L'histoire de l'autodrome de Linas-Montlhéry

Youtube: Histoires De Chars – Lincoln Continental 1961(Beau livre Voitures anciennes)

YouTube : Nouvelle exploration du thème « Beau livre Voitures anciennes » en vidéo

Sur YouTube, publié par La Ride (), une vidéo est consacrée au thème « Beau livre Voitures anciennes » et en présente quelques aspects.

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Il faut prendre en considération la durée (00:12:29s), le titre (Histoires De Chars – Lincoln Continental 1961), pour une vue d’ensemble complète, ainsi que la présentation faite par l’auteur :« Histoires De Char – Diffusé sur Unis TV en Juin 2018. Lincoln Continental 1961 noir, portes suicides, intérrieur tuxedo deux ton, 76’000 miles originaux. ».

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Où acheter des livres d’automobiles rares

La découverte du bon livre repose également sur l’endroit où vous l’achetez. Voici quelques options pour trouver des livres de qualité :

  • Librairies Spécialisées et Salons de l’Automobile: Certaines librairies se concentrent sur l’automobile, offrant des livres anciens ou rares. Les salons d’automobiles anciennes et les événements pour fans présentent souvent des stands avec des ouvrages spécifiques.
  • Sites de Collection et Plateformes en Ligne: AbeBooks, eBay, Amazon et Le Bon Coin offrent une multitude de livres, y compris des éditions d’occasion. Pour des éditions rares, les sites spécialisés dans les livres d’occasion ou les catalogues de bibliophilie peuvent être très utiles.
  • Bourses aux Livres et Bibliothèques: Certaines bibliothèques offrent la possibilité d’emprunter des ouvrages rares, tandis que les bourses aux livres peuvent permettre de trouver des livres à des prix intéressants.

Comment opter pour un livre de qualité supérieure ?

Pour faire le choix d’un livre de qualité sur les voitures anciennes, il est essentiel de considérer plusieurs critères importants :

  1. L’Expertise des Auteurs: Recherchez des ouvrages rédigés par des experts renommés, tels que des historiens ou des journalistes dédiés dans l’automobile. Cela garantit des recherches approfondies et des informations fiables.
  2. Les Illustrations et la Qualité d’Édition: Un livre sur les voitures anciennes est d’autant plus précieux lorsqu’il est bien illustré. Choisissez des livres avec de belles photos qui reflètent l’essence des véhicules et leur caractère. Une bonne qualité d’édition, avec une reliure robuste et du papier de qualité, assure un livre agréable à lire.
  3. Les Avis et les Critiques: Avant de faire un achat, il est conseillé de consulter les avis et critiques des lecteurs. Les passionnés d’automobile partagent souvent leurs retours en ligne, ce qui peut éclairer votre choix.

Le Volume Parfait pour Chaque Enthousiaste

Choisir un livre sur les voitures anciennes représente un véritable plaisir, que ce soit pour enrichir votre collection ou pour offrir un cadeau précieux. Que vous soyez séduit par une rétrospective ou un livre spécialisé, il est crucial de prendre le temps d’explorer les différentes options afin de dénicher celui qui saura satisfaire votre passion ou celle de la personne à qui vous l’offrez. Les livres de qualité, riches en récits et en illustrations, constituent des trésors pour les amateurs d’autos anciennes et des souvenirs durables à préserver.

Les voitures de collection, joyaux de l’histoire voiture, fascinent par leur design, leur technologie, et leur valeur culturelle. Beaucoup de passionnés cherchent à approfondir leurs connaissances en se tournant vers des livres, mais l’offre est vaste. Comment choisir le bon livre, que ce soit pour soi ou comme cadeau ? Ce guide vous assistera dans la découverte des différents types de livres, des points de vente et des gammes de prix.

Pourquoi un livre sur les voitures anciennes est-il essentiel?

Lesouvrages sur les voitures anciennesne sont pas seulement des sources d’information, mais aussi de véritablesobjets de collection. Certains livres présentent des photographies inédites, des dessins techniques, et des essais qui ne peuvent être trouvés ailleurs. Posséder unlivre sur sa voiture féticheou sur une époque donnée devient ainsi unplaisirqui dépasse le cadre de la lecture.

À l’ère du numérique, il peut sembler plus commode de rechercher des informations sur lesvoitures anciennessur Internet. Cependant, lesouvragesrestent une référence essentielle pour les vrais fans. Un ouvragebien élaboréet richement illustré permet d’approfondir l’histoire automobilede façon détaillée, avec une qualité d’édition et un savoir-faire qui procurent uneexpérience de lectureexceptionnelle. Contrairement aux ressources en ligne, qui peuvent êtreincomplètesoudispersées, les livres de collection offrent desanalyses minutieuses, souvent écrites par desexpertsou des journalistes dédiés.

