Sur YouTube, Le thème « Autodrome de linas-montlhéry avis » analysé en profondeur
Le thème « Autodrome de linas-montlhéry avis » par alexsmolik France (alexsmolikFR)
Sur YouTube, publié par alexsmolik France (alexsmolikFR) (), cette vidéo est consacrée au thème « Autodrome de linas-montlhéry avis » et en présente quelques aspects.
YouTube permet à tous dans le monde entier de partager leurs passions, leurs talents et leurs idées, offrant une plateforme unique pour s’exprimer.
À l’instant où nous avons visionné la vidéo (), elle comptait déjà plusieurs interactions cumulées. Le décompte de Likes indiquait: 80.
Notez la durée de la vidéo (00:10:15s), le titre (Les Grandes Heures Automobiles 2017 – alexsmolik), et les commentaires qui accompagnent le contenu de l’auteur :« Venez avec moi à l’autodrome de Linas-Montlhéry pour revivre les Grandes Heures Automobiles 2017 à mes côtés! Cette année, les grandes stars auront eu pour nom McLaren F1, McLaren P1, Ferrari 250 LM, Ferrari 330P3, Porsche 917… et j’en passe! Que du beau monde… ».
La vidéo se trouve juste en dessous de cette phrase
À la découverte du circuit de Linas-Montlhéry, lieu incontournable pour les amateurs de vitesse
Importance de la certification et des performances record
Depuis des décennies, l’autodrome de Linas-Montlhéry est associé aux records de vitesse. Les prouesses réalisées par des véhicules mythiques sur l’iconique anneau de vitesse ont contribué à sa renommée mondiale. Son tracé et son revêtement en font un circuit idéal pour les records du monde, attirant passionnés et professionnels. L’Utac s’assure de l’homologation des épreuves, garantissant un haut niveau de sécurité pour préserver ce site unique dans l’univers auto.
Histoire et patrimoine du circuit : un héritage de vitesse et d’innovation
Conçu dans les années 1920, l’Autodrome de Linas-Montlhéry est un circuit situé en Essonne qui attire les passionnés de courses et de prouesses automobiles. Initié par l’ingénieurAlexandre Lamblin, ce circuit se distingue par un tracé audacieux enanneau de vitesse, avec des virages inclinés, idéal pour les courses d’endurance et les tentatives derecords. L’année 2004 a été marquée par l’annonce de la fermeture du circuit de Linas-Montlhéry, provoquant une réaction forte de la part des fans à travers le monde. À cette époque, le maire François Pelletant a orchestré une mobilisation internationale visant à négocier la réouverture du circuit pour accueillir des événements et des meetings de autos et de motos anciennes ouverts au public.Depuis son inauguration, pilotes et constructeurs se rendent sur ce site mythique pour tester les limites de leurs véhicules, contribuant ainