L'histoire de l'autodrome de Linas-Montlhéry

Histoire, Antiquité(Livre voitures Anciennes françaises)

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Notez la durée de la vidéo (01:10:22s), le titre (Les Mystères de l’Ancienne Egypte « Il y a 3000 ans, un peuple révolutionna la marche de l’humanité par sa culture, ses découvertes, ses grandioses réalisations. De nos jours, le charme magique et les secrets de ce peuple restent entiers.
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Genre : Film complet en français, documentaire, histoire, culture, archéologie
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Les automobiles classiques, trésors de l’histoire de l’automobile, impressionnent par leur design, leur technologie, et leur impact culturel. Les fans désirent souvent enrichir leurs connaissances grâce à des ouvrages de collection, mais l’offre est riche et variée. Comment choisir le livre idéal, que ce soit pour soi-même ou pour offrir ? Ce guide vous aidera à explorer les différents types d’livres, les points de vente et les fourchettes de prix.

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Pourquoi acheter un livre sur les automobiles d’époque?

Leslivres dédiés aux voitures anciennesne sont pas simplement des sources d’information, mais aussi de véritablesobjets de collection. Certains ouvrages contiennent des photographies exclusives, des dessins techniques, et des essais qui ne sont pas disponibles ailleurs. Avoir unlivre sur son modèle favoriou sur une époque particulière devient alors unplaisirqui transcende la simple lecture.

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Pour les passionnés de voitures anciennes qui sont particulièrement attachés à une marque ou un modèle spécifique, un livre dédié peut s’avérer un excellent choix. Certains ouvrages se concentrent sur des marques emblématiques comme Ferrari, Bugatti, Harley-Davidson ou la Citroën 2CV. Toutefois, ces ouvrages comportent un risque lorsqu’ils sont offerts à un collectionneur expérimenté : la personne peut déjà avoir ce ouvrage, ou celui-ci risque de ne pas traiter des aspects qui l’intéressent réellement. Si le destinataire aime une période ou un type de véhicule plus large, une rétrospective pourrait être plus adaptée.

Rétrospectives voitures : une approche générale

Ces livres se penchent généralement sur plusieurs décennies de l’histoire automobile, mettant en avant des modèles de différentes marques, styles et époques. Ils sont riches en contenus et représentent un point de départ idéal pour les fans novices ou ceux qui s’intéressent à l’histoire générale de l’automobile. Les rétrospectives bien illustrées offrent un aperçu fascinant et soulignent l’évolution du design, des technologies et des tendances. Ce type d’ouvrage est parfait pour uncadeau, car il attire un public varié sans être trop spécifique.

Les ouvrages esthétiques

Les livres d’art consacrés aux voitures anciennes se distinguent souvent par leur grand format et sont très appréciés pour leur qualité visuelle. Richement illustrés de photographies haute définition et d’images d’archives rares, ces livres sont idéaux pour être exposés et parcourus. Ce type de livre est souvent recherché tant pour ses qualités esthétiques que pour son contenu informatif.

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Sélectionner un livre sur les voitures anciennes est une joie qui contribue à enrichir votre collection ou à offrir un cadeau significatif. Que vous soyez tenté par une rétrospective ou un livre axé sur un sujet particulier, il est crucial de prendre le temps de découvrir les diverses catégories de livres pour dénicher celui qui satisfera le mieux votre passion ou celle du destinataire. Les livres de qualité, chargés d’histoire et d’illustrations, sont des trésors pour les fans de voitures anciennes et des souvenirs à chérir.

Les lieux pour trouver des livres de collection voiture

La recherche du bon livre est également influencée par le point de vente. Voici quelques alternatives pour dénicher des ouvrages de qualité :

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Conseils pour choisir un bon ouvrage

Opter pour un livre de qualité sur les voitures anciennes implique de tenir compte de divers critères essentiels :

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  2. Les Illustrations et la Qualité d’Édition: Un livre sur les voitures anciennes prend de la valeur avec de belles illustrations. Optez pour des livres riches en images, avec des photos qui mettent en valeur les véhicules et leur caractère. Une édition de qualité, avec une bonne reliure et du papier haut de gamme, est un gage de durabilité.
  3. Les Avis et les Critiques: Avant d’acheter, il peut être bénéfique de lire les avis des lecteurs et les critiques. Les passionnés d’automobile partagent souvent leurs impressions sur les livres en ligne, ce qui peut vous aider à évaluer leur pertinence.

Qu’est-ce qui justifie le prix élevé de certains ouvrages ?

Les tarifs des livres de collection voiture peuvent sembler élevés, en raison de leur qualité de fabrication et de leur valeur ajoutée. Les éditions limitées, ainsi que les livres anciens ou signés, sont très recherchés pour leur rareté. De plus, les ouvrages de luxe contiennent souvent des photographies et des documents uniques, ainsi que des reliures en cuir ou des étuis de protection, augmentant leur valeur pour les collectionneurs.

Qu’est-ce qui rend certains ouvrages si onéreux ?

Pour réduire les coûts, tournez-vous vers les ouvrages d’occasion. Les sites tels que Rakuten, eBay ou les librairies de seconde main sont de très bonnes sources pour dénicher des livres en bon état à des prix compétitifs. Les forums de passionnés et les groupes de collectionneurs peuvent aussi fournir des opportunités intéressantes.

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#Les #Mystères #lAncienne #Egypte #Documentaire #Complet #Français #Histoire #Antiquité

Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: [Music] ancient egypt a civilization that has resisted the passage of time and history a people who have revolutionized the course of humanity with their great discoveries thousands of years ago the greeks and romans studied already the mystery of the great pyramids and still today the magic charm and the secrecies of this people remains intact discoveries of the magic of the adventure in exclusivity for us zahi hawass world famous archaeologists reveal us the last astonishing discoveries of the Egyptian civilization [Music] in his company we will visit 17 that have never been shown before we will discover excavations that are not yet completed [Music] will enter underground passages and tunnels a feat a fascinating journey into the greatest monument that the man ever built [Music] what remains to be discovered beneath the sands of the Egyptian desert what mysteries remain hidden in the suitcase who the Egyptians really were what their beliefs were what daily life consisted of three thousand years ago [Music] a mystery that lasted for more than three thousand two hundred years becomes the greatest archaeological discovery of the century thanks to the courage and intuition of a man a forgotten pharaoh regains his place in history the child king tutankhamun the horsemen of the discovery of tutankhamun’s tomb is the greatest archaeological discovery this discovery the place on november 4 , 1922 have carter was excavating in the valley of the kings is the water carrier found at the entrance have carter arrived at the he entered and found the tomb he had been looking for for five years in [Music] November 4, 1922 English archaeologist howard carter discovers 16 steps of a staircase that leads to the tomb of tutankhamun the tomb is intact no one had entered it before but it is only 22 days later that carter realizes the importance of his discovery howard carter said november 26 was a key day the best day of my life as one can hope there is another in the middle of the afternoon nearly 10 meters after this door we will find a second one the jumps were even more difficult to decipher melo sow of tutankhamun is that of the royal necropolis was still readable quickly everything was cleared up it was enough to break down the walled door to find the answers to our questions little by little and in a way that seemed desperately slow to us all the rubble that covered the lower part of the door was removed and finally the blocking wall became fully visible it was the decisive moment [Music] facing this wall howard carter he thought was one step away from the 20th century archaeological discovery an event that would make his name immortal as well as that of the pharaoh he led tutankhamun to light until this day tutankhamun was only a name forgotten for centuries during a pharaoh who did not live long enough to leave a tangible sign of his passage on earth a pharaoh whose name does not even appear on the royal lists of the dynasties of ancient egypt these lists were in fact interrupted between leads to t3 and to the robes by omitting the names of four sovereign parents nicknamed heretics akhenaten week because a garlic and of course tutankhamun tutankhamun was one of the kings of the 18th dynasty he was a young king who died at the age of 18 or 19 there is some kind of secret or mystery how he died the child pharaoh lived and reigned during one of the most troubled times in the history of egypt he became king shortly after the death of akhenaton the ruler who carried out an unprecedented social political and religious revolution the egyptian pantheon was replaced by a single god was there the sun for which akhenaton built an entire city tell el amarna frma all the temples dedicated to the other gods at the death of the pharaoh and a troubled period followed during which the priests of amon the almighty god managed to restore the previous situation tutankhamun brought back the center again religious of the country in carnac and many elements that akhenaton had done to change the cult of aten and to make the cult of ladies audrey disappear were destroyed the religious center returned to carnac and amon rê of 20 again the most important god the temples of akhenaton were dismantled and the stones reused in other monuments which is practical because some temples have been preserved and unfortunately in a fragmented way between and 139 before jesus christ with the support of the same tutankhamun priest before pharaoh at the age nine years before the discovery of his tomb codified under the number cave and 60 2 little was known about this young king but today he is much better known than any other pharaohs of ancient Egypt however certain aspects of his life remains shrouded in mystery such as for example the identity of his parents if we look at tutankhamun’s family as i said before some specialists think his father was sick 3 i think his father was at cna talent his mother for me was queen kia but some think it is nefertiti we don’t really know even without the existence of archaeological evidence which provides us with a certain answer about tutankhamun’s parents it seems certain he was born and that he lived his childhood in tell el amarna this hypothesis is suggested to us by several factors first of all his name tutankhamun during the first years of his life means the living image of acton the royal tomb in amarna also has a wall with the representation of the funeral of mekhe taton one of the daughters of akhenaton and nefertiti according to a theory but keita cod tuna in childbirth giving birth in fact to tutankhamun who is represented in the form of a baby in the arms of a foster mother according to some experts however the child pharaoh was the step son of akhenaton as he had married one of the daughters of the heretic pharaoh and nefertiti but there is yet another theory which seems more likely we think he was the son of akhenaten 90% all the evidence we have tells us that he was one of akhenaton’s children we know that akhenaten only had daughters from after famous queen nefertiti six daughters he had no sons from nefertiti that’s why he had a second wife whose name and who ya essay kia who brought the son of akhenaton it seems that the young tutankhamun was pushed his half sister the only certainty we have is that the boy was crowned at tell el amarna but that he quickly abandoned this city to return to thebes where he changed his name to that of tutankhamun the living image of upstream [Music] the presence of everything is calm in the city must have been brief we do not find changes number of temples to attest to its presence the largest date on all types of documents combined here mainly labeling already it is that of year 2 yes we know that they are in memphis yes otherwise decree it looks like ‘they throw me everything he knows his business and who restores the temples in this decree it is known that the ammann era was in munich and few years passed between the fashion of the can tho and wild is formal patina as of old the news that goes to you between the end of the fine period may be no more than three to four days the first task incumbent upon the very young pharaohs is to reintroduce the worship of amun the country was overwhelmed the sanctuaries of the gods fall into ruin i prayed to the gods and goddesses to help me a thousand did not listen to me gevrey constantly in order to regain their favor when i arrived i found their temple destroyed sacred places desecrated and covered broods of weeds I rebuilt their sanctuaries I renovated the times and I offered them many precious offerings I had the statutes of the gods made in gold is encrusted with lapis lazuli and other precious stones the reintroduction of the worship of amun was a very important decision that tutankhamun could not make alone after the death of akhenaten and the return of the court to thebes the cult of damon laugh becomes extremely powerful the very young age of tutankhamun allowed priests to exercise an influence on him and to reclaim the power catena mow had taken away from them this restoration was followed by a return to theme as the capital of the kingdom in the great complex of tamura temples at carnac he had a large avenue lined with his head built of ram which linked the temple of amun to that of mouthe his wife ten cities more he reintroduce he had an ancient dope which was the most solemn devotional feast to the theban triad formed by amun mouthe and conso in luxor he erected a statue of himself and his wife which is later attributed to rameses 2, however his relatives of this statue that the activity of tutankhamun in terms of public works reached its climax we are in the procession of columns of the temple of luxor which was started under amen at t3 and abandoned under akhenaton these columns are a testimony of the devotion of tutankhamun to amon rê because he completed a large part of these wonderful decorations [Music] despite his celebrity tutankhamun created his reign with little will only last ten years he died before he was even 20 it was a sudden death that surprised everyone including those who worked on the construction of his tomb when the child king died the place for his eternal rest in fact n was not yet ready and his embalmed body was placed in another resting place one fit for a king it is in fact a small burial chamber consisting of a courtyard corridor that leads into an antechamber in front a reduced area called annexes in which objects and food were kept what to do one would need in the afterlife from the antechamber one can reach the burial chamber and the small treasure in the whole the tomb and of modest dimensions not more than 100 square meters but it is one of the places the most fascinating and important associated with the history of egypt [music] tutankhamun’s fame is due to the discovery of his tomb the only one to be found intact in the valley of the kings thanks to the tenacity and intuition of howard carter [Music] carter how does the excavations in the valley of the kings in 1907 it was financed by george edwards herberth hours of carnavon but for many years the excavations did not give the expected result it was only after years of search that finally on November 4 , 1922 the English archaeologist find what they were looking for [Music] that day carter arrives at the site and finds the silent workers and the foreman well towards him and says to him we have found something that you should see and he takes her to the site at a specific location and shows her the first step of the tomb at this point carter doesn’t know he’s going to find tutankhamun’s tomb but he’s sure he’s finally found something something important in the Valley of the Kings so he goes down the steps to the tomb [Music] after he finishes cleaning the stairs he comes to an entrance which he finds clogged with the jumps from the necropolis of the Valley of the Kings [ Music] he calls james henry brest in order to read together the name inscribed on his jumps and he sees that it is about the seals with the cartouches of tutankhamun they begin to understand that it is about the tomb of tutankhamun but he also finds two jumps which indicates that the tomb was opened after the funeral of tutankhamun so he has some suspicions that the tomb and could have been broken into in antiquity you imagine his two jumps which seals this door gives him doubts as to the tomb is it intact or not but he continues the excavations and he sends a message to lord carnavon to come and join him for this discovery lord carnavon joins him as he finishes this corridor and they reach the tomb at the other entrance [ Music] [Music] and which until his arrival all the entrances were closed and sealed with the names of tutankhamun is there at this place when we join him and he begins to break the jumps or seven doors in order to see this who is inside crankcase lights a candle to see what is inside and when a front asks him what do you see what do you see he replies i see a golden glow inside which meant that the grave was intact when they first saw it he also saw with when one saw for the first time that the grave was filled with objects thousands and thousands of objects the grave edges of objects it’s a great moment for them we knew what they found is in all the books of Egyptology because it was a great moment for the history of Egyptology and also because for the first time found a tomb intact in the valley of the kings when carter finishes opening the passage in this room where antechamber he finds a room filled with thousands and thousands of objects most of them them in gold and precious or semi precious stones all were laid out and wrapped very carefully ready to keep the king company on his journey into the afterlife in 1927 he begins to work westward until he reaches a great wall alas he there at an entrance sealed with cartouches of tutankhamun carter had arrived at a key moment the antechamber was almost clear and he was going to break the wall which separated him from the burial chamber where he hoped to find the pharaoh’s mummy still intact howard carter said with extreme care i was breaking the plaster and starting to remove the small stones that formed the top of the upper part of the wall the desire to stop everything to look inside was irresistible and as for after ten minutes the hole was big enough to look inside I interrupt the flashlight the light revealed to me a bewildering spectacle the twenty people who were in the tomb next to carter asked him if he saw anything , to which the archaeologist replied yes wonders again the voice of war crankcase about a meter from the door in a few directions whether it was a significant amount of material blocking access to the chamber it was nothing but a solid healesville gold wall gold reflection that shone on his face because the tombs the tombs in gilded wood which covered the sarcophagi of the king was just behind this wall and they began to raise the tombs let us quote go systematically one after the other until reaching this marvelous sarcophagus in quartzite then they blow up the sarcophagus once the upper part of the sarcophagus was removed casing found the outer sarcophagus made of solid gold then they opened to be opened another sarcophagus made of gilded wood and when they lifted it he found himself facing the mummy despite the reduced size the tomb is covered with representations which all have a lot to tell us look at the beginning we can see the funeral