Les différentes catégories de livres : Rétrospectives ou spécialisés ?

Les livres thématiques sur une marque ou un modèle

Pour ceux qui aiment les voitures anciennes et qui sont particulièrement attachés à une marque ou à un modèle, un livre dédié peut être un excellent choix. Il existe de nombreux ouvrages qui examinent de manière approfondie des marques prestigieuses comme Ferrari, Bugatti, Harley-Davidson ou la Citroën 2CV. Toutefois, ces livres peuvent poser un problème pour un collectionneur averti : il se peut qu’il ait déjà ce ouvrage en sa possession, ou qu’il ne couvre pas les aspects qui l’intéressent réellement. Si le destinataire a un goût pour une période ou un type de véhicule plus large, une rétrospective pourrait s’avérer plus adaptée.

Avant de décider d’unachat, il est crucial de prendre en compte les divers types d’livresdisponibles. En fonction de vos besoins ou des préférences de la personne à qui vous souhaitez offrir uncadeau, certains ouvrages seront plus appropriés.

Rétrospectives d’automobiles : une vue d’ensemble

Ces livres retracent souvent plusieurs décennies d’histoire voiture, réunissant des modèles issus de différentes marques, styles et périodes. Ils sont chargés d’informations et représentent un excellent point de départ pour les nouveaux fans ou ceux désireux d’en apprendre davantage sur l’histoire générale de l’automobile. Les rétrospectives illustrées offrent un aperçu fascinant, mettant en évidence les évolutions en matière de design, de technologie et de tendances. Ce type de publication est idéal pour uncadeau, car il attire un large éventail de lecteurs sans être trop spécifique.

Les livres artistiques

Les beaux ouvrages sur les voitures anciennes sont souvent présentés en grand format et sont particulièrement populaires en raison de leur qualité visuelle. Richement illustrés de photos haute définition et d’images d’archives rares, ces livres sont parfaits pour l’exposition et le feuilletage. Ce type d’livre est souvent prisé pour ses qualités esthétiques tout autant que pour son contenu.

Pourquoi certains livres ont-ils des prix si élevés ?

Si vous voulez économiser, privilégiez l’acquisition de ouvrages d’occasion. Les sites comme Rakuten, eBay ou les librairies de seconde main sont d’excellentes options pour trouver des ouvrages en bon état à des prix réduits. Les forums de fans et les groupes de collectionneurs peuvent également être de bonnes ressources.

Quelles sont les causes des tarifs élevés de certains livres ?

Les prix des ouvrages de collection voiture peuvent être jugés élevés en raison de leur qualité de conception et de leur valeur ajoutée. Les éditions limitées, les livres anciens ou dédicacés sont particulièrement prisés pour leur rareté. De surcroît, les livres de luxe proposent souvent des images et des documents uniques, ainsi que des reliures en cuir ou des boîtiers, ce qui en fait des objets de valeur pour les collectionneurs.

Une FAQ informative sur l’acquisition de ouvrages traitant des voitures anciennes a été développée(voir linas-montlhery.fr). Profitez de cette ressource pour mieux comprendre le marché des ouvrages sur les voitures anciennes.

Prix à prévoir pour un livre sur les voitures anciennes

Le montant à prévoir pour un livre sur les voitures anciennes change considérablement selon sa qualité et son édition :

  • Livres Généralistes: Pour un bon livre d’introduction, comptez généralement entre 30 et 60 €.
  • Ouvrages Spécialisés et Beaux Livres: Les éditions illustrées peuvent aller de 80 à 200 €, selon la qualité.
  • Livres de Collection et Éditions Limitées: Les livres signés ou en édition limitée peuvent coûter plus de 200 €, selon leur rareté.

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#Histoires #Chars #Lincoln #Continental

Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: since it’s creation, car industry had an important impact on society for most of us, car is an utility some others consider it as art and for people like me, it’s an obsession. my name is Rabii, and welcome in the universe of Car’s Stories (subtitles by myself, who speaks french!) (Loyal to a Brand) 1961 Lincoln Continental Lincoln is a hundred-year-old brand founded in 1917 by Henry Leland, an engineer who was addicted by precision he gave the name Lincoln in honor of Abraham Lincoln who was the first candidate he voted for in 1864 almost 100 years later in 1963, John. F. Kennedy was assassinated in a 1961 Lincoln Continental Hi Rabi Hi Sir nice to see you that’s what we’ll drive today? we’ll drive this but we’ll put it in the other you can fit 4 of these We don’t have the same parking problems you and me not realy! it’s funny that the Continental was considered as a small car back in the days It’s a small car, even today it’s the size of a police car it looks huge because of its side lines in chrome that goes from the front to the back so it looks huge, that’s an visual effect because its not a full size sedan and the proof is the suicide doors because they have shrunk the passenger compartment they could not use regular doors so the back door is so small, they had to make it suicide so if we used a regular door instead? it wont work we cant enter that way because of the C pillard and the door’s thickness they are so thick that we can’t keep them like this with a regular hinge but the Continental, everything was about the design its the last production car that was designed by only one man everything interior exterior so for him the practicality wasn’t his priorities that was his own vision. the lines are beautiful also in the convertible version of it was the last four door convertible made in the states That’s also why J.F.Kennedy had one after you that’s like marshmallows, like tons of marshmallows when I’ve restored the interior, I had to redo everything and for the seats the original foam they used was a very high quality they don’t do like this today I was lucky, it was in a great shape almost brand new under the seats and my upholsterer told me that its a luck that it still nice because changing it wont be the same comfort and quality there is holes paterns inside designed for this car only interior is very minimal lines are very pure, very simples only few accent of chrome yes and it was a critics at this time that this car didn’t had enough chrome and was too discreet for it’s status even the exterior is chrome-less compare to the cars of it’s era back in the days chrome was everywhere and excessive and the Lincoln 61 had wood inside instead of chrome accents so door’s accent or the dash are often made in fake wood I’ve got the Tuxedo interior with chrome accent so all my wood panels are replaced for chrome (original: brushed aluminum, did mine in real chrome) at this time, wood accents were luxury less chrome, more wood like Rolls Royce and Packard I like this one, more simple, less colors, only two tones it doesn’t age I don’t feel like in a old car because it still modern everything inside is a the right place, it’s well done it doesn’t feel obsolete seats are electrics, windows are electrics, lights are automatics, two heated zones it’s fully equip like a modern car and buttons are at the right place except the design, it’s no different from a modern car I’ll show you something 430, 7.0L, original (factory) 1961 Continental is around 320hp, around 500lbs/t, it’s a huge power plant but even with it because of the weight of the car it’s not a quick car acceleration is very average now, I’ll demonstrate every single parts that can go wrong (pointing metal things) that’s my reality with it to be careful about the mecanic I’m trying to keep it original (factory) eventual maybe I’ll work on the estetics but I like the fact that it inst touched. yes it’s authentic I feel it also to be close to what it was back in the days the thing about this one that I liked it was a survivor nothing has been touched there was no restoration at all before I bought it parts are factory, its a serial match car so it’s my duty to make it like when it came out the factory (original price: 7’000$ / actual value: 60’000$) there is a lot to say about the 1961 Lincoln starting by all the innovation and technology importance of the design it’s history, the first war, the purchase by Ford twinning with Mercury, lead designer gets fired, and so much more but the main thing about this car its place in the popular culture Rabii: do we take my car? Alex: Naa.. come in allright okay (awesome music) (engine rev) this TV show is brougt to you by Hagerty insurance specialist for collection cars that’s the car that J.F.K died in a longer version but same car a 1961 Continental in 1961 Lincoln provided a Lincoln Continental for the USA Presidential Car a 1961 convertible they lengthened it code name: X-100 (200’000$ value, today’s money 1’700’000$) so the X-100 became the Presidential Car and she stay in function after the death of Kennedy till1977 (longevity record for Presidential Car in service) It’s crazy that the event didn’t affect the sales of Lincoln like if people consider the car as hunted or something It didn’t affect the brand, the event itself was terrible but the brand wasn’t associated at the opposite it’s known as the JFK’s car it’s in every history book is your car a family history? kind of my father had a Mercury Grand-Marquis then I had it The Lincoln became my choice because I was in the Mercury Brand so I bought more Mercurys and it made the link, Lincoln-Mercury so I’ve extended it to Lincoln but I’ve chosen this exact model because I’ve seen it often on TV, movies, music videos it’s a popular car so one day I just decided to get one i want this car now I own 9 cars nine? I own Mercury and Lincoln rare cars only I stay in this division if I’m buying a car It will stay for now in this family of cars He always been a Mercury fan He had nine Grand-Marquis Two Mercury Marauders he is loyal to Mercury so its a fleet, there is a Dodge into it you don’t speak about the Dodge? It’s a Durango so you have a Durango I ear your girlfriend want a Dodge Dart she had a Dart at the begening she wanted a Dodge Charger 1968 RT muscle car, Duke’s of Hazard style, or black I’m into cars since I’m young I was with my father into race cars in the weekends it always been like that I was looking to buy a Dodge Charger 68 So I says that I can’t buy a Charger because the brand doesn’t fit with my other cars It doesn’t fit with the rest of the family indeed the Dodge is in withdrawal of the family so we have the Durango but it’s a little alone I like what is different and exclusive so Mercury is a little rare here it’s easy to be exclusive there is not a lot so we salute each other when we meet on the road with the Continental (60s) we can count on our fingers how many they are in Québec the downfall is there is no parts for it mechanics who work on those cars are very rare also wanting something unique means to sacrifice some practicalities it’s a kind of success symbol for me to drive that car the research needed, the work only to turn the key and make it work, I’m proud of it thank you so much .

