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Le thème « Livre voitures anciennes » par Jay Leno’s Garage
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Il convient de préciser la durée (00:07:27s) de la vidéo, le titre (Jay’s Book Club: Shelby: A Tribute to an American Original), et les observations de l’auteur :« Jay talks to Editor-in-Chief Ed Loh about Motor Trend’s bookazine tribute to the legendary Carroll Shelby.
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Jay’s Book Club: Shelby: A Tribute to an American Original
Jay Leno’s Garage ».
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Les voitures anciennes, véritables œuvres d’art de l’histoire voiture, émerveillent par leur design, leur technologie, et leur impact culturel. De nombreux passionnés souhaitent approfondir leurs connaissances via des livres de collection, mais le marché est riche en options. Comment sélectionner le livre idéal, que ce soit pour soi-même ou en tant que cadeau ? Ce guide vous guidera à travers les types d’livres, les endroits où les acheter et les prix.
Pourquoi certains ouvrages ont-ils des prix si élevés ?
Si vous cherchez à économiser, envisagez d’acheter des ouvrages d’occasion. Des sites comme Rakuten, eBay ou les librairies de seconde main sont de bonnes sources pour trouver des livres en bon état à des tarifs avantageux. Les forums de fans ou les groupes de collectionneurs peuvent aussi s’avérer utiles.
Quel est le prix à anticiper pour un livre automobile ?
Un livre consacré aux voitures anciennes peut avoir des prix très différents, selon sa qualité et son édition :
- Livres Généralistes: Un bon livre d’introduction peut se trouver entre 30 et 60 euros.
- Ouvrages Spécialisés et Beaux Livres: Pour les éditions illustrées, comptez entre 80 et 200 euros.
- Livres de Collection et Éditions Limitées: Les ouvrages de collection peuvent facilement dépasser les 200 €, surtout s’ils sont rares.
Où dénicher des livres de collection sur les voitures
Identifier le bon livre est aussi fonction du point de vente. Voici quelques pistes pour dénicher des ouvrages de qualité :
- Librairies Spécialisées et Salons de l’Automobile: Quelques librairies se concentrent sur les livres d’automobiles, offrant des éditions rares ou anciennes. Les salons d’automobiles et les événements pour collectionneurs présentent souvent des stands où des livres spécifiques sont disponibles.
- Sites de Collection et Plateformes en Ligne: Des sites tels qu’AbeBooks, eBay, Amazon et Le Bon Coin offrent un large éventail de ouvrages, y compris des éditions d’occasion. Pour les livres rares, les sites dédiés en livres d’occasion ou les catalogues de bibliophilie constituent de bonnes solutions.
- Bourses aux Livres et Bibliothèques: Certaines bibliothèques permettent d’emprunter des livres rares, et les bourses aux livres peuvent offrir des articles intéressants à des prix attractifs.
Conseils pour choisir un bon livre
Pour sélectionner un livre de qualité sur les voitures anciennes, il est important de prendre en compte plusieurs critères clés :
- L’Expertise des Auteurs: Il est préférable de rechercher des ouvrages écrits par des experts reconnus, comme des historiens de l’automobile ou des journalistes dédiés. Cela assure des recherches approfondies et des informations dignes de confiance.
- Les Illustrations et la Qualité d’Édition: Un livre sur les voitures anciennes acquiert de la valeur avec de belles illustrations. Privilégiez les ouvrages qui sont bien illustrés, avec des photos capturant l’essence des véhicules, leurs lignes et leur caractère. Une bonne qualité d’édition, avec une reliure solide et du papier de haute qualité, garantit un ouvrage durable.
- Les Avis et les Critiques: Avant de procéder à un acquisition, il peut être utile de lire les avis et critiques des lecteurs. Les passionnés d’automobile partagent souvent leurs impressions en ligne, ce qui peut aider à évaluer si le livre répond à vos attentes.
Pourquoi privilégier un livre dédié aux voitures anciennes?
Dans un monde où l’information numérique prédomine, il peut sembler plus pratique de rechercher desdonnéessur les voitures anciennes en ligne. Néanmoins, leslivresdemeurent une option essentielle pour les fans. Un livrebien conçuet illustré permet d’approfondir l’histoire automobilede manière exhaustive, avec une qualité d’édition et un savoir-faire qui offrent uneexpérience de lecturesans pareil. À la différence des ressources en ligne, souventfragmentéesou peu fiables, les ouvrages de collection fournissent desanalyses complètes, souvent écrites par desspécialistesou des journalistes du secteur.