we bring the mummy of tutankhamun in a tomb and we even have the mummy in the tomb then after that we haye the high priest who became king of egypt who opens the mouth of tutankhamun such in the eris and says to him i open your mouth so that you can eat i open your eyes so that you can see i open your nose so that you can c is to breathe in the afterlife and you will become king then you have scenes of tutankhamun company of god in particular wrongly the goddess of the beauty of love and osiris look they hold with love and affection osiris says to him come into my kingdom you become right one of us i will become god and wrongly just like isis her mother holds it with love beyond then we see anubis who also blesses a whole channel few scenes but all very important which shows us that to the irises accept the king all who rested under coffins in the north to live for eternity [Music] the news of the discovery is rapidly spreading throughout the world and it becomes even more sensational by a supposed curse which seems to strike those who took part in the discovery it is in fact said that inside the burial chamber one finds at a terracotta tablet which later disappeared with an explicit inscription the wings of death will strike anyone who dares to disturb their skin from the pharaoh at the time of import to different versions of the curse but all agreed to blame for any unfortunate event the anger of the pharaoh whose eternal rest had been disturbed after nearly thirty three centuries what gave rise to this legend was the sudden death of lord carnavon a few months after the discovery in the years that followed several people even indirectly associated with the discovery of the falls on different accidents for this reason many newspapers realized that the curse was more fascinating information than the discovery itself and helped to maintain it by bringing the slightest rumor is still today the curse continues to make the a hatoyama i took the moby is jelly introduced into the tomographic device and what is surprising is that after putting the body of the king all inside the tomography device the device is stopped I started to think that there is perhaps something that one could call the curse of the pharaohs or the curse of tutankhamun why of devices did it stop even if the tomb was of limited size there found 5398 gold and silver objects the greatest treasure ever discovered it’s wonderful objects in the egyptian museum in cairo to captured everyone’s heart each object tells us a story in the food gym for example he liked beer we have a large number of crus chalière we are interested in food we have a lot of information about food and the diet of the king the tomb can tell us things about this young man who was jeering for such a short time but he was a golden age [Music] dozens of alabaster vases and animals have been found the treasure in its large part was composed of a gold reliquary which protected 4 alabaster canopic jars the latter contained the internal organs of the young pharaoh three magnificent gilded wooden headboards occupied all the walls of the anti- chamber where there were also 700 objects among these a splendid gilded throne with one of the rarest presentations of Tutankhamun with his main wife , mother, the royal couple is represented in a moment of great intimacy because the woman applies a perfumed an gu to the body of the sovereign the two young people are represented with only one sandals on their feet a sign of the eternal love that they had sworn to each other time in time better symbolized by the foot shod with the sandal than in difficult times the barefoot we have a very small golden tomb this tomb is covered with marvelously beautiful seine between tutankhamun and his young wife in very different poses the objects we have here we show that they were very much in love with each other even if he was very young when they married tutankhamun married cashed namont shortly before being crowned that is to say at the age of 9 and over the years their love grew deeper he was in love everything in this tomb shows it to us we see it on the objects like this tron ​​which is in the egyptian museum in cairo look at the queen she leans towards him she touches when he dies she but this flower and we know he had no children the only evidence we have is the just fact that they show they had two stillborn children [Music] we hope to be able to take samples to study the DNA to find the relationship between these fetuses and the king all not all of all these objects found in the tomb the most precious are those which were in the funeral chamber the body of the pharaoh was protected by four gilded wooden tombs inside each other inside was a large quartzite sarcophagus which held another three more sarcophagi the first two also in gilded wood and the third in solid gold howard carter said raised the lid using the gilded handles and the pharaoh’s mummy seemed over 3000 years had passed since humans had gazed upon those inside this solid gold coffin and compared with the brevity of the human existence all common perspective seemed to vanish before us lay all that remained of the young pharaoh who until that day had been but the shadow of a name the face of the mummy was protected by a marvelous golden mask which indicated to us the physiognomy of the forum the most beautiful object on earth the gold mask I have the impression that they are talking when I look at it this face his eyes he is alive inside the mask was engraved reverse of the text of the sarcophagus that accompanied the pharaoh in the afterlife I salute you oh sweet face roof whose eyes see you canu bis to assemble you tamed socar praised the merits to quiche or to lend help you oh sweet face among the gods you what ray gave to osiris for the secret thing done to him in order to put an end to the wrong that this did to him may you restore him to spirits may you subdue his enemies may you guide him to the peaceful places of the realm of the dead may you break the conspiracy of set that i am the one who endures endured and what was ordained endured like ray forever removing the mask from pharaoh’s face was not easy and carter realized it quickly he tried to remove the mask which he was unable to do as the mask was completely attached to the mummy ‘s body he had to pull the mummy out of the grave and place it under the sun he still could not remove the mask so he brought the mummy inside the tomb of this hideous then with others they took different tools and removed the mask and this is how howard carter art completely damaged the mummy is the breeze is in 18 pieces [Music] the carter’s procedure and subsequent research on the mummy has left the mummy in a very deteriorated state over the past few years many arrangements have been made to preserve the state of preservation i looked at the body and thought to myself I have to save his rights I have to save this child because the breathing of people who come inside where the dust can destroy the mummy even more that’s why I came on November 4, 2007 the anniversary of the discovery of the tomb you can’t imagine the valley were full of hundreds of journalists from all over the world the child king attract everyone that’s why we designed this kind of displays in germany i removed the mummy from its sarcophagus and i place them here is the only part that we can see on the face and the foot is below we can see the control of the humidity is so we can preserve the mummy for many more years [Music] the analyzes have given surprising results in particular with regard to one of the most obscure mysteries relating to tutankhamun the real cause of his sudden death for decades the most accepted theory was that of homicide but today the analyzes carried out by the supreme council of antiquities with the most advanced technological means have shown that he died of a simple accident [Music] we found out he wasn’t killed like we thought in the last century people thought he was killed because after some scans we found some kind of hole in his brain but that’s not is not that what had caused the death we found that he was not murdered this hole in the back of the head the tomography device showed us that it was practiced in the eighteenth dynasty in order to allow the modification in order to pour the liquid inside the body i brought the mummy back and announced that the king everything had died in an accident because we found a fracture in his right leg and this fracture occurred a day before his death but what type of accident is however until that time it was thought that the circumstances of death were different in 1968 one to analyze the mummy with x-rays the results showed suspicious spots on the top of the skull that is to from this as conspiracy and homicide theories spread there were a number of theories as to how tutankhamun died one of the most widespread was that he was killed with a blow from behind the head this theory was based on an x-ray examination that we did some time ago and from that blurry blurry image we built a theory of how he died possibly by one of his advisers haye where another counselor horemheb why haye and would even as the main suspects of the crime who were these hayes men who according to some theories was the father of nefertiti had important responsibilities during the reign of akhenaton he was a member of the regency council who ruled egypt before tutankhamun became pharaohs the construction work of his tomb was started at tell el amarna but was never completed because the death of the young goose changed the situation [Music] hank and seine-amont did not wish to marry a of the pretenders to the throne she wrote to the king of the hittites my husband is dead and I was told that you have adult sons send me one and i will make him a prince consort who will rule over egypt the hittite ruler accepted the proposal is sent to one of his sons in reindeer the prince however never reached the court of thebes he was killed during his trip to egypt by assassins sent perhaps the same according to some theories cashed mom married the old suitors according to others she is not step by step and nothing else is known about her the only certainty is that haye even if he was not of his royal in front of the 11th pharaoh of the 18th dynasty at the age of 17 he manages to satisfy his greatest ambition, ouch, it was to build a magnificent tomb in the valley of the kings, kavé 23, where he was buried when he died just four years after his accession to the throne or nm succeeded him and as high enough a pharaoh without being of his royal general he was one of the most important men at the time towards the end of the 18th dynasty he took part in the council of regency which chose Tutankhamun to become pharaohs and was one of those who fought for power on the death of tutankhamun two tombs are preserved for enel before becoming king he had begun the construction of a magnificent tomb in the old necropolis of saqqarah in rennais prepared a tomb at saqqara in the tomb memphis necropolis which is getting bigger and bigger with courtyards of new columns when he becomes king he has to make a choice this tomb was not suitable for the new king because the kings are buried in the valley of the kings at thebes and at luxor so when he becomes king prepares tomb in thebes in parentheses may have had tomb in saqqara which remains to be discovered and for a remedy it is the same thing and has a splendid tomb built for him in the valley of the kings falls golden snow in the valley of the kings called cave and 57 looks unfinished the walls of the burial chamber are decorated with salt relief in different stages of completion but they are very useful to understand the process that the artists followed to obtain this type of overall decoration the reindeer tomb is well is one of the largest in the valley of the kings and it is truly twice the size of that of its predecessor ouch the manipulative courtier who became pharaohs at the death of tutankhamun [Music] but the tomb of hay retains another mystery in fact it seems that it was originally built for tutankhamun but on the sudden death of the young pharaoh the former vizier would have buried him in the tomb which were intended for him and which at that time were completed [Music] by chance these seven tombs the cellar and 62 which remained intact for more than three thousand two hundred years if it had not been for this combination of circumstances perhaps today tutankhamun would not be the the most famous pharaoh in history and we would not have his mummy exposed in a glass case in the most famous tomb in the world we can today admire the face of a young pharaoh a face which despite everything still hides many secrets [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] soon we will compare the dna of the child king with the skeleton of akhenaten and we will be able to discover the other family of tutankhamun the child king will always keep his mystery the mystery and the magic of tutankhamun are not about to stop everything will continue in the world carter said the mystery of tutankhamun’s life continues to elude us the shadows move but the darkness never completely dissipates [Music] [Music] in general I discover new tombs new statues under the sand on sites but this time I bring you to a unique place the basements of the Egyptian Museum in Cairo we are going to carry out excavations there we are going to show discoveries that the general public has never been able to see I will show you the very first statue that gave me this passion this love for archeology flooded every year in the middle of summer by the water that feeds the earth kissed each day by the rays of the sun the nile valley has become the cradle of a mythical civilization [music] [music] [music] more than a century has passed since this elegant neoclassical building in the center of the cairo concentrates more than 3000 years of history of ancient egypt the museum holds the largest collection of objects from ancient egypt each year more than two million people visit these rooms to admire the masterpieces which have survived for thousands of years and which tells the mysterious story of a civilization that never ceases to fascinate us [Music] a magical place where the obvious signs of the great civilization of the parents are found in long series of sand of galleries and large cabinets [Music] with each visit you will discover something new, something that plays with the light in that it illuminates the large