Image YouTube

Déroulement de la vidéo:

1.624 since it&;s creation, car industry had an important impact on society
1.624 for most of us, car is an utility
1.624 some others consider it as art
1.624 and for people like me, it&;s an obsession.
1.624 my name is Rabii, and welcome in the universe of Car&;s Stories
1.624 (subtitles by myself, who speaks french!)
1.624 (Loyal to a Brand)
1.624 1961 Lincoln Continental
1.624 Lincoln is a hundred-year-old brand founded in 1917
1.624 by Henry Leland, an engineer who was addicted by precision
1.624 he gave the name Lincoln in honor of Abraham Lincoln who was the first candidate he voted for in 1864
1.624 almost 100 years later in 1963,
1.624 John. F. Kennedy was assassinated in a 1961 Lincoln Continental
1.624 Hi Rabi
1.624 Hi Sir
1.624 nice to see you
1.624 that&;s what we&;ll drive today?
1.624 we&;ll drive this but we&;ll put it in the other
1.624 you can fit 4 of these
1.624 We don&;t have the same parking problems you and me
1.624 not realy!
1.624 it&;s funny that the Continental was considered as a small car back in the days
1.624 It&;s a small car, even today
1.624 it&;s the size of a police car
1.624 it looks huge because of its side lines in chrome
1.624 that goes from the front to the back
1.624 so it looks huge, that&;s an visual effect because its not a full size sedan
1.624 and the proof is the suicide doors
1.624 because they have shrunk the passenger compartment
1.624 they could not use regular doors
1.624 so the back door is so small, they had to make it suicide
1.624 so if we used a regular door instead?
1.624 it wont work we cant enter that way
1.624 because of the C pillard
1.624 and the door&;s thickness
1.624 they are so thick that we can&;t keep them like this with a regular hinge
1.624 but the Continental, everything was about the design
1.624 its the last production car that was designed by only one man
1.624 everything interior exterior
1.624 so for him the practicality wasn&;t his priorities
1.624 that was his own vision. the lines are beautiful
1.624 also in the convertible version of it was the last four door convertible made in the states
1.624 That&;s also why J.F.Kennedy had one
1.624 after you
1.624 that&;s like marshmallows, like tons of marshmallows
1.624 when I&;ve restored the interior, I had to redo everything
1.624 and for the seats
1.624 the original foam they used was a very high quality
1.624 they don&;t do like this today
1.624 I was lucky, it was in a great shape
1.624 almost brand new under the seats
1.624 and my upholsterer told me that its a luck that it still nice
1.624 because changing it wont be the same comfort and quality
1.624 there is holes paterns inside designed for this car only
1.624 interior is very minimal
1.624 lines are very pure, very simples
1.624 only few accent of chrome
1.624 yes and it was a critics at this time that this car didn&;t had enough chrome
1.624 and was too discreet for it&;s status
1.624 even the exterior is chrome-less compare to the cars of it&;s era
1.624 back in the days chrome was everywhere and excessive
1.624 and the Lincoln 61 had wood inside instead of chrome accents
1.624 so door&;s accent or the dash are often made in fake wood
1.624 I&;ve got the Tuxedo interior with chrome accent
1.624 so all my wood panels are replaced for chrome (original: brushed aluminum, did mine in real chrome)
1.624 at this time, wood accents were luxury
1.624 less chrome, more wood like Rolls Royce and Packard
1.624 I like this one, more simple, less colors, only two tones
1.624 it doesn&;t age
1.624 I don&;t feel like in a old car because it still modern
1.624 everything inside is a the right place, it&;s well done
1.624 it doesn&;t feel obsolete
1.624 seats are electrics, windows are electrics, lights are automatics, two heated zones
1.624 it&;s fully equip like a modern car and buttons are at the right place
1.624 except the design, it&;s no different from a modern car
1.624 I&;ll show you something
1.624 430, 7.0L, original (factory)
1.624 1961 Continental is around 320hp, around 500lbs/t,
1.624 it&;s a huge power plant but even with it
1.624 because of the weight of the car
1.624 it&;s not a quick car
1.624 acceleration is very average
