019 with Citroën’s centenary
5.18 and an exceptional exhibition of vehicles
with the Chevron badge.
5.18 We’re back on the stand of the TV programme Vintage Mechanics with François Allain
who’s entered for the Tour Auto.
5.18 Yes, for the second time as a participant.
5.18 The first was with a 2CV
so I’m going to drive a Citroën again.
5.18 Another racing machine?
5.18 Yes, a racing machine that goes like the clappers!
5.18 A Traction Avant.
5.18 I found the symbol amusing
in the year of Citroën’s centenary.
5.18 My friends from the Chevron workshops are going to strip it down, go through it with a fine tooth comb,
5.18 check it, drain it, purge it.
5.18 They’re going to do everything they can and change a few essential parts, the brakes, tyres.
It’ll be like new when we’ve finished!
5.18 Our next stop is at Stand 21 with Romain Morizot.
5.18 Stand 21 is very well known as
it sells equipment for the modern driver.
5.18 But on your stand we see a whole lot of
vintage racing suits. Are they copies?
5.18 Our principle is to do bespoke articles personalised down to the last detail.
5.18 Our French workshops produce replicas of
racing suits from different eras.
5.18 The drivers have the cars and we make the suits,
the helmets, the gloves and boots that go with them.
5.18 It’s important as it’s part of the package when people turn up for events,
5.18 in particular those organised by Peter Auto.
5.18 Great! Do you also create new collections
in the colours of historic events?
5.18 Absolutely. For example,
we sell the official Tour Auto Collection.
5.18 Each participant can pre-order his racing suit, which we deliver directly to him in the Grand Palais.
5.18 Same thing for Le Mans Classic every two years.
5.18 It’s the result of collaborative work with Peter Auto,
isn’t it?
5.18 You’ve hit the nail on the head! The designs are submitted by Peter Auto’s office.
5.18 Thanks a lot Romain; we’ll meet up in a few weeks time at the start of the Tour Auto 2ooo.
5.18 We’re ready!
5.18 We finish our visit on the Le Mans 24-Hours stand
5.18 and remind you that the 10th running of Le Mans Classic will take place next year on 3, 4, 5 July 2020.
5.18 In the meantime, Peter Auto is looking forward
to seeing you at all its events in 2019.

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