L'histoire de l'autodrome de Linas-Montlhéry

Youtube: 1991 – Paris, Montlhéry historic racing(circuit montlhery 21 septembre)

Le thème «circuit montlhery 21 septembre» abordé en vidéo sur YouTube

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Notez la durée de la vidéo (00:22:19s), le titre (1991 – Paris, Montlhéry historic racing), et les commentaires qui accompagnent le contenu de l’auteur :« Great cars on the banking of the famous Montlhéry circuit, south of Paris. GT40, Porsche 917, Ferrari 512S, Lola T70, Matras, Chevrons, F3 screamers, 1950s Ferrari Dino..etc. ».

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Analyse technique du circuit

Description de la piste et de ses spécificités

La piste de l’Autodrome de Montlhéry est exceptionnelle. Conçue pour des véhicules pesant jusqu’à 1000 kg, elle se caractérise par une inclinaison importante qui permet d’atteindre des vitesses élevées. La piste ovale de 2,548 kilomètres constitue un défi technique pour les pilotes et propose un tracé difficile à appréhender, ce qui la rend idéale pour les compétitions de vitesse. Initialement, le circuit était prévu pour les voitures de course, mais un parcours routier a été ajouté en 1925, ce qui a permis l’organisation d’événements variés et de courses de longue distance.

Montlhéry est reconnu pour ses innombrables records de vitesse. Un des moments clés a été la victoire de Robert Benoist, pilote français, lors du premier Grand Prix de France sur ce circuit en 1925. Depuis lors, deperformancesde vitesse, en deux roues et en voiture, y ont été établis, attirant des véhicules de plusieurs marques, notamment des Ferrari et des motos de compétition puissantes, de 500 cm3 à plus de 1000 cm3.

Performances marquantes et records de vitesse

Le circuit de Montlhéry est le témoin deprouessesde vitesse. En 1926, Violette Cordery a accompli un exploit remarquable en parcourant 8000 kilomètres à une moyenne de 113,8 km/h dans une Invicta, devenant la première femme à recevoir le prestigieuxDewar Trophy. Le circuit a également été le lieu d’établissements de records en deux roues, mettant en avant des marques emblématiques comme Norton, Triumph et Honda. Des automobiles de grand prix et de sport ont également battu des records de vitesse, attirant l’élite mondiale pour repousser les limites de la vitesse.

Animations et compétitions sur le circuit

Formations disponibles pour les conducteurs

Le circuit de Linas-Montlhéry est aujourd’hui bien plus qu’un simple circuit de course : c’est un lieu de formation où divers stages de conduite sont organisés. Des formations sont proposées pour les passionnés de vitesse qui désirent améliorer leur maîtrise de la voiture, avec des stages de pilotage et des formations spécifiques pour les deux rouess et les voitures de haute puissance, notamment celles équipées de moteurs de 5000 cm3. Ces stages permettent aux participants de découvrir les limites de leur véhicule, d’explorer la piste dans des conditions sécurisées et de se familiariser avec les particularités uniques de ce circuit légendaire.

Événements à venir et festivals sportifs

Chaque année, Montlhéry est le théâtre de nombreux meetings d’envergure, comprenant des festivals et des compétitions qui attirent des fans du monde entier. LeFestival de l’Autodrome, qui met en avant des autos historiques, des Ferrari et des véhicules de collection, ainsi que des motos vintage, est l’un des événements les plus prisés. Le circuit organise également des rassemblements de voitures de sport, des courses de monoplaces et des rassemblements permettant de découvrir un plateau exceptionnel de véhicules. En plus des festivals, des compétitions régulières comme lePrix de l’Automobile Club de Franceet leFestival de la Motooffrent une occasion unique d’assister à des records de vitesse.