Leslivres sur les voitures anciennesne sont pas seulement des sources d’information, mais aussi de véritablesobjets de collection. Certains livres présentent des photographies inédites, des dessins techniques, et des essais qui ne peuvent être trouvés ailleurs. Posséder unlivre sur sa voiture féticheou sur une époque donnée devient ainsi unplaisirqui dépasse le cadre de la lecture.
Options de ouvrages : Rétrospectives comparées aux dédiés ?
Les livres artistiques
Les livres d’art sur les voitures anciennes se déclinent souvent en grand format et sont particulièrement recherchés pour leur qualité visuelle. Avec des photographies haute définition et des images d’archives rares, ces livres sont idéaux pour être exposés et feuilletés. Ce type de publication est souvent plébiscité pour ses qualités esthétiques autant que pour son contenu.
Les livres orientés vers une marque ou un modèle précis
Pour les passionnés d’automobiles anciennes qui ont une affection particulière pour une marque ou un modèle précis, un livre spécialisé peut constituer un choix idéal. Certains livres se penchent en profondeur sur des marques emblématiques telles que Ferrari, Bugatti, Harley-Davidson ou encore la Citroën 2CV. Cependant, ces livres peuvent présenter un inconvénient si le destinataire est déjà un collectionneur chevronné : il est possible qu’il possède déjà ce livre, ou que celui-ci n’aborde pas les éléments qui l’intéressent vraiment. Si la personne en question a une préférence pour une époque ou un type de véhicule plus large, une rétrospective pourrait être une option plus judicieuse.
Les rétrospectives voitures pour tous
Ces livres couvrent généralement de nombreuses décennies de l’histoire voiture, rassemblant des modèles de plusieurs marques, styles et époques. Ils sont riches en données et constituent un point de départ idéal pour les néophytes ou pour ceux qui souhaitent explorer l’histoire générale de l’automobile. Les rétrospectives bien présentées offrent une vue d’ensemble captivante et mettent en lumière les évolutions en matière de design, de technologie et de tendances. Ce type de ouvrage est parfait commecadeau, car il convient à un large public sans se focaliser sur un aspect particulier.
Avant de procéder à unacquisition, il est important de bien connaître les différentes catégories d’ouvragesexistants. Que ce soit pour vos propres besoins ou pour offrir uncadeau, certains ouvrages seront plus appropriés.
Le Meilleur Livre pour Chaque Passionné
Sélectionner un livre sur les voitures anciennes est une joie qui permet d’enrichir votre collection ou d’offrir un cadeau de valeur. Que vous soyez intéressé par une rétrospective ou un livre dédié à une marque spécifique, prenez le temps d’explorer les différents types de livres afin de trouver celui qui correspond le mieux à votre passion ou à celle du destinataire. Les livres de qualité, riches en histoires et en illustrations, sont des trésors inestimables pour les fans de voitures anciennes et des souvenirs intemporels à garder.
Qu’est-ce qui justifie le prix élevé de certains livres ?
Les coûts des livres de collection voiture peuvent sembler élevés en raison de leur qualité d’édition et de leur valeur ajoutée. Les éditions limitées, ainsi que les livres anciens ou signés, sont très prisés pour leur rareté. De plus, les ouvrages de luxe intègrent souvent des images et des documents uniques, des reliures en cuir ou des étuis de protection, les rendant ainsi précieux aux yeux des collectionneurs.
Un ensemble de questions et réponses sur l’achat de livres sur les voitures anciennes a été publiésur ce site. Ce guide est assez complet pour vous aider à faire le meilleur choix.