courts on the ground floor where something that attracts the along the walls finally covered with sarcophagi [Music] until we discover the marvelous mask of the young tutankhamun whose beauty each time couple blows as if we were discovering him for the first time [Music] but just below everything this splendor lies a mysterious maze the far side of the egyptian museum in cairo its maze-like cellars of corridors tunnels stretching beneath el tahrir square an impenetrable cavern of treasure brimming with masterpieces of ancient egypt [ Music] 2 [Music] the museum was designed to contain about twenty thousand pieces but at present there are about 200,000 a number are on display in the upper galleries where I am but many are found in the narrow corridors that constitute the basements of the museum for a century objects from excavations all over the country have been brought and stored here often without even being recorded or archived properly cleaned and organizing the basement it is almost like taking part in new excavations and very many interesting objects are updated for a very very long time the museum held the role of central warehouse for all of egypt any mission in egypt which found an object the door is to the egyptian museum during the first half of the xixth century l egypt decides to put an end to a common practice that has been unacceptable for decades visiting foreigners had been fascinated by the splendor of Egyptian art and were trying to leave with a marvel at the antiquities of the obelisks all the way [Music] they were essentially smugglers or art dealers but even the great European universities wanted to own a beautiful piece of this Egyptian heritage day after day all kinds of antiquities disappear and archaeological sites and found themselves at the foreign and too many pages of this history book risked being left blank [Music] in 1835 the service of antiquities Egyptian and founded in order to try to stop the looting of its treasures it is planned to create a place of collection where one could take care of and examine the masterpieces that the Egyptian soil offered a few years later the Egyptologist auguste mariette proposes to build a museum the winning project is that presented by the architect marcel dourgnon it combines modern architecture with elements reminiscent of earlier times the plan of the museum follows that of the layout of the egyptian temples of the lower empire just as in the temples there is no clear partition between the rooms [Music] this two-story building contains about a hundred rooms which surrounds a central courtyard the museum is also equipped with a basement intended to be used as a warehouse for objects in transit at the time, the antiquities constantly arrive at the museum and the archives are quickly written by hand, the boxes are stored haphazardly and the basement is no longer a temporary solution but has become a place of permanent storage zahi hawass takes us into his secret rooms to help us discover some hidden treasures [Music] the person who really searches the cellars is sabah the museum basement is part of it goes and comes here every day she opens boxes chests etc she made a very interesting discovery a few days ago was in 1922 a tomb in a hiding place near a door no but she sallallahu this tomb was found by a french archaeologist the most amazing objects of seven tombs are the scenes which represents a gulbis and wii points beasts they are really unique it is very rare to find a stele with representations of anubis is 8 important points for the egyptians of ancient egypt anubis is the god cemeteries the god of mummies he who guards cemeteries hewitt poet and he who opens the door look fate west bank over time many temples and funerary complexes were built on the site and left extraordinary treasures [Music] in 1891 we found in the sand bab el gaz us, that is to say the door of the priests incite which contained a tomb with 154 sarcophagi the mummies had been perfectly preserved by the priests who practice the rites in honor of the god amon we find some some in the basements of the museum [Music] the secrets of the Egyptian museum in cairo are amazing including this basement there are more saint-mont put in a very good state of conservation like the 2 my bed here and we have found more than 150 sarcophagus on the west bank of luxor in 1881 a dab family member of the only one family who knows the secrets of the valley right and the west bank of luxor found a hiding place more than 10 meters deep in a pit this is where the mummies of the lighthouses were located years ago more than fourteen mummy from luxor were transported to the egyptian museum in cairo ten years later a major new discovery this product near the site of the first discovery in 1891 a person from the family of planes the only one speaks about the location of this hiding place a french archaeologist when they enter he finds the mummies of the priest damon perfectly embalmed and in sarcophagi with sublime inscription [Music] whose corridor if you lift the lid you will find beautiful mummies [Music] I think these mummies and sarcophagi could be exhibited in any museum every antiquity brings a new piece to the intricate mosaic that tell us about life the wagons of gods and common people historians have long been perplexed by the minims that opposed hieroglyphics as long as all these symbols remained silent the culture of ancient egypt could not truly appreciate the minims were both important and complex on July 2, 1798 the troops of General Bonaparte arrived in Cairo the military contingent is accompanied by a scientific commission composed of 167 scholars it includes astronomers biologists surveyors and illustrators whose mission is to describe egypt and its many characteristics one year after their arrival a soldier discovers a black basalt stone bearing inscriptions in hieroglyphics and the greek alphabet this is the rosetta stone the key that will allow deciphering the texts of the ancient egypt for 20 years the inscriptions of the stone remained silent and then on september 14, 1822 the scholar jean françois champollion announced that he had succeeded in translating the rosetta stone champollion discovered that the hieroglyph should not be read as symbols which describe ideas or objects but as phonetic signs they are associated with symbols are crucial for ciphering this discovery widens the field of possibilities and gives new perspectives to the history of human beings [Music] bah the discovery of champollion to create a renewed interest in ancient egypt which is still called egypt today in mali and which is spreading all over the world and that’s it here is an object that i discovered 25 years ago [Music ] this magnificent statue were inside the tomb i started to clean and i discovered these statue of aphrodite the goddess of beauty and love for the greeks the romans the call venus goddess of beauty and love the egyptians wrongly called the goddess of beauty and love i was holding my brush in my hand i started to clean it i discovered the face part of the body and c that’s where I said to myself I found my way archeology [Music] we can learn a lot of interesting things from this underground it ‘s not just about discoveries it’s also about the scientists who came in order to analyze the objects and who started to tell us stories what do we know about this object it is a stone block from the grain it is the lower part of the status what status we can deduce from the cartouche here that it it is about neo beat and which nm âtre 7 brings to the top 3 the father of all mosys the husband of the queen ti the most powerful woman of the 18th sheds know it we thought that the statue came from armand it is a small town south of luxor [Music] carnac is without a shadow of a doubt the most extraordinary architectural complex is imposing in egypt it is the abode of the god amon that every parent to the north for centuries by building part of this temple the temple thus becomes a real labyrinth of sacred buildings decorated with majestic columns of aubisque and status on October 3, 1899 an earthquake destroyed 11 columns and left the main courtyard in ruins the site is rebuilt by a group of experts and in 1903 the archaeologist le grain discovers an alabaster parterre under this parterre is a gallery which leads to a room where there are seventeen thousand statues at the very least most are exhibited in the museum but a large part of them remain hidden underground [Music] this magnificent statue look at the decoration the necklace which ends with actors of the goddess of beauty and love this statue is made of granite and here are some a piece the head of rami is what remains of this major discovery made in the 1903 the egyptian museum in cairo the different in several aspects the egyptian museum does not collect or buy the objects reach us without us ask there are other museums that are like the egyptian museum they only have egyptian antiquities the collection is only made up of art from ancient egypt like those in turin or berlin [Music] [Music] these are last years archaeologists from 20 countries have brought us these objects from the French from the English from the Poles from the Americans from the Hungarians from the Russians they have discovered statues of the pottery of the mummies and other superb objects against attack made excavations on the site of tell el d’abba the site of tell el d’abba is in the east of the nile delta on the road from the ancient capital even son to sinai the austrian archaeological institute has been excavating the site since 1966 the most interesting object that they found [Music] and the head of someone who is not Egyptian by the style of this head it is not an Egyptian but an Asian a dignitary he has a hairstyle in mushroom shape with red hair and if you examine it carefully you will notice that it has yellow skin the color of the skin of foreigners from the north in the regie holds and it is very curious to prove something like this in egypt but who is this foreigner where did they come from and why come right to memphis [Music] in egypt we find an asian dignitary in the service of the pharaohs bears the title of prince of the suite travels his job is to organize commercial expeditions the trade is also perhaps thousand or near east expeditions i think this is the most probable explanation for the presence of these asian dignitaries another extraordinary discovery made in abu zir a necropolis north of saqqara a very important burial site for the 5th dynasty the experts found an intact tomb 25 meters underground it was built by an important man named diot lighthouse the director of a building it is one of the rare times that we find a tomb intact deprived the sarcophagus weighs more than 60 tons the lid almost 30 tons it took us almost half a day to move the lid you can imagine how they did how the Egyptian incises moved the sarcophagus he dug a 20-meter pit he filled the pit with sand put the sarcophagus on the sand then they dug another side pit which was filled it was sand from the first one and when the sand stuck the sarcophagus of the surveyed [Music] oh in this box there are 408 ch à woippy les chats aux petits these are small statues who stay behind the deceased and who do the work whose beyond that defends him asks them to do why 408 because ‘they leave at the end of the day, that is to say each statue works for a day so 365 status then there are 35 status left who are foremen and four or eight directors he was rummaging in the basement of the Egyptian museum and exciting no other place in the world neither site nor musette can tell us in time about ancient egypt than the basements of the egyptian museum in cairo [Music] the project started in 2004 the goal is to reorganize its antiquities and show them in exposure it deserves [Music] I’ll tell you why when I became head of the antiquities department I decided to change the basement when I was young I went to a site for excavation I didn’t want not become an archaeologist I hated this job every day I was in tents hating these excavations we were on an important archaeological site named like abou pis le haut at the time I did not know all this we discovered decimated temples third of the tunas [Music] every year i used to come back with more than 60 boxes in a truck the director at the time take the boxes and put them in the cases for years i used to ask the director of the egyptian museum in cairo where the boxes were coming from like abu pilot and never found them who knew nothing until saab to come in this ground and found the boxes at least fifty thousand items were listed but it is estimated that there are still at least more left 90 miles three years ago when we went to the basement we decided to work to create a register and put everything in order it was a shock to discover that for all these years the boxes had not even been labeled we didn’t even know where they came from we made our own whips in our basement [Music] in egypt the past and the future advance at the same pace one is the wealth of the other the new museum enriched with countries and brings additional space to the egyptian museum in cairo which has become too small to hold all the treasures of egypt in heaven the supreme council of antiquities a program to build new museums we will have about 15 new museums nationwide some will be from small local structures for example the place itself [Music] we are waiting for the construction of a new museum in giza which will overlook the pyramids a new location for the treasures of the tomb of tutankhamun the magnificent antiquities which adorn the tomb of the child king will be transferred and will leave the upper gallery of the museum in el tahrir square forever only the mummy of tutankhamun which rests in the valley of the kings will remain behind the other great museum of civilization Egyptian Museum will be completely stable always in Cairo and it will contain objects from predynastic Egypt from the Neolithic to the present day and ten thousand objects from the Egyptian Museum will be there the serene museum of soils of this kind in the Arab world it will open its doors in 2009 on the site of helstad in cairo it will be the only museum in egypt presented all the eras of the history of egypt e [Music] the themed rooms will present a rich collection of the many historical aspects of this extraordinary country egypt relies on the future to present its greatest treasure are past [Music] [Music] .