Montlhéry : Un Monument de la Compétition Automobile

Rôle essentiel dans le sport auto français

Le Circuit de Montlhéry tient une place unique dans l’histoire du sport voiture en France. Il est devenu le site emblématique des courses de vitesse et de résistance, où deprouessesde vitesse et de distance ont été enregistrés. Les 1000 kilomètres de Montlhéry, le Bol d’Or pour les motos et d’autres meetings comme laCoupe du Salonet leGrand Prix de l’Âge d’Ory ont été tenus, faisant de cet endroit un incontournable du sport voiture. À travers les décennies, Montlhéry a su rester une référence dans le monde des courses, accueillant des automobiles mythiques comme les Ferrari, tout en offrant un espace de formation et de stage pour les jeunes pilotes et amateurs de automobiles de course et de motos.

De nombreux sites en ligne traitent de l’histoire et des activités du circuit, mais les actualités les plus détaillées peuvent être trouvées sur le site officielde l’histoire du circuit de linas-montlhery.

La première course voiture d’envergure sur le circuit, le Grand Prix de France de 1925, a réuni les meilleurs pilotes de l’époque. Organisé par l’Automobile Club de France, cet rassemblement marquant a vu la victoire de Robert Benoist au volant d’une Delage, tandis qu’Antonio Ascari, pilote de Ferrari, perdait tragiquement la vie au volant de son Alfa Romeo. Ce circuit historique a continué d’accueillir des compétitions de haut niveau, attirant des véhicules d’exception, des Ferrari aux monoplaces françaises, ainsi que des motos de diverses marques internationales.

Historique et évolution du circuit

L’Autodrome de Montlhéry, souvent appeléL’autodrome de Linas-Montlhéry, est un circuit de référence dans le domaine du sport auto français. Ouvert le 4 octobre 1924, ce lieu incontournable est situé à Linas, à environ 30 kilomètres de Paris. Conçu par l’ingénieur René Jamin pour l’industriel Alexandre Lamblin, ce circuit est une merveille architecturale de son temps avec sa piste ovale de 2,548 kilomètres. Sa conception a permis aux véhicules d’atteindre des vitesses de 220 km/h, un véritable exploit à l’époque.

Offres de services et accès au circuit

Services accessibles sur site pour les fans

Le circuit propose une gamme de services pour optimiser l’expérience des visiteurs. Des stages de formation sont offerts aux amateurs de vitesse et de compétition tout au long de l’année, permettant à chacun d’améliorer ses compétences au volant d’un véhicule de sport ou d’une deux roues. Un club de passionnés fournit aussi des conseils et des infos pour profiter au mieux des rassemblements organisés sur le circuit.

Les visiteurs peuvent également assister aux courses de motos et de automobiles, tout en profitant des installations de restauration et des espaces de repos sur place. L’Autodrome de Montlhéry, chargé d’histoire et d’événements, est un lieu de prédilection pour les aficionados de vitesse, de voitures et de motos, où se mélangent compétition, formation et spectacles mécaniques pour tous les âges.

Conseils pratiques pour les personnes en visite

L’Autodrome de Linas-Montlhéry est implanté à environ 30 kilomètres au sud de Paris, ce qui le rend facilement accessible depuis la capitale. Le site offre de grands espaces de stationnement pour les visiteurs utilisant leur voiture. Des actualités sont aussi disponibles pour ceux qui souhaitent participer aux rassemblements, avec des guides et des services de soutien pour les amateurs de sports mécaniques. Les amateurs de moto et de autos de course peuvent profiter de nombreux services sur place, allant du stationnement pour les véhicules sportifs aux installations dédiées au public.

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#Paris #Montlhéry #historic #racing

Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: welcome to Paris and in the shadow of the Eiffel Tower some of the superb Vehicles which will be racing in the Grand Prix historic dear this a weekend pack of nostalgia because the circuit is also nostalgic Moni to the south of France the bank track the track that some of you may remember was the feature event of that wonderful film AR Eon fam some glorious cars here from between the 1930s and 1970s and undoubtedly the showpiece the three mattres from the late 60s early ’70s they’re the earliest coupe the Matra 630 the green the colors of HRI pesaro’s helmet the four time Lam more winner won of course the lam more 24hour race with graham Hill in that car the number 15 car and indeed he was to race the machine which is actually owned by Mike Knight of the french-based Winfield racing school two of the other mattress being brought from the south of France where they now reside in a museum the Matra AA space company were heavily into motor racing in the late 60s and early ’70s [Music] PESA alongside him jack shak’s first assistant Jac tuar so the man who is assistant to the Paris May certainly enjoying his ride there on the circuit and the Glorious sound of the V12 Matra engine having said that that particular car is fitted with a gnie weslake V8 Ford motor apparently the V12 engine was damaged well an interview here with Mr tuor he says really does enjoy these cars well the famous shape of a Porsche 917 David Piper at the wheel David Piper who raced for much of the 60s has been the leading light behind the super sports series for cars of this particular era and of course we may well remember drivers like Pedro Rodriguez and Joe CF racing these 917s the classic GT40 these cars will all be racing later this particular GT 40 a road goinging version I once drove a GT40 on the road it was a tremendous experience one that I shall never forget drove a d type on the same day incidentally thanks to Willie Green and the JCB collection for that well there is the famous mon Larry Banking and these various super sports cars just being demonstrated Ted rollison at the wheel of this particular 5 L version some of the cars had 4.7 L [Music] engines there one of the rather older vehicles and there is a Cooper t53 for me 1970 Formula 3 Cars largely lined up some 69 cars in those days I was a team manager for one of these cars that’s actually racing here today A March 703 and being beaten as it was in 1970 by a Lotus 59 in Gold Leaf colors also in this race some of the old formula France cars raced in that era and a good battle between a techno and the Lotus 59 as driven to many race victories in the 1970 season by Australian David Walker Dave Walker as we called him one liter downdraft engines we called them the screamers they reved to almost 11,000 revs after every race they came out the chassis as that techno drives down the inside and very close indeed and indeed the Techno takes the lead off J’s Bo number 21 driven by Michelle Miler Maya I should [Music] say and these two breaking away from the rest of the field very quickly indeed and a superb scrap at the front so reminiscent of the kind of thing that went on back in the 1970s several other people getting fairly out of [Music] shape Chevrons techos Martinez the odd [Music] Merlin and further down the field the old martini mk4s and the Lotus 59 is in [Music] trouble and Michelle Maya in the Techno could well be an ex Ronnie Peterson or Raina vile [Music] car only used to drive a car like that 1968 and number 46 spins off just locked it up under breaking that’s Pierre rno Martini [Music] MK4 and that techno Head and Shoulders Above the Rest of the field as as he Dives back down the banking and receives the checkered [Music] flag next up group six sports stars very small grid for this [Music] one Chevrons Lola old Ela BMW there’s a Chevron B8 the white coupe car the leading car hands Marcus Huber Germany is Chevron B21 couple of the Glorious Chevron V8 there designed by Derek Bennett who was so tragically killed in a hand gliding accident the El BMW Mark 8 locking up under brakes and there alola T9 292 I should say shades of the old European 2 L sports car Championship people like Twan hzman and Arturo maio and Brian Redmond all raced in this series in fact there’s a big Revival of these cars in Britain Marcus Pi of the Autosport magazine very much at the for of that particular Revival but it’s a an Ela Mark 8 Frank Nichols design which we see going through the pcture of the green car but this is the leading car of Hans Marcus Huber and chased there by Richard dodkins and his Chevron V8 most of them came with BMW engines as dokins goes on the inside and uh Huber obviously with a problem right at the finish and a victory for Richard dodkins from Britain second the Swiss H Marcus Huber and third Yan prart in the ler T 292 now the super sport series coming up there’s Henry pescarolo David [Music] Piper for 3 ler with the Mike Knight at the wheel well these cars will be racing in just a few moments this the presentation there’s at GT40 much older Ferrari that won’t be competitive for those [Music] boys a mouthwatering lineup of Glorious sports cars of the 60s and70s there’s Mike Knight that’s rare Ford machine designed by Len Bailey mainly British drivers in this category which has been put together by David Piper and hry pescaro they’re in that Matra here’s a list of the cars taking part three different uh categories [Music] superb lineup of equipment that’s one of David Piper’s Ferraris that’s Willie Tucket Works in central London will used to race a Chevron and there’s another glorious car that was actually owned by rer Pensky organization and raced by Mark Donahue in those very sonoko colors absolutely glorious 512 Ferrari Swiss owner these [Music] days R pesc being interviewed and saying it’s a very big emotion for for him driving mattress at Mon and I’m looking forward to a victory here’s David Piper and put the series together what did David have to say the Porsche is lovely it’s very nice I’ve had the Porsche I bought it new in 1969 and uh I’ve had it ever since it’s a good car we’ve just put a new engine in it because unfortunately we had Brian Redmond was driving it in Japan and he broke the crankshaft it wasn’t his fault but you know it was old age so we’ve got a new engine in it now and it’s very good it’s the first time we’ve raised it so David Piper John Hunt the Lola T70 on Pole Position pesaro really getting to the task in the matro on the front row of the grid and look at that shunt and uh well a lot of damage there the number 14 car and that is a great shame just very narrow at moner and well you saw the end result of all that have another go at the start and this time it’s a clean one and John Hunt into an immediate lead with his T70 Mark 3B Denny Holm won a lot of races in the car like that the mat in second [Music] place Bill shepher Cobra going through John Hunt who is married to the former Janet Bry Widow of the Romy driver Tony brze of course killed in the airplane accident with gram Hill El [Music] stre in fact Janet and Tom Price’s widow have got a an antique shop I believe uh in West [Music] London M Jones there in his Lola saw him out earlier chasing David Piper hry pesaro in the Windfield owned Matra the field coming [Music] through glorious Porsche 908 there really being uh slid around John Hunt used to Hill Climb but now one of the quickest men in this super sports series ESC carello winner this year of the Daytona 24 hours for [Music] Yost swim down off the Banky again and Pesca really giving it a big go I believe this is the only Matra which is in private ownership matter of course one Lam more breaking a long drought for France think it was something in the region of 30 [Music] years so the Matra Ford looking extremely good some of the older cars going through the [Music] [Applause] field 10 is burn Becker with his said it was a Porsche 908 actually it’s a a Porsche 910 as I just look at it more closely the car which followed the 9008 BN Becker from Switzerland he’s had that car for a [Music] while Ford F3 wasn’t a particularly well- loved car in its time Great Australian racing driver Frank Gardner had some fairly strong words to say about [Music] it there’s David Piper and his [Music] 917 noris Porche Flat 12 engine of course so coming up to the checker flag and feso now dropping back one lap to GE unusual traffic light with red in the middle oce 24 stranded in the middle well remember in part one the uh Coopers contested the lead and Cooper first and second [Music] again there’s it ra pre-war machine going through and the uh to Cargo Philip [Music] Moreno lindsy Jones 38 having yet another [Music] run on you driving the V English racing [Music] automobiles there is that AB Ferrari from the mid 50s this car 1959 vintage and just going through the picture was a a conort which looked like one of the Grand Prix streamliners to me we get another shot of that that machine as uh Chris Alford starting to fling the uh otus 24 around that car with a V8 centry climax engine 1 and A2 lers Jim Clark raced a car like that as we said earlier this was the last of the space frame but is the next model of the 25 was the innovative monok ra W through John Harper John chased by lindsy [Music] Jones and lindsy Jones appearing to have problems there and he falls off so John Harper’s big rival from the earlier race definitely out of the action the yellow flag [Applause] waved Jerry Porter in second place chased by the Ferrari and by Chris Alford here’s the other Lotus 24 going down the inside of the tobot lgo which goes absolutely straight on Runo I don’t remember that car probably worth hundreds of thousands of pounds so an excellent battle for second place Al well up see the back of the car levon’s Lotus 18 that was the Formula 1 model before the one you SE in the picture now the Lot 24 John Harper is he having problems car picks up again and those two extraordinary pan ards from by gski and La fall wonderful machines urging it on Ferrari sweeps down off the banking again now the Ferrari in front of Jerry Porter AO out breaks him two of course in completely different [Music] categories that Cooper was really the first of the rear engine in Formula 1 cars of the late 50s remembering of course that Auto Union had engines in the rear pre-war but then everybody went back to front engined and really throwing the car out and just managing to collect it Jerry Porter Jerry’s a London car trader on the banking the D engine really stretches his legs and a terrific scrap between these [Music] two ferari climax climax keeping a watching brief and the two pan ards well they’ve been lapped a couple of times dra an exhaust pipe seems to come out of the front of the car [Music] there’s that Ferrari Dino doubtly that has the highest price tag of any car racing in this meeting and yet again John Harper seems to be having a problem with fuel starvation berter still flinging his Cooper around slightly older Cooper model that one I think that’s a 1957 version Coopers were built in W in sorry close to the famous Brooklyn’s banking here the cars on the moner banking just listen to that Ferrari sounds absolutely gorgeous so the checkered flag and the Ferrari goes through acknowledges the cheers of the crowd overall the result John Harper cerini second Porter third Alford fourth Hall Fifth and John you are doing a good job finishing sixth in the ra and winning Class A .