Si vous désirez accéder à la vidéo sur YouTube, veuillez cliquer sur ce lien :
la source: Cliquer ici
#Jays #Book #Club #Shelby #Tribute #American #Original
Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: what another episode of Jay lon’s book club remember no self-help no weight loss just stuff that rolls explodes and makes noise uh we’re here with Ed low editor-in chief of Motor Trend and they have put out uh a Shelby book a Shelby bookazine you called it yep and of course Motor Trend has been covering Carol Shelby since the day he started racing absolutely uh they’ve been around longer than uh Carol Shelby’s been racing yeah uh I was fortunate enough to be asked to do the forward to this book so that was kind of fun to do this is really a fun little book it’s got a lot of never foreseen pictures and most of all the stuff I really enjoy it’s got the period reprint road test and not just Motor Trend you have sports car graphic in here and others as well you know it’s fun to read road tests back in the period because they tell you what they really think nowadays you look back they they there’s a certain everything was wonderful back then you know this car was not the Shel GT350 was not an inexpensive car was $4,500 right when a regular Mustang was about $33,000 and uh this favorite one Carol Shelby just had his hairstyle didn’t he comments that was back when Real Men didn’t get their hairstyle but Shelby did so you want to make something of it huh you want to do something about it pal Carl Shelby will straighten you right out that’s what’s fun about this book all the period ads all look at that there’s an ad for the Turner GT over there in the corner tell us the inspiration for doing this you know we knew we knew about Carol Shelby we’ve had a long history with him uh through the years and we knew about his failing Health we’d been we’d been uh you know told about that but when he did pass was it was quite a surprise and we we had the issue ready to go uh for August and we had this great cover concept well all that had to be bined so that we could do an issue to as a tribute to him and we did two separate covers this came out and actually sold it’s one been the best seller for the year and we decided let’s let’s you know really commemorate the man and pay tribute to him by doing uh the bookazine as you mentioned which is 132 pages but we said you know we’ll go ahead and do a book as well taking a lot of that content um and adding as you mentioned a whole lot more including neverbe seen photos we went through all of our our sister Publications including hot rod automobile went back and looked at sports card graphic pulled old issues of Motor Trend you know the May 62 issue of sports car graphic was the first re review of the Cobra and let’s go back and and show people what people thought back then when that car came out how and what how revolutionary was and then we also put in some of our own our own reviews of like the the latest generation GT500 just so it captures everything and there are those of a certain age there certain iconic photos like this one Y which I just remember I have that poster I got it when I was 13 to 14 years old I still have the poster today that’s that’s kind of cool you know yeah this one is as well I mean this this this is a favorite of mine from when they were racing in the 65 Sebring uh just just incredible and we’re lucky that motoren has all of these in the archive in the in the the former Peterson publishing archive I spent about literally you know two weeks solid digging through the archive and we found a lot of stuff that had never before been published just lying in boxes including I mean this is you know this way to end a book is is phenomenal this is a picture of Shelby from the 70s carving in his initials into a tree I mean this is not stuff you do these days people down on it but back then I mean this is this is who he was yeah you know and it’s it’s hard to believe Cobra are now a million dollars but they were a hard sell back in the day the 427 hardly sold at all I mean they sat on dealer showrooms they discounted them give me five grand just get it out of here because they were such impractical right High powerered automobiles a lot of wonderful pictures there and it covers the whole career too from the uh G LH and uh got series one in there the Dodge years y I remember when uh one of the magazines uh had a road test that the glh was faster than the GT350 exactly those were like fighting word I remember buying that in the new stand being furious and I went oh it is faster oh okay we actually ran based on your input we ran that we ran that cover we ran that story so you know when we chatted about it we said let’s pull that one as well I mean there are other biographies that have gone into all the minutia of Shelby’s life but this one really covers just all the car stuff not so much uh growing up and childhood and all that this is what uh I guess most of us are interested in I this another iconic shot I just remember all of these at the period and it’s fun that they’ve even uh copied this is what magazine used to look like this sort of uh off white yellow black and white photo kind of thing absolutely yeah and the magazine was 50 cents which uh seemed high at the time but we we even went to the memorial they had at the Peterson yeah and we we captured some we did some interviews there we talked to Leah she met Carol back when she needed a heart transplant and became the emphasis for his his right that young girl yeah yeah yeah for for his Carol Shelby uh Foundation yeah so you know we included her and that’s part of the uh charitable mission of the book as well the portion of the proceeds of the sale of the book go to the Carol Shelby Children’s Foundation right right and uh he did a lot of wonderful work there you know we always called him The Lovable con man and uh and there there was something to that he he had a heart of gold but he was also hey hey my wallet’s gone what happened that Shelby guy sold me something you know when uh when Shelby came out with that Aurora engined sports car he had I said Carol what do you really think is he goes Jay it’s the greatest car I’ve ever built and I looked at him he kind of smiled at me I go really oh yeah he was always trying to sell you something right which was hilarious and but you didn’t mind it because he was Carol Shelby here he is at Lon yep really one of those iconic American characters part PD Barnum part Henry Ford part Innovative part Rocky I mean he was uh he just uh the likes of it I don’t think there’s nobody else like that there’s no one that’s had his kind of career where it’s successful early on and but remains relevant all the way through until until the very end the names Enzo Ferrari Carol Shelby and they didn’t like each other Henry Ford Bugatti dusenberg Bentley there’s really no more than a handful and uh he is certainly the longest lasting and one of a kind yeah and the book is called Motor Trend presents uh Shelby you can get this anywhere right or get online uh you know in bookstores mostly the the big bookstores Bars & Noble have these on the show even auto books and Burbank the big bookstore we go to all the time that’s a good place to get it but this is one of those ones that will be available just about everywhere and uh I did the forward that’s not why I’m recommending it I’m recommending it because it’s really good book cuz I get nothing on this I get I didn’t get a dime did I I got a free copy of the book S free copies so and all the and a good portion of the proceeds rather goes to the Shelby heart foundation and thank you very much thank you thanks for having me thanks see you next week .