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0.37 [Music]
ancient egypt a civilization that has
0.37 resisted the passage of time and
0.37 a people who have revolutionized the course of
humanity with their great discoveries
0.37 thousands of years ago the greeks
and romans studied already the mystery
0.37 of the great pyramids
and still today the magic charm
0.37 and the secrecies of this people remains
intact discoveries
0.37 of the magic
of the adventure
0.37 in exclusivity for us zahi hawass
world famous archaeologists
0.37 reveal us the last
astonishing discoveries of the
0.37 Egyptian
civilization [Music]
0.37 in his company we will visit 17 that
have never been shown before
0.37 we will discover excavations that
are not yet completed
0.37 [Music]
will enter underground passages
0.37 and tunnels a feat
a fascinating journey into the greatest
0.37 monument that the man ever
0.37 [Music]
what remains to be discovered beneath the sands
0.37 of the Egyptian desert
what mysteries remain hidden in the
0.37 suitcase
who the Egyptians really were what
0.37 their beliefs were
what daily life consisted of
0.37 three thousand years ago
0.37 [Music]
0.37 a mystery that lasted for more than
three thousand two hundred years becomes the
0.37 greatest archaeological discovery of the
century thanks to the courage and intuition
0.37 of a man
a forgotten pharaoh regains his place in
0.37 history the child king tutankhamun
0.37 the horsemen of the discovery of
tutankhamun&;s tomb is the greatest
0.37 archaeological discovery
0.37 this discovery the place on november 4
, 1922
0.37 have carter was excavating in
the valley of the kings is the water carrier
0.37 found at the entrance
have carter arrived at the he entered and found
0.37 the tomb he had been looking for for five years in
0.37 November 4, 1922 English archaeologist
howard carter discovers 16 steps of a
0.37 staircase that leads to the tomb of
0.37 the tomb is intact no one had
entered it before but it is only 22
0.37 days later that carter realizes
the importance of his discovery
0.37 howard carter said
0.37 november 26 was a key day the best
day of my life as one can
0.37 hope there is another in the
middle of the afternoon nearly 10 meters
0.37 after this door we will find a
second one
0.37 the jumps were even more difficult
to decipher melo sow of tutankhamun
0.37 is that of the royal necropolis was
still readable
0.37 quickly everything was cleared up it was
enough to break down the walled door to
0.37 find the answers to our questions
little by little and in a way that
0.37 seemed desperately slow to us all the
rubble that covered the
0.37 lower part of the door was removed and
finally the blocking wall became
0.37 fully visible it was the
decisive moment
0.37 [Music]
facing this wall howard carter he thought
0.37 was one step away from the
20th century archaeological discovery an event
0.37 that would make his name immortal as well as
that of the pharaoh he led
0.37 tutankhamun to light
until this day tutankhamun was
0.37 only a name forgotten for centuries during
a pharaoh who did not live
0.37 long enough to leave a tangible sign
of his passage on earth
0.37 a pharaoh whose name does not even appear
on the royal lists of the dynasties
0.37 of ancient egypt
these lists were in fact interrupted
0.37 between leads to t3 and to the robes by
omitting the names of four sovereign
0.37 parents nicknamed heretics
akhenaten week because a garlic and of course
0.37 tutankhamun
tutankhamun was one of the kings of the
0.37 18th dynasty
he was a young king who died at the age
0.37 of 18 or 19
0.37 there is some kind of secret or mystery
how he died
0.37 the child pharaoh lived and reigned during
one of the most troubled times in
0.37 the history of egypt
he became king shortly after the death
0.37 of akhenaton the ruler who carried out
an unprecedented
0.37 social political and religious revolution
0.37 the egyptian pantheon was replaced by a
single god
0.37 was there the sun for which akhenaton
built an entire city tell el
0.37 amarna frma all the temples dedicated to the
other gods
0.37 at the death of the pharaoh and a
troubled period followed during which the
0.37 priests of amon the almighty god
managed to restore the
0.37 previous situation
0.37 tutankhamun brought back the center again
religious of the country in carnac
0.37 and many elements that akhenaton
had done to change the cult of aten
0.37 and to make the cult of ladies
audrey disappear were destroyed
0.37 the religious center returned to carnac and
amon rê of 20 again the most
0.37 important god the temples of akhenaton were
dismantled and the stones reused in
0.37 other monuments
which is practical because some temples
0.37 have been preserved and unfortunately in a
fragmented way
0.37 between and 139 before jesus christ with the
support of the same tutankhamun priest
0.37 before pharaoh at the age nine years
0.37 before the discovery of his tomb codified
under the number cave and 60 2
0.37 little was known about this young king
but today he is much better known
0.37 than any other pharaohs
of ancient Egypt
0.37 however certain aspects of his life
remains shrouded in mystery
0.37 such as for example the identity of his
0.37 if we look at tutankhamun&;s family
as i said before
0.37 some specialists think his
father was sick 3 i think his
0.37 father was at cna talent his mother for me
was queen kia but some think
0.37 it is nefertiti
we don&;t really know
0.37 even without the existence of
archaeological evidence which provides us with a
0.37 certain answer about tutankhamun&;s parents
it seems certain he was
0.37 born and that he lived his childhood in tell el
0.37 this hypothesis is suggested to us by
several factors
0.37 first of all his name tutankhamun
during the first years of his life
0.37 means the living image of acton the
royal tomb in amarna also has
0.37 a wall with the representation of the
funeral of mekhe taton one of the
0.37 daughters of akhenaton and nefertiti
according to a theory but keita cod tuna
0.37 in childbirth giving birth
in fact to tutankhamun who is
0.37 represented in the form of a baby in
the arms of a foster mother
0.37 according to some experts however
the child pharaoh was the step son
0.37 of akhenaton as he had married one of the
daughters of the heretic pharaoh and
0.37 nefertiti but there is yet another
theory which seems more likely
0.37 we think he was the son
of akhenaten 90%
0.37 all the evidence we have
tells us that he was one of
0.37 akhenaton&;s children
we know that akhenaten only had daughters
0.37 from after famous queen
0.37 six daughters he had no sons from
0.37 that&;s why he had a second
wife whose name and who ya
0.37 essay kia who brought the son
of akhenaton
0.37 it seems that the young tutankhamun
was pushed his half sister
0.37 the only certainty we have is
that the boy was crowned at tell el
0.37 amarna but that he quickly abandoned
this city to return to thebes where he
0.37 changed his name to that of
tutankhamun the living image of upstream
0.37 [Music]
the presence of everything is calm in the
0.37 city must have been brief
we do not find changes
0.37 number of temples to attest to its
0.37 the largest date on all types of
documents combined here
0.37 mainly labeling already
it is that of year 2 yes we know
0.37 that they are in memphis yes otherwise
0.37 it looks like &;they throw me everything he
knows his business and who restores the
0.37 temples
0.37 in this decree it is known that the
ammann era was in munich
0.37 and few years passed between
the fashion of the can tho and wild is
0.37 formal patina as
of old the news that goes to you between the
0.37 end of the fine period may be no
more than three to four days
0.37 the first task incumbent upon the very
young pharaohs is to reintroduce the
0.37 worship of amun
0.37 the country was overwhelmed the sanctuaries
of the gods fall into ruin
0.37 i prayed to the gods and goddesses to
help me a thousand did not listen to me
0.37 gevrey constantly in order to regain their
0.37 when i arrived i found their
temple destroyed sacred places desecrated
0.37 and covered broods of weeds
I rebuilt their sanctuaries I
0.37 renovated the times and I offered them many
precious offerings
0.37 I had the statutes of the gods made in
gold is encrusted with lapis lazuli and
0.37 other precious stones
0.37 the reintroduction of the worship of amun was
a very important decision that
0.37 tutankhamun could not make alone
0.37 the death of akhenaten and the return
of the court to thebes the cult of damon laugh
0.37 becomes extremely powerful
the very young age of tutankhamun
0.37 allowed priests to exercise an
influence on him and to reclaim
0.37 the power catena mow had
taken away from them this restoration was followed by a
0.37 return to theme as the capital of the
0.37 in the great complex of tamura temples
at carnac he had a
0.37 large avenue lined with his head built of
ram which linked the temple of amun to
0.37 that of mouthe his wife ten cities
more he reintroduce he had an
0.37 ancient dope which was the
most solemn devotional feast to the theban triad
0.37 formed by amun mouthe and conso
0.37 in luxor he erected a statue of
himself and his wife which is
0.37 later attributed to rameses 2,
however his relatives of this statue
0.37 that the activity of tutankhamun in
terms of public works reached its
0.37 climax
0.37 we are in the procession of
columns of the temple of luxor which was
0.37 started under amen at t3 and abandoned
under akhenaton
0.37 these columns are a testimony of the
devotion of tutankhamun to amon rê because
0.37 he completed a large part of these
wonderful decorations
0.37 [Music]
0.37 despite his celebrity tutankhamun created
his reign with little
0.37 will only last ten years he
died before he was even 20
0.37 it was a sudden death that surprised
everyone including those who
0.37 worked on the construction of his
0.37 when the child king died the place for
his eternal rest in fact n was not
0.37 yet ready and his embalmed body was
placed in another resting place one
0.37 fit for a king
it is in fact a
0.37 small burial chamber consisting of a
courtyard corridor that leads into an
0.37 antechamber in front a reduced area
called annexes in which
0.37 objects and food were kept
what to do one would need in the afterlife
0.37 from
0.37 the antechamber one can
reach the burial chamber and the
0.37 small treasure
in the whole the tomb and of
0.37 modest dimensions not more than 100
square meters but it is one of the places
0.37 the most fascinating and
important associated with the history of
0.37 egypt
0.37 tutankhamun&;s fame is due to
the discovery of his tomb the only one
0.37 to be found intact in the valley of the kings
thanks to the tenacity and intuition
0.37 of howard carter
0.37 carter how does the excavations in the
valley of the kings in 1907
0.37 it was financed by george edwards
herberth hours of carnavon
0.37 but for many years the
excavations did not give the
0.37 expected result
it was only after years of
0.37 search that finally on November 4
, 1922 the English archaeologist find what
0.37 they were looking for
0.37 that day carter arrives at the site and
finds the silent workers
0.37 and the foreman well towards him and
says to him
0.37 we have found something that you
should see
0.37 and he takes her to the site at a
specific location and shows her the first step
0.37 of the tomb
at this point carter doesn&;t know he&;s going to
0.37 find tutankhamun&;s tomb
but he&;s sure he&;s finally found
0.37 something something important in the Valley
of the Kings so he goes down the steps
0.37 to the tomb
0.37 [Music]
after he finishes cleaning the stairs
0.37 he comes to an entrance which he finds
clogged with the jumps from the necropolis
0.37 of the Valley of the Kings
[ Music]
0.37 he calls james henry brest in order to
read together the name inscribed on his
0.37 jumps and he sees that it is about the seals
with the cartouches of tutankhamun
0.37 they begin to understand that it is
about the tomb of tutankhamun
0.37 but he also finds two jumps which
indicates that the tomb was opened after
0.37 the funeral of tutankhamun
0.37 so he has some suspicions that the tomb
and could have been broken into in antiquity
0.37 you imagine his two jumps which seals
this door gives him doubts as to
0.37 the tomb is it intact or not
0.37 but he continues the excavations and he
sends a message to lord carnavon to
0.37 come and join him for this
0.37 lord carnavon joins him as he
finishes this corridor and they reach the
0.37 tomb at the other entrance
[ Music]
0.37 [Music]
0.37 and which until his arrival all
the entrances were closed and sealed
0.37 with the names of tutankhamun
is there at this place when we
0.37 join him and he begins to break the
jumps or seven doors in order to see this who
0.37 is inside
0.37 crankcase lights a candle to see what
is inside and when a
0.37 front asks him what do you see what
do you see he replies i see a
0.37 golden glow inside which meant that
the grave was intact when they
0.37 first saw it
he also saw with when one saw
0.37 for the first time that the grave was
filled with objects thousands and
0.37 thousands of objects the grave edges of
objects it&;s a great moment for them
0.37 we knew what they found is
in all the books of Egyptology because
0.37 it was a great moment for the history
of Egyptology and also because for the
0.37 first time found a tomb
intact in the valley of the kings
0.37 when carter finishes opening the passage
in this room where antechamber he
0.37 finds a room filled with thousands and
thousands of objects most of them
0.37 them in gold and precious or
semi precious stones
0.37 all were laid out and wrapped
very carefully ready to keep
0.37 the king company on his journey into
the afterlife
0.37 in 1927 he begins to work
westward until he reaches a great wall
0.37 alas he there at an entrance sealed with cartouches
of tutankhamun
0.37 carter had arrived at a key moment
the antechamber was almost clear and he
0.37 was going to break the wall which separated him from
the burial chamber where he hoped
0.37 to find the pharaoh&;s mummy still
0.37 howard carter said with extreme care
i was breaking the plaster and
0.37 starting to remove the small stones
that formed the top of the
0.37 upper part of the wall the desire to
stop everything to look inside was
0.37 irresistible and as for after ten
minutes the hole was big enough
0.37 to look inside I interrupt
the flashlight
0.37 the light revealed to me a
bewildering spectacle
0.37 the twenty people who were
in the tomb next to
0.37 carter asked him if he saw anything
, to which the archaeologist replied
0.37 yes wonders again the voice of war
crankcase about a meter from the door in
0.37 a few directions whether it was a
significant amount of material
0.37 blocking access to the chamber it was
nothing but a solid
0.37 healesville gold wall gold reflection that shone
on his face because the tombs the
0.37 tombs in gilded wood which covered the
sarcophagi of the king was just
0.37 behind this wall
and they began to raise the tombs
0.37 let us quote go systematically one after
the other until reaching this marvelous
0.37 sarcophagus in quartzite
then they blow up the
0.37 sarcophagus
0.37 once the upper part of the
sarcophagus was removed casing found the
0.37 outer sarcophagus made of solid gold
then they opened to be opened another
0.37 sarcophagus made of gilded wood and when
they lifted it he found himself facing
0.37 the mummy
0.37 despite the reduced size the tomb is
covered with representations which
0.37 all have a lot to tell us
0.37 look at the beginning we can see the
0.37 we bring the mummy of tutankhamun in
a tomb and we even have the mummy in the
0.37 tomb
0.37 then after that we haye the high
priest who became king of egypt who opens
0.37 the mouth of tutankhamun such in the eris
and says to him
0.37 i open your mouth so that you can
eat i open your eyes so that you
0.37 can see i open your nose so that
you can c is to breathe in the afterlife
0.37 and you will become king
then you have scenes of
0.37 tutankhamun company of god in
particular wrongly
0.37 the goddess of the beauty of love and
0.37 look they hold with love and
0.37 osiris says to him
come into my
0.37 kingdom
0.37 become right
0.37 of us i will become god and wrongly
just like isis her mother
0.37 holds it with love beyond
then we see anubis who
0.37 also blesses a whole channel
0.37 few scenes but all very important
which shows us that to the irises accept the
0.37 king all who rested under coffins
in the north
0.37 to live for eternity
0.37 the news of the discovery is rapidly spreading
throughout the world and it
0.37 becomes even more sensational by
a supposed curse which seems
0.37 to strike those who took part in the
0.37 it is in fact said that inside the
burial chamber one finds at a
0.37 terracotta tablet which later disappeared
with an explicit inscription
0.37 the wings of death will strike
anyone who dares to disturb their skin from the
0.37 pharaoh
at the time of import to different
0.37 versions of the curse but all
agreed to blame for
0.37 any unfortunate event the anger of the
pharaoh whose eternal rest had been
0.37 disturbed after nearly thirty three
0.37 what gave rise to this legend
was the sudden death of lord carnavon
0.37 a few months after the discovery
in the years that followed several
0.37 people even indirectly associated with
the discovery of the falls on different
0.37 accidents
for this reason many newspapers
0.37 realized that the curse
was more fascinating information
0.37 than the discovery itself and
helped to maintain it by
0.37 bringing the slightest rumor
is still today the curse
0.37 continues to make the a
0.37 hatoyama i took the moby is jelly
introduced into the tomographic device
0.37 and what is surprising is that after
putting the body of the king all inside
0.37 the tomography device
the device is stopped I started
0.37 to think that there is perhaps something
that one could call the
0.37 curse of the pharaohs or the
curse of tutankhamun
0.37 why of devices did it stop
even if the tomb was of limited size
0.37 there found
5398 gold and silver objects the greatest
0.37 treasure ever discovered
0.37 it&;s wonderful objects in the
egyptian museum in cairo to captured
0.37 everyone&;s heart
each object tells us a story in
0.37 the food gym for example
he liked beer we have a large
0.37 number of crus chalière we are
interested in food we have
0.37 a lot of information about
food and the diet of the king the
0.37 tomb can tell us things about
this young man who was jeering for such a
0.37 short time but he was a golden age
0.37 dozens of
alabaster vases and animals have been found the treasure in its
0.37 large part was composed of a
gold reliquary which protected 4
0.37 alabaster canopic jars the latter
contained the internal organs of the
0.37 young pharaoh
three magnificent gilded wooden headboards
0.37 occupied all the walls of the anti-
chamber where there were also 700
0.37 objects
among these a splendid gilded throne
0.37 with one of the rarest presentations of
Tutankhamun with his main wife
0.37 , mother,
the royal couple is represented in a
0.37 moment of great intimacy because the woman
applies a perfumed an gu to the body
0.37 of the sovereign
the two young people are represented
0.37 with only one sandals on their feet a
sign of the eternal love that
0.37 they had sworn to each other time in
time better symbolized by the
0.37 foot shod with the sandal than in
difficult times the barefoot
0.37 we have a very small golden tomb
0.37 this tomb is covered with
marvelously beautiful seine between
0.37 tutankhamun and his young wife
in very different poses
0.37 the objects we have here
we show that they were very much
0.37 in love with each other
even if he was very young when they
0.37 married
tutankhamun married cashed namont
0.37 shortly before being crowned that is to say at
the age of 9 and over the years their
0.37 love grew deeper
he was in love everything in this tomb
0.37 shows it to us we see it on the objects
like this tron ​​which is in the
0.37 egyptian museum in cairo
look at the queen she leans towards
0.37 him she touches when he dies she but
this flower
0.37 and we know he had no
0.37 the only evidence we have is the
just fact that they show they had
0.37 two stillborn children
0.37 we hope to be able to take
samples to study the DNA to
0.37 find the relationship between these fetuses and
the king all
0.37 not all
of all these objects found in the
0.37 tomb the most precious are those which
were in the funeral chamber
0.37 the body of the pharaoh was protected by
four gilded wooden tombs inside each other
0.37 inside
was a large
0.37 quartzite sarcophagus which held
another three more sarcophagi the first two
0.37 also in gilded wood and the
third in solid gold
0.37 howard carter said raised the
lid using the gilded handles
0.37 and the pharaoh&;s mummy seemed
over 3000 years had passed
0.37 since humans had gazed
upon those inside
0.37 this solid gold coffin and compared
with the brevity of
0.37 the human existence all
common perspective seemed
0.37 to vanish before us lay all that remained
of the young pharaoh who until that day
0.37 had been but the shadow of a name
0.37 the face of the mummy was protected by
a marvelous golden mask which
0.37 indicated to us the physiognomy of the forum
the most beautiful object on earth the
0.37 gold mask I have the impression that they are talking
when I look at it
0.37 this face
his eyes
0.37 he is alive
inside the mask was
0.37 engraved reverse of the text of the sarcophagus that
accompanied the pharaoh in the afterlife
0.37 I salute you oh sweet face
roof whose eyes see you canu bis to
0.37 assemble you tamed socar praised the
merits to quiche or to lend help you oh
0.37 sweet face among the gods
you what ray gave to osiris for the secret thing
0.37 done to him in order to put an
end to the wrong that this did to him
0.37 may you restore him to spirits may you
subdue his enemies
0.37 may you guide him to the
peaceful places of the realm of the dead
0.37 may you break the conspiracy of set
that i am the one who endures
0.37 endured and what was ordained endured
like ray forever
0.37 removing the mask from pharaoh&;s face
was not easy and carter
0.37 realized it quickly
he tried to remove the mask which he
0.37 was unable to do as the mask
was completely attached to the
0.37 mummy &;s body
he had to pull the mummy out of the grave and
0.37 place it under the sun
he still could not remove
0.37 the mask
so he brought the mummy inside the
0.37 tomb of this hideous then with
others they took different tools
0.37 and removed the mask
and this is how howard
0.37 carter art completely damaged the
mummy is the breeze is in 18 pieces
0.37 [Music]
the carter&;s procedure and
0.37 subsequent research on the mummy
has left the mummy in a very
0.37 deteriorated state
over the past few years many
0.37 arrangements have been made to
preserve the state of preservation
0.37 i looked at the body and thought to myself
I have to save his rights I have to save
0.37 this child
because the breathing of people who come
0.37 inside where the dust can
destroy the mummy even more
0.37 that&;s why I came on
November 4, 2007 the anniversary of the
0.37 discovery of the tomb
you can&;t imagine
0.37 the valley were full of hundreds
of journalists from all over the world
0.37 the child king attract everyone
that&;s why we designed this
0.37 kind of displays in germany