Image YouTube

Déroulement de la vidéo:

0.88 welcome to Paris and in the shadow of
0.88 the Eiffel Tower some of the superb
0.88 Vehicles which will be racing in the
0.88 Grand Prix historic
0.88 dear this a weekend pack of nostalgia
0.88 because the circuit is also nostalgic
0.88 Moni to the south of France the bank
0.88 track the track that some of you may
0.88 remember was the feature event of that
0.88 wonderful film AR Eon fam
0.88 some glorious cars here from between the
0.88 1930s and
0.88 1970s and undoubtedly the showpiece the
0.88 three mattres from the late 60s early
0.88 &;70s they&;re the earliest coupe the
0.88 Matra
0.88 630 the
0.88 green the colors of HRI pesaro&;s helmet
0.88 the four time Lam more winner won of
0.88 course the lam more 24hour race with
0.88 graham Hill in that car the number 15
0.88 car and indeed he was to race the
0.88 machine which is actually owned by Mike
0.88 Knight of the french-based Winfield
0.88 racing school two of the other mattress
0.88 being brought from the south of France
0.88 where they now reside in a
0.88 museum the Matra AA space company were
0.88 heavily into motor racing in the late
0.88 60s and early &;70s
0.88 [Music]
0.88 PESA alongside him jack shak&;s first
0.88 assistant Jac tuar so the man who is
0.88 assistant to the Paris May certainly
0.88 enjoying his ride there on the circuit
0.88 and the Glorious sound of the V12 Matra
0.88 engine having said that that particular
0.88 car is fitted with a gnie weslake V8
0.88 Ford motor apparently the V12 engine was
0.88 damaged well an interview here with Mr
0.88 tuor he says really does enjoy these
0.88 cars well the famous shape of a Porsche
0.88 917 David Piper at the wheel David Piper
0.88 who raced for much of the 60s has been
0.88 the leading light behind the super
0.88 sports series for cars of this
0.88 particular era
0.88 and of course we may well remember
0.88 drivers like Pedro Rodriguez and Joe CF
0.88 racing these
0.88 917s the classic
0.88 GT40 these cars will all be racing later
0.88 this particular GT 40 a road goinging
0.88 version I once drove a GT40 on the road
0.88 it was a
0.88 tremendous experience one that I shall
0.88 never forget drove a d type on the same
0.88 day incidentally thanks to Willie Green
0.88 and the JCB collection for that well
0.88 there is the famous mon Larry
0.88 Banking and these various super sports
0.88 cars just being
0.88 demonstrated Ted rollison at the wheel
0.88 of this particular 5 L version some of
0.88 the cars had 4.7 L
0.88 [Music]
0.88 engines there one of the rather older
0.88 vehicles and there is a Cooper
0.88 t53 for me
0.88 1970 Formula 3 Cars largely lined up
0.88 some 69 cars in those days I was a team
0.88 manager for one of these cars that&;s
0.88 actually racing here today A March
0.88 703 and being beaten as it was in 1970
0.88 by a Lotus 59 in Gold Leaf colors also
0.88 in this race some of the old formula
0.88 France cars raced in that era and a good
0.88 battle between a techno and the Lotus 59
0.88 as driven to many race victories in the
0.88 1970 season by
0.88 Australian David Walker Dave Walker as
0.88 we called
0.88 him one liter downdraft engines we
0.88 called them the screamers they reved to
0.88 almost 11,000 revs after every race they
0.88 came out the chassis as that techno
0.88 drives down the inside and very close
0.88 indeed and indeed the Techno takes the