Déroulement de la vidéo:
3.36 what another episode of Jay lon&;s book
3.36 club remember no self-help no weight
3.36 loss just stuff that rolls explodes and
3.36 makes noise uh we&;re here with Ed low
3.36 editor-in chief of Motor Trend and they
3.36 have put out uh a Shelby book a Shelby
3.36 bookazine you called it yep and of
3.36 course Motor Trend has been covering
3.36 Carol Shelby since the day he started
3.36 racing absolutely uh they&;ve been around
3.36 longer than uh Carol Shelby&;s been
3.36 racing yeah uh I was fortunate enough to
3.36 be asked to do the forward to this book
3.36 so that was kind of fun to do this is
3.36 really a fun little book it&;s got a lot
3.36 of never foreseen pictures and most of
3.36 all the stuff I really enjoy it&;s got
3.36 the period reprint road test and not
3.36 just Motor Trend you have sports car
3.36 graphic in here and others as well you
3.36 know it&;s fun to read road tests back in
3.36 the period because they tell you what
3.36 they really think nowadays you look back
3.36 they they there&;s a certain everything
3.36 was wonderful back then you know this
3.36 car was not the Shel GT350 was not an
3.36 inexpensive car was $4,500 right when a
3.36 regular Mustang was about
3.36 $33,000 and uh this favorite one Carol
3.36 Shelby just had his hairstyle didn&;t he
3.36 comments that was back when Real Men
3.36 didn&;t get their hairstyle but Shelby
3.36 did so you want to make something of it
3.36 huh you want to do something about it
3.36 pal Carl Shelby will straighten you
3.36 right out that&;s what&;s fun about this
3.36 book all the period ads all look at that
3.36 there&;s an ad for the Turner GT over
3.36 there in the corner tell us the
3.36 inspiration for doing this you know we
3.36 knew we knew about Carol Shelby we&;ve
3.36 had a long history with him uh through
3.36 the years and we knew about his failing
3.36 Health we&;d been we&;d been uh you know
3.36 told about that but when he did pass was
3.36 it was quite a surprise and we we had
3.36 the issue ready to go uh for August and
3.36 we had this great cover concept well all
3.36 that had to be bined so that we could do
3.36 an issue to as a tribute to him and we
3.36 did two separate covers this came out
3.36 and actually sold it&;s one been the best
3.36 seller for the year and we decided let&;s
3.36 let&;s you know really commemorate the
3.36 man and pay tribute to him by doing uh
3.36 the bookazine as you mentioned which is
3.36 132 pages but we said you know we&;ll go
3.36 ahead and do a book as well taking a lot
3.36 of that content um and adding as you
3.36 mentioned a whole lot more including
3.36 neverbe seen photos we went through all
3.36 of our our sister Publications including
3.36 hot rod automobile went back and looked
3.36 at sports card graphic pulled old issues
3.36 of Motor Trend you know the May 62 issue
3.36 of sports car graphic was the first re
3.36 review of the Cobra and let&;s go back
3.36 and and show people what people thought
3.36 back then when that car came out how and
3.36 what how revolutionary was and then we
3.36 also put in some of our own our own
3.36 reviews of like the the latest
3.36 generation GT500 just so it captures
3.36 everything and there are those of a
3.36 certain age there certain iconic photos
3.36 like this one Y which I just remember I
3.36 have that poster I got it when I was 13
3.36 to 14 years old I still have the poster
3.36 today that&;s that&;s kind of cool you
3.36 know yeah this one is as well I mean
3.36 this this this is a favorite of mine
3.36 from when they were racing in the 65
3.36 Sebring uh just just incredible and
3.36 we&;re lucky that motoren has all of
3.36 these in the archive in the in the the
3.36 former Peterson publishing archive I
3.36 spent about literally you know two weeks
3.36 solid digging through the archive and we
3.36 found a lot of stuff that had never
3.36 before been published just lying in
3.36 boxes including I mean this is you know
3.36 this way to end a book is is phenomenal
3.36 this is a picture of Shelby from the 70s
3.36 carving in his initials into a tree I
3.36 mean this is not stuff you do these days
3.36 people down on it but back then I mean
3.36 this is this is who he was yeah you know
3.36 and it&;s it&;s hard to believe Cobra are