i removed the mummy from its sarcophagus and
0.37 i place them here is the only part that
we can see on the face and the foot
0.37 is below we can see the control
of the humidity is so we can
0.37 preserve the mummy for many more
0.37 [Music]
the analyzes have given surprising results
0.37 in particular with regard
to one of the most
0.37 obscure mysteries relating to tutankhamun the
real cause of his sudden death
0.37 for decades the most
accepted theory was that of homicide but
0.37 today the analyzes carried out by
the supreme council of antiquities with
0.37 the most
advanced technological means have shown that he died of a
0.37 simple accident
0.37 we found out he wasn&;t
killed like we thought in the
0.37 last century
0.37 people thought he was killed
because after some scans
0.37 we found some kind of hole in his
0.37 but that&;s not is not that what had caused the
0.37 we found that he was not
0.37 this hole in the back of the head
the tomography device showed us
0.37 that it was practiced in the eighteenth dynasty
in order to allow the modification in order
0.37 to pour the liquid inside the
0.37 i brought the mummy back and announced that the
king everything had died in an accident
0.37 because we found a fracture in his
right leg and this fracture occurred
0.37 a day before his death
0.37 but what type of accident
0.37 is however until that time it
was thought that the circumstances of death
0.37 were different in 1968 one to analyze
the mummy with x-rays
0.37 the results showed
suspicious spots on the top of the skull that is to
0.37 from this as
conspiracy and homicide theories
0.37 spread
0.37 there were a number of theories
as to how tutankhamun
0.37 died one of the most widespread was that he
was killed with a blow from behind the head
0.37 this theory was based on an
x-ray examination that we did
0.37 some time ago and from that
blurry blurry image we built a
0.37 theory of how he died
possibly by one of his advisers haye
0.37 where another counselor horemheb
0.37 why haye and would even as the
main suspects of the crime who were
0.37 these
hayes men who according to some theories was
0.37 the father of nefertiti had
important responsibilities during the
0.37 reign of akhenaton
he was a member of the regency council
0.37 who ruled egypt before
tutankhamun became pharaohs
0.37 the construction work of his
tomb was started at tell el amarna
0.37 but was never completed because the
death of the young goose changed the situation
0.37 [Music]
hank and seine-amont did not wish
0.37 to marry a of the pretenders to the throne she
wrote to the king of the hittites
0.37 my husband is dead and I was told that you
have adult sons send me one and
0.37 i will make him a prince consort who will rule
over egypt
0.37 the hittite ruler accepted the
proposal is sent to one of his sons
0.37 in reindeer the prince however never reached
the court of thebes he was killed
0.37 during his trip to egypt by
assassins sent perhaps the same
0.37 according to some theories cashed mom
married the old suitors according to
0.37 others she is not step by step and
nothing else is known about her
0.37 the only certainty is that haye even
if he was not of his royal in front of the
0.37 11th pharaoh of the 18th dynasty
at the age of 17 he manages to satisfy his
0.37 greatest ambition,
0.37 ouch, it was to build a magnificent
tomb in the valley of the kings, kavé
0.37 23, where he was buried when he died just
four years after his accession to the throne
0.37 or nm succeeded him and as high enough
a pharaoh without being of his royal
0.37 general he was one of the most
important men at the time towards the end of the
0.37 18th dynasty
he took part in the council of regency which
0.37 chose Tutankhamun to become
pharaohs and was one of those who fought
0.37 for power on the death of
0.37 two tombs are preserved for enel
before becoming king he had begun
0.37 the construction of a magnificent tomb
in the old necropolis of saqqarah
0.37 in rennais prepared a tomb at
saqqara in the tomb memphis necropolis
0.37 which is getting bigger and bigger
with courtyards of new
0.37 columns
when he becomes king he has to make a
0.37 choice
this tomb was not suitable for the
0.37 new king because the kings are buried
in the valley of the kings at thebes and at
0.37 luxor
0.37 so when he becomes king prepares
tomb in thebes in parentheses
0.37 may have had tomb in saqqara which
remains to be discovered
0.37 and for a remedy it is the same thing and
has a splendid tomb built
0.37 for him in the valley of the
0.37 kings falls golden snow in the valley of the
kings called cave and 57 looks unfinished
0.37 the walls of the burial chamber are
decorated with salt relief in different
0.37 stages of completion
but they are very useful to
0.37 understand the process that the artists
followed to obtain this type of
0.37 overall decoration
0.37 the reindeer tomb is
well is one of the largest in the
0.37 valley of the kings and it is
truly twice the size of
0.37 that of its predecessor
ouch the manipulative courtier who became
0.37 pharaohs at the death of tutankhamun
0.37 but the tomb of hay retains another
0.37 in fact it seems that it was
originally built for tutankhamun
0.37 but on the sudden death of the young pharaoh
the former vizier would have buried him in the
0.37 tomb which were intended for him and which at
that time were completed
0.37 [Music]
0.37 by chance these seven tombs the cellar and 62
which remained intact for more than
0.37 three thousand two hundred years
if it had not been for this combination of
0.37 circumstances perhaps today
tutankhamun would not be the the most famous pharaoh
0.37 in history
0.37 and we would not have his mummy exposed in
a glass case in the most
0.37 famous tomb in the world
we can today admire the face
0.37 of a young pharaoh a face which despite
everything still hides many secrets
0.37 [Music]
0.37 [Music]
0.37 [Music]
0.37 soon we will compare the dna of
the child king with the skeleton
0.37 of akhenaten
and we will be able to discover the other
0.37 family of tutankhamun
0.37 the child king
will always keep his mystery
0.37 the mystery and the magic of tutankhamun
are not about to stop
0.37 everything will continue
in the world carter said the mystery of
0.37 tutankhamun&;s life continues to
elude us
0.37 the shadows move but the darkness
never completely dissipates
0.37 [Music]
0.37 [Music]
0.37 in
general I discover new tombs
0.37 new statues under the sand on
sites but this time I
0.37 bring you to a unique place the basements
of the Egyptian Museum in Cairo we are going
0.37 to carry out excavations there we are going to show
discoveries that the general public has never
0.37 been able to see I will show you the
very first statue that gave me
0.37 this passion this love for
0.37 flooded every year in the middle of
summer by the water that feeds the earth
0.37 kissed each day by the rays of the
0.37 the nile valley has become the cradle
of a mythical civilization
0.37 [music]
0.37 [music]
0.37 [music]
0.37 more than a century has passed since
this elegant neoclassical building in
0.37 the center of the cairo concentrates more than
3000 years of history of ancient egypt
0.37 the museum holds the largest
collection of objects from ancient egypt
0.37 each year more than two million
people visit these rooms to
0.37 admire the masterpieces which have
survived for thousands of years and
0.37 which tells the mysterious story of a
civilization that never ceases to
0.37 fascinate
us [Music]
0.37 a magical place where the obvious signs
of the great civilization of the parents are
0.37 found in long series of
sand of galleries and large cabinets
0.37 [Music]
with each visit you will discover something
0.37 new, something that
plays with the light in that it
0.37 illuminates the large courts on the
ground floor where something that
0.37 attracts the along the walls finally
covered with sarcophagi
0.37 [Music]
until we discover the marvelous
0.37 mask of the young tutankhamun whose
beauty each time couple blows
0.37 as if we were discovering him for the
first time
0.37 [Music]
but just below everything this
0.37 splendor lies a mysterious
maze the far side of the
0.37 egyptian museum in cairo its maze-like cellars
of corridors tunnels stretching beneath
0.37 el tahrir square an impenetrable
cavern of treasure brimming with
0.37 masterpieces of ancient egypt
0.37 [ Music]
0.37 2
0.37 the museum was designed to contain
about twenty thousand pieces but at
0.37 present there are about
0.37 a number are on display in the
upper galleries where I am
0.37 but many are found in the
narrow corridors that constitute the
0.37 basements of the museum
for a century objects from
0.37 excavations all over the country have been
brought and stored here often without even
0.37 being recorded or archived
0.37 cleaned and organizing the basement it is
almost like taking part in new
0.37 excavations and very many
interesting objects are updated
0.37 for a very very long time
the museum held the role of
0.37 central warehouse for all of egypt any
mission in egypt which found an object
0.37 the door is to the egyptian museum
0.37 during the first half of the xixth
0.37 l egypt decides to put an end to a
common practice that has been unacceptable
0.37 for decades
visiting foreigners had been fascinated
0.37 by the splendor of Egyptian art and
were trying to leave with a
0.37 marvel at the antiquities of the obelisks
all the way
0.37 [Music]
0.37 they were essentially
smugglers or art dealers
0.37 but even the great
European universities wanted to own a
0.37 beautiful piece of this Egyptian heritage
day after day all kinds
0.37 of antiquities disappear and archaeological sites
and found themselves at
0.37 the foreign and too many pages
of this history book risked being
0.37 left blank
0.37 in 1835 the service of antiquities
Egyptian and founded in order to try
0.37 to stop the looting of its treasures
it is planned to create a place of
0.37 collection where one could take care of
and examine the masterpieces that the
0.37 Egyptian soil offered
0.37 a few years later the Egyptologist
auguste mariette proposes to build
0.37 a museum
the winning project is that presented by
0.37 the architect marcel dourgnon
it combines modern architecture with
0.37 elements reminiscent of earlier times
0.37 plan of the museum follows that of the
layout of the egyptian temples of the lower
0.37 empire
just as in the temples there is no
0.37 clear partition between the rooms
0.37 this two-story building contains
about a hundred rooms which
0.37 surrounds a central courtyard
the museum is also equipped with a basement
0.37 intended to be used as a
warehouse for objects in transit
0.37 at the time, the antiquities
constantly arrive at the museum and the archives are quickly
0.37 written by hand,
the boxes are stored haphazardly
0.37 and the basement is no longer
a temporary solution but has
0.37 become a place of permanent storage
0.37 zahi hawass takes us into his
secret rooms to help us
0.37 discover some hidden treasures
0.37 [Music]
0.37 the person who really searches
the cellars is sabah
0.37 the museum basement is part of it
goes and comes here every day she
0.37 opens boxes chests etc
she made a very
0.37 interesting discovery a few days ago was
in 1922 a tomb in a hiding place near
0.37 a door no but she sallallahu
0.37 this tomb was found by a
french archaeologist
0.37 the most amazing objects of seven
tombs are the scenes which represents a
0.37 gulbis and wii points beasts they are
really unique
0.37 it is very rare to find a stele
with representations of anubis is
0.37 8 important points for the egyptians
of ancient egypt
0.37 anubis is the god cemeteries
the god of mummies he who guards
0.37 cemeteries
hewitt poet and he who opens the door