0.88 lead off J&;s Bo number 21 driven by
0.88 Michelle
0.88 Miler Maya I should
0.88 [Music]
0.88 say and these two breaking away from the
0.88 rest of the field very quickly indeed
0.88 and a superb scrap at the front so
0.88 reminiscent of the kind of thing that
0.88 went on back in the
0.88 1970s
0.88 several other people getting fairly out
0.88 of
0.88 [Music]
0.88 shape Chevrons techos Martinez the odd
0.88 [Music]
0.88 Merlin and further down the field the
0.88 old martini
0.88 mk4s and the Lotus 59 is in
0.88 [Music]
0.88 trouble and Michelle Maya in the Techno
0.88 could well be an ex Ronnie Peterson or
0.88 Raina vile
0.88 [Music]
0.88 car only used to drive a car like that
0.88 1968 and number 46 spins off just locked
0.88 it up under breaking that&;s Pierre
0.88 rno Martini
0.88 [Music]
0.88 MK4 and that techno Head and
0.88 Shoulders Above the Rest of the field as
0.88 as he Dives back down the banking and
0.88 receives the checkered
0.88 [Music]
0.88 flag next up group six sports
0.88 stars very small grid for this
0.88 [Music]
0.88 one Chevrons Lola old Ela BMW there&;s a
0.88 Chevron B8 the white coupe
0.88 car
0.88 the leading car hands Marcus Huber
0.88 Germany is
0.88 Chevron
0.88 B21 couple of the Glorious Chevron V8
0.88 there designed by Derek Bennett who was
0.88 so tragically killed in a hand gliding
0.88 accident the El BMW Mark 8 locking up
0.88 under
0.88 brakes
0.88 and there alola T9 292 I should say
0.88 shades of the old European 2 L sports
0.88 car
0.88 Championship people like Twan hzman and
0.88 Arturo maio and Brian Redmond all raced
0.88 in this
0.88 series in fact there&;s a big Revival of
0.88 these cars in
0.88 Britain Marcus Pi of the Autosport
0.88 magazine very much at the for of that
0.88 particular
0.88 Revival but it&;s a an Ela Mark 8 Frank
0.88 Nichols design which we see going
0.88 through the pcture of the green car but
0.88 this is the leading car of Hans Marcus
0.88 Huber and chased there by Richard
0.88 dodkins and his Chevron
0.88 V8 most of them came with BMW engines as
0.88 dokins goes on the inside and uh Huber
0.88 obviously with a problem right at the
0.88 finish and a victory for Richard dodkins
0.88 from Britain second the Swiss H Marcus
0.88 Huber and third Yan prart in the ler T
0.88 292 now the super sport series coming up
0.88 there&;s Henry
0.88 pescarolo David
0.88 [Music]
0.88 Piper for 3 ler with the Mike Knight at
0.88 the
0.88 wheel well these cars will be racing in
0.88 just a few
0.88 moments this the presentation there&;s at
0.88 GT40 much older Ferrari that won&;t be
0.88 competitive for those
0.88 [Music]
0.88 boys a mouthwatering lineup of Glorious
0.88 sports cars of the 60s and70s there&;s
0.88 Mike
0.88 Knight that&;s rare
0.88 Ford machine designed by Len Bailey
0.88 mainly British drivers in this category
0.88 which has been put together by David
0.88 Piper and hry pescaro they&;re in that
0.88 Matra here&;s a list of the cars taking
0.88 part three different uh
0.88 categories
0.88 [Music]
0.88 superb lineup of
0.88 equipment that&;s one of David Piper&;s
0.88 Ferraris that&;s Willie Tucket Works in
0.88 central
0.88 London will used to race a
0.88 Chevron and there&;s another glorious car
0.88 that was actually owned by rer Pensky
0.88 organization and raced by Mark Donahue
0.88 in those very sonoko colors
0.88 absolutely glorious
0.88 512
0.88 Ferrari Swiss owner these
0.88 [Music]