3.36 now a million dollars but they were a
3.36 hard sell back in the day the 427 hardly
3.36 sold at all I mean they sat on dealer
3.36 showrooms they discounted them give me
3.36 five grand just get it out of here
3.36 because they were such impractical right
3.36 High powerered automobiles a lot of
3.36 wonderful pictures there and it covers
3.36 the whole career too from the uh G
3.36 LH and uh got series one in there the
3.36 Dodge years y I remember when uh one of
3.36 the magazines uh had a road test that
3.36 the glh was faster than the GT350
3.36 exactly those were like fighting word I
3.36 remember buying that in the new stand
3.36 being furious and I went oh it is faster
3.36 oh okay we actually ran based on your
3.36 input we ran that we ran that cover we
3.36 ran that story so you know when we
3.36 chatted about it we said let&;s pull that
3.36 one as well I mean there are other
3.36 biographies that have gone into all the
3.36 minutia of Shelby&;s life but this one
3.36 really
3.36 covers just all the car stuff not so
3.36 much uh growing up and childhood and all
3.36 that this is what uh I guess most of us
3.36 are interested in I this another iconic
3.36 shot I just remember all of these at the
3.36 period and it&;s fun that they&;ve even uh
3.36 copied this is what magazine used to
3.36 look like this sort of uh off white
3.36 yellow black and white photo kind of
3.36 thing absolutely yeah and the magazine
3.36 was 50 cents which uh seemed high at the
3.36 time but we we even went to the memorial
3.36 they had at the Peterson yeah and we we
3.36 captured some we did some interviews
3.36 there we talked to Leah she met Carol
3.36 back when she needed a heart transplant
3.36 and became the emphasis for his his
3.36 right that young girl yeah yeah yeah for
3.36 for his Carol Shelby uh Foundation yeah
3.36 so you know we included her and that&;s
3.36 part of the uh charitable mission of the
3.36 book as well the portion of the proceeds
3.36 of the sale of the book go to the Carol
3.36 Shelby Children&;s Foundation right right
3.36 and uh he did a lot of wonderful work
3.36 there you know we always called him The
3.36 Lovable con man and uh and there there
3.36 was something to that he he had a heart
3.36 of gold but he was also hey hey my
3.36 wallet&;s gone what happened that Shelby
3.36 guy sold me something you know when uh
3.36 when Shelby came out with that Aurora
3.36 engined sports car he had I said Carol
3.36 what do you really think is he goes Jay
3.36 it&;s the greatest car I&;ve ever built
3.36 and I looked at him he kind of smiled at
3.36 me I go really oh
3.36 yeah he was always trying to sell you
3.36 something right which was hilarious and
3.36 but you didn&;t mind it because he was
3.36 Carol Shelby here he is at Lon yep
3.36 really one of those iconic American
3.36 characters part PD Barnum part Henry
3.36 Ford part Innovative part Rocky I mean
3.36 he was uh he just uh the likes of it I
3.36 don&;t think there&;s nobody else like
3.36 that there&;s no one that&;s had his kind
3.36 of career where it&;s successful early on
3.36 and but remains relevant all the way
3.36 through until until the very end the
3.36 names Enzo Ferrari Carol Shelby and they
3.36 didn&;t like each other Henry Ford
3.36 Bugatti dusenberg
3.36 Bentley there&;s really no more than a
3.36 handful and uh he is certainly the
3.36 longest lasting and one of a kind yeah
3.36 and the book is called Motor Trend
3.36 presents uh Shelby you can get this
3.36 anywhere right or get online uh you know
3.36 in bookstores mostly the the big
3.36 bookstores Bars & Noble have these on
3.36 the show even auto books and Burbank the
3.36 big bookstore we go to all the time
3.36 that&;s a good place to get it but this
3.36 is one of those ones that will be
3.36 available just about everywhere and uh I
3.36 did the forward that&;s not why I&;m
3.36 recommending it I&;m recommending it
3.36 because it&;s really good book cuz I get
3.36 nothing on this I get I didn&;t get a
3.36 dime did I I got a free copy of the book
3.36 S free copies so and all the and a good
3.36 portion of the proceeds rather goes to
3.36 the Shelby heart foundation and thank
3.36 you very much thank you thanks for
3.36 having me thanks see you next
3.36 week
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