1.624 now, I&;ll demonstrate every single parts that can go wrong
1.624 (pointing metal things)
1.624 that&;s my reality with it to be careful about the mecanic
1.624 I&;m trying to keep it original (factory)
1.624 eventual maybe I&;ll work on the estetics
1.624 but I like the fact that it inst touched.
1.624 yes it&;s authentic I feel it
1.624 also to be close to what it was back in the days
1.624 the thing about this one that I liked
1.624 it was a survivor nothing has been touched
1.624 there was no restoration at all before I bought it
1.624 parts are factory, its a serial match car
1.624 so it&;s my duty to make it like when it came out the factory
1.624 (original price: 7&;000$ / actual value: 60&;000$)
1.624 there is a lot to say about the 1961 Lincoln
1.624 starting by all the innovation and technology
1.624 importance of the design
1.624 it&;s history, the first war, the purchase by Ford
1.624 twinning with Mercury, lead designer gets fired,
1.624 and so much more but the main thing about this car
1.624 its place in the popular culture
1.624 Rabii: do we take my car?
1.624 Alex: Naa.. come in
1.624 allright
1.624 okay
1.624 (awesome music)
1.624 (engine rev)
1.624 this TV show is brougt to you by Hagerty
1.624 insurance specialist for collection cars
1.624 that&;s the car that J.F.K died in
1.624 a longer version but same car
1.624 a 1961 Continental
1.624 in 1961 Lincoln provided a Lincoln Continental for the USA Presidential Car
1.624 a 1961 convertible they lengthened it
1.624 code name: X-100 (200&;000$ value, today&;s money 1&;700&;000$)
1.624 so the X-100 became the Presidential Car
1.624 and she stay in function after the death of Kennedy till1977
1.624 (longevity record for Presidential Car in service)
1.624 It&;s crazy that the event didn&;t affect the sales of Lincoln
1.624 like if people consider the car as hunted or something
1.624 It didn&;t affect the brand, the event itself was terrible
1.624 but the brand wasn&;t associated
1.624 at the opposite it&;s known as the JFK&;s car it&;s in every history book
1.624 is your car a family history?
1.624 kind of my father had a Mercury Grand-Marquis
1.624 then I had it
1.624 The Lincoln became my choice because I was in the Mercury Brand
1.624 so I bought more Mercurys and it made the link, Lincoln-Mercury
1.624 so I&;ve extended it to Lincoln
1.624 but I&;ve chosen this exact model because I&;ve seen it
1.624 often on TV, movies, music videos it&;s a popular car
1.624 so one day I just decided to get one
1.624 i want this car
1.624 now I own 9 cars
1.624 nine?
1.624 I own Mercury and Lincoln rare cars only
1.624 I stay in this division
1.624 if I&;m buying a car
1.624 It will stay for now in this family of cars
1.624 He always been a Mercury fan
1.624 He had nine Grand-Marquis
1.624 Two Mercury Marauders
1.624 he is loyal to Mercury
1.624 so its a fleet, there is a Dodge into it
1.624 you don&;t speak about the Dodge?
1.624 It&;s a Durango
1.624 so you have a Durango
1.624 I ear your girlfriend want a Dodge Dart
1.624 she had a Dart
1.624 at the begening she wanted a Dodge Charger 1968
1.624 RT muscle car, Duke&;s of Hazard style, or black
1.624 I&;m into cars since I&;m young
1.624 I was with my father into race cars in the weekends
1.624 it always been like that
1.624 I was looking to buy a Dodge Charger 68
1.624 So I says that I can&;t buy a Charger because the brand doesn&;t
1.624 fit with my other cars
1.624 It doesn&;t fit with the rest of the family
1.624 indeed the Dodge is in withdrawal of the family
1.624 so we have the Durango but it&;s a little alone
1.624 I like what is different
1.624 and exclusive
1.624 so Mercury is a little rare here it&;s easy to be exclusive
1.624 there is not a lot so we salute each other when we meet on the road
1.624 with the Continental (60s) we can count on our fingers how many they are in Québec
1.624 the downfall is there is no parts for it
1.624 mechanics who work on those cars are very rare also
1.624 wanting something unique means to sacrifice some practicalities
1.624 it&;s a kind of success symbol for me to drive that car
1.624 the research needed, the work
1.624 only to turn the key and make it work, I&;m proud of it
1.624 thank you so much

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