0.88 days R pesc being interviewed and saying
0.88 it&;s a very big emotion for for
0.88 him driving mattress at
0.88 Mon and I&;m looking forward to a victory
0.88 here&;s David Piper and put the series
0.88 together what did David have to
0.88 say the Porsche is lovely it&;s very nice
0.88 I&;ve had the Porsche I bought it new in
0.88 1969 and uh I&;ve had it ever since it&;s
0.88 a good car we&;ve just put a new engine
0.88 in it because unfortunately we had Brian
0.88 Redmond was driving it in Japan and he
0.88 broke the crankshaft it wasn&;t his fault
0.88 but you know it was old age so we&;ve got
0.88 a new engine in it now and it&;s very
0.88 good it&;s the first time we&;ve raised
0.88 it so David Piper John Hunt the Lola T70
0.88 on Pole Position pesaro really getting
0.88 to the task in the matro on the front
0.88 row of the
0.88 grid and look at that shunt and uh well
0.88 a lot of damage there the number 14 car
0.88 and that is a great shame just very
0.88 narrow at
0.88 moner and well you saw the end result of
0.88 all
0.88 that have another go at the
0.88 start and this time it&;s a clean
0.88 one and John Hunt into an immediate lead
0.88 with his T70 Mark 3B Denny Holm won a
0.88 lot of races in the car like that the
0.88 mat in second
0.88 [Music]
0.88 place Bill shepher Cobra going
0.88 through John Hunt who is married
0.88 to the former Janet Bry Widow of the
0.88 Romy driver Tony brze of course killed
0.88 in the airplane accident with gram Hill
0.88 El
0.88 [Music]
0.88 stre in fact Janet and Tom Price&;s widow
0.88 have got a an antique shop I believe uh
0.88 in West
0.88 [Music]
0.88 London M Jones there in his Lola saw him
0.88 out
0.88 earlier chasing David
0.88 Piper hry pesaro in the Windfield owned
0.88 Matra the field coming
0.88 [Music]
0.88 through glorious Porsche 908 there
0.88 really being
0.88 uh slid
0.88 around
0.88 John Hunt used to Hill Climb but now one
0.88 of the quickest men in this super sports
0.88 series ESC carello winner this year of
0.88 the Daytona 24 hours for
0.88 [Music]
0.88 Yost swim down off the Banky again
0.88 and Pesca really giving it a big
0.88 go I believe this is the only Matra
0.88 which is in private
0.88 ownership matter of
0.88 course one Lam more breaking a long
0.88 drought for
0.88 France think it was something in the
0.88 region of 30
0.88 [Music]
0.88 years so the Matra Ford looking
0.88 extremely good some of the older cars
0.88 going through the
0.88 [Music]
0.88 [Applause]
0.88 field 10 is burn Becker with his said it
0.88 was a Porsche 908 actually it&;s a a
0.88 Porsche 910 as I just look at it more
0.88 closely the car which followed the 9008
0.88 BN Becker from Switzerland he&;s had that
0.88 car for a
0.88 [Music]
0.88 while Ford F3
0.88 wasn&;t a particularly well- loved car in
0.88 its
0.88 time Great Australian racing driver
0.88 Frank Gardner had some fairly strong
0.88 words to say about
0.88 [Music]
0.88 it there&;s David Piper and his
0.88 [Music]
0.88 917 noris Porche Flat 12 engine of
0.88 course so coming up to the checker
0.88 flag and feso now dropping back one lap
0.88 to GE unusual traffic light with red in
0.88 the middle oce 24 stranded in the
0.88 middle well remember in part one
0.88 the uh Coopers contested the
0.88 lead and Cooper first and second
0.88 [Music]
0.88 again there&;s it ra pre-war machine
0.88 going through and the uh to
0.88 Cargo Philip
0.88 [Music]