0.37 look fate west bank
over time many temples and
0.37 funerary complexes were built
on the site and left
0.37 extraordinary treasures
0.37 in 1891 we found in the sand bab el
gaz us, that is to say the door of the priests
0.37 incite which contained a tomb with
154 sarcophagi
0.37 the mummies had been perfectly
preserved by the priests who practice
0.37 the rites in honor of the god amon
we find some some in the
0.37 basements of the museum
0.37 [Music]
0.37 the secrets of the Egyptian museum in cairo
are amazing
0.37 including this basement there are more
saint-mont put in a very good state of
0.37 conservation
like the 2 my bed here
0.37 and we have found more than 150 sarcophagus
on the west bank of luxor
0.37 in 1881 a dab family member of
the only one family who knows the
0.37 secrets of the valley right and the west bank
of luxor found a hiding place
0.37 more than 10 meters deep in a
0.37 this is where the mummies of the lighthouses were located
years ago more than fourteen mummy from
0.37 luxor were transported
to the egyptian museum in cairo ten
0.37 years later a
major new discovery this product near the site of the
0.37 first discovery in 1891 a person
from the family of planes the only one speaks about
0.37 the location of this hiding place a
french archaeologist
0.37 when they enter he finds the mummies
of the priest damon perfectly embalmed and
0.37 in sarcophagi with
sublime inscription
0.37 [Music]
0.37 whose corridor
if you lift the lid you
0.37 will find beautiful mummies
0.37 I think these mummies and
sarcophagi could be exhibited in
0.37 any museum
0.37 every antiquity brings a new
piece to the intricate mosaic that
0.37 tell us about life the wagons of gods and
common people
0.37 historians have long been
perplexed by the minims that opposed
0.37 hieroglyphics
as long as all these symbols remained
0.37 silent the culture of ancient egypt
could not
0.37 truly appreciate the minims
were both important and complex
0.37 on July 2, 1798 the troops of General
Bonaparte arrived in Cairo
0.37 the military contingent is accompanied
by a scientific commission composed of
0.37 167 scholars it includes astronomers
biologists surveyors and
0.37 illustrators whose mission is to
describe egypt and its many
0.37 characteristics
0.37 one year after their arrival a soldier
discovers a black basalt stone
0.37 bearing inscriptions in hieroglyphics
and the greek alphabet this is the
0.37 rosetta stone the key that will allow
deciphering the texts of the ancient
0.37 egypt
0.37 for 20 years the inscriptions of the
stone remained silent and then on
0.37 september 14, 1822 the scholar jean françois
champollion announced that he had succeeded in
0.37 translating the rosetta stone
champollion discovered that the hieroglyph
0.37 should not be read as symbols
which describe ideas or
0.37 objects but as phonetic signs
they are associated with symbols are
0.37 crucial for ciphering
this discovery widens the field of
0.37 possibilities and gives new
perspectives to the history of
0.37 human beings
0.37 bah
0.37 the discovery of champollion to create a
renewed interest in ancient egypt
0.37 which is still called
egypt today in mali and which is spreading
0.37 all over the world
0.37 and that&;s it here is an object that i
discovered 25 years ago
0.37 [Music ]
this magnificent statue were
0.37 inside the tomb
i started to clean
0.37 and i discovered these statue of aphrodite
the goddess of beauty and love
0.37 for the greeks
the romans the call venus goddess of beauty
0.37 and love
the egyptians wrongly called the goddess
0.37 of beauty and love
i was holding my brush in my hand i
0.37 started to clean it i discovered the
face part of the body and c that&;s
0.37 where I said to myself I found my way
0.37 [Music]
we can learn a lot of interesting things
0.37 from this underground it
&;s not just about discoveries it&;s
0.37 also about the scientists who came
in order to analyze the objects and who started
0.37 to tell us stories
what do we know about this object it is a
0.37 stone block from the grain it is the
lower part of the status what status we
0.37 can deduce from the cartouche here
that it it is about neo beat
0.37 and which nm âtre 7 brings to the top 3 the father
of all mosys the husband of the queen ti
0.37 the most powerful woman of the 18th
0.37 know it we thought that the statue
came from armand it is a small
0.37 town south of luxor
0.37 carnac is without a shadow of a doubt the
0.37 extraordinary architectural complex is imposing in egypt
it is the abode of the god amon that every
0.37 parent to the north for centuries by
building part of this temple the
0.37 temple thus becomes a real
labyrinth of sacred buildings decorated with
0.37 majestic columns
of aubisque and status
0.37 on October 3, 1899 an earthquake
destroyed 11 columns and left the
0.37 main courtyard in ruins
the site is rebuilt by a group
0.37 of experts and in 1903 the archaeologist le
grain discovers an alabaster parterre
0.37 under this parterre is a gallery
which leads to a room where there are seventeen
0.37 thousand statues at the very least
most are exhibited in the museum
0.37 but a large part of them
remain hidden underground
0.37 [Music]
0.37 this magnificent statue
look at the decoration the necklace which
0.37 ends with actors of the goddess of
beauty and love
0.37 this statue is made of granite
and here are some a piece
0.37 the head of rami
0.37 is what remains of this
major discovery made in the 1903
0.37 the egyptian museum in cairo the
different in several aspects
0.37 the egyptian museum does not collect or
0.37 the objects reach us without
us ask
0.37 there are other museums that are like
the egyptian museum
0.37 they only have egyptian antiquities
0.37 the collection is only made up of art from
ancient egypt like those in turin or
0.37 berlin
0.37 [Music]
these are last years
0.37 archaeologists from 20 countries have brought us
these objects from the French from the English from the
0.37 Poles from the Americans from the Hungarians from the
0.37 they have discovered statues of the
pottery of the mummies and other
0.37 superb objects
0.37 against attack made excavations on
the site of tell el d&;abba
0.37 the site of tell el d&;abba is in
the east of the nile delta on the road from
0.37 the ancient capital even son to
sinai the austrian archaeological institute
0.37 has been excavating the site since 1966
0.37 the most interesting object that they
0.37 [Music]
and the head of someone
0.37 who is not Egyptian by the style
of this head
0.37 it is not an Egyptian but an
Asian a dignitary
0.37 he has a hairstyle in mushroom shape
with red hair and if you
0.37 examine it carefully you
will notice that it has yellow skin
0.37 the color of the skin of foreigners from the
north in the regie holds and it is very
0.37 curious to prove something like
this in egypt
0.37 but who is this foreigner where
did they come from and why come right to
0.37 memphis
0.37 in egypt we find an
asian dignitary in the service of the pharaohs bears
0.37 the title of prince of the suite travels
0.37 his job is to organize
commercial expeditions the trade is
0.37 also perhaps
thousand or near east expeditions
0.37 i think this is the most
probable explanation for the presence of these
0.37 asian dignitaries
0.37 another extraordinary discovery made in
abu zir a necropolis north of saqqara
0.37 a very important burial site for
the 5th dynasty
0.37 the experts found an intact tomb
25 meters underground
0.37 it was built by an
important man named diot lighthouse the director
0.37 of a building
it is one of the rare times that we find
0.37 a tomb intact deprived
0.37 the sarcophagus weighs more than 60 tons the
lid almost 30 tons
0.37 it took us almost half a day
to move the lid you can imagine
0.37 how they did how the
Egyptian incises moved the sarcophagus
0.37 he dug a 20-meter pit
he filled the pit with sand put
0.37 the sarcophagus on the sand then they
dug another side pit which
0.37 was filled it was sand from the
first one and when the sand stuck
0.37 the sarcophagus of the surveyed
0.37 [Music]
0.37 in this box there are 408 ch à
0.37 les chats aux petits these are small
statues who stay behind the deceased
0.37 and who do the work whose beyond that
defends him asks them to do
0.37 why 408 because &;they leave at the
end of the day, that is to say each
0.37 statue works for a day so
365 status
0.37 then there are 35 status left who are
0.37 and four or eight directors
he was rummaging in the basement of the
0.37 Egyptian museum and exciting
no other place in the world neither site nor
0.37 musette can tell us in
time about ancient egypt than the basements
0.37 of the egyptian museum in cairo
0.37 the project started in 2004 the goal is
to reorganize its antiquities and
0.37 show them in exposure
it deserves
0.37 [Music]
I&;ll tell you why when I became
0.37 head of the
antiquities department I decided to change the
0.37 basement
0.37 when I was young I went to a
site for excavation
0.37 I didn&;t want not become an archaeologist I
hated this job
0.37 every day I was in tents
hating these excavations we were on an
0.37 important archaeological site named
like abou pis le haut
0.37 at the time I did not know all this
we discovered decimated temples
0.37 third of the tunas
0.37 every year i used to come back with more than 60
boxes in a truck the director at
0.37 the time take the boxes and
put them in the cases for years
0.37 i used to ask the director of the egyptian museum
in cairo where the boxes
0.37 were coming from like abu pilot
and never found them who
0.37 knew nothing until saab to come
in this ground and found the boxes
0.37 at least fifty thousand items were
listed but it is estimated that there are
0.37 still at least more left 90 miles
0.37 three years ago when we went
to the basement we
0.37 decided to work to create a
register and put everything in order it
0.37 was a shock to discover that for
all these years the boxes had not
0.37 even been labeled
0.37 we didn&;t even know where they
came from we made our own
0.37 whips in our basement
0.37 [Music]
in egypt the past and the future advance at the
0.37 same pace one is the wealth of
the other
0.37 the new museum enriched with countries and
brings additional space to the
0.37 egyptian museum in cairo which has become
too small to hold all the
0.37 treasures of egypt in heaven
0.37 the supreme council of antiquities a
program to build new
0.37 museums
0.37 we will have about 15 new museums
0.37 some will be from small local structures
for example the place itself
0.37 [Music]
we are waiting for the construction of a
0.37 new museum in giza which will overlook
the pyramids a new location for
0.37 the treasures of the tomb of tutankhamun
the magnificent antiquities which adorn the
0.37 tomb of the child king will be transferred
and will leave the upper gallery of the
0.37 museum in el tahrir square forever
0.37 the mummy of tutankhamun which
rests in the valley of the kings will remain
0.37 behind
0.37 the other great museum of civilization
Egyptian Museum will be completely stable
0.37 always in Cairo and it will contain objects
from predynastic Egypt
0.37 from the Neolithic to the present day
0.37 and ten thousand objects from the Egyptian Museum
will be there
0.37 the serene museum of soils of this kind
in the Arab world
0.37 it will open its doors in 2009 on the
site of helstad in cairo
0.37 it will be the only museum in egypt presented
all the eras of
0.37 the history of egypt
0.37 [Music]
0.37 the themed rooms will present a
rich collection of the many historical aspects
0.37 of this extraordinary country
0.37 egypt relies on the future to
present its greatest treasure
0.37 are past
0.37 [Music]

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