0.88 Moreno lindsy Jones 38 having yet
0.88 another
0.88 [Music]
0.88 run on you driving the
0.88 V English racing
0.88 [Music]
0.88 automobiles
0.88 there is that
0.88 AB Ferrari from the mid
0.88 50s this
0.88 car
0.88 1959
0.88 vintage and just going through the
0.88 picture was a a
0.88 conort which looked like one of the
0.88 Grand Prix streamliners to me we get
0.88 another shot of that that
0.88 machine as uh Chris Alford starting to
0.88 fling the uh otus 24 around that car
0.88 with a V8 centry climax engine 1 and A2
0.88 lers Jim Clark raced a car like
0.88 that as we said earlier this was the
0.88 last of the space
0.88 frame but is the next model of the 25
0.88 was the innovative monok ra W through
0.88 John
0.88 Harper John chased
0.88 by lindsy
0.88 [Music]
0.88 Jones and lindsy Jones appearing to have
0.88 problems
0.88 there and he falls off so John Harper&;s
0.88 big rival from the earlier race
0.88 definitely out of the
0.88 action
0.88 the yellow flag
0.88 [Applause]
0.88 waved Jerry Porter in second place
0.88 chased by the Ferrari and by Chris
0.88 Alford here&;s the other Lotus 24 going
0.88 down the inside of the tobot lgo which
0.88 goes absolutely straight
0.88 on
0.88 Runo I don&;t remember that car probably
0.88 worth hundreds of thousands of
0.88 pounds so an excellent battle for second
0.88 place Al well up see the back of the car
0.88 levon&;s Lotus
0.88 18 that was the Formula 1 model before
0.88 the one you SE in the picture now the
0.88 Lot
0.88 24
0.88 John Harper is he having
0.88 problems car picks up
0.88 again and those two extraordinary pan
0.88 ards from by gski and La
0.88 fall wonderful machines urging it
0.88 on
0.88 Ferrari sweeps down off the banking
0.88 again now the Ferrari in front of Jerry
0.88 Porter AO out breaks him two of course
0.88 in completely different
0.88 [Music]
0.88 categories that Cooper was really the
0.88 first of the rear engine in Formula 1
0.88 cars of the late
0.88 50s remembering of course that Auto
0.88 Union had engines in the rear
0.88 pre-war but then everybody went back to
0.88 front engined and really throwing the
0.88 car out and just managing to collect
0.88 it Jerry
0.88 Porter Jerry&;s a London car
0.88 trader on the banking the D engine
0.88 really stretches his
0.88 legs and a terrific scrap between these
0.88 [Music]
0.88 two
0.88 ferari
0.88 climax climax keeping a watching
0.88 brief and the two pan ards well they&;ve
0.88 been lapped a couple of times dra an
0.88 exhaust pipe seems to come out of the
0.88 front of the car
0.88 [Music]
0.88 there&;s
0.88 that Ferrari
0.88 Dino doubtly that has the highest price
0.88 tag of any car racing in this meeting
0.88 and yet again John Harper seems to be
0.88 having a problem with fuel
0.88 starvation berter still flinging his
0.88 Cooper around slightly older Cooper
0.88 model that one I think that&;s a
0.88 1957
0.88 version Coopers were built in W in sorry
0.88 close to the famous Brooklyn&;s banking
0.88 here the cars on the moner
0.88 banking just listen to that Ferrari
0.88 sounds absolutely gorgeous so the
0.88 checkered
0.88 flag and the Ferrari goes through
0.88 acknowledges the cheers of the crowd
0.88 overall the result John Harper cerini
0.88 second Porter third Alford fourth Hall
0.88 Fifth and John you are doing a good job
0.88 finishing sixth in the ra and winning
0.88 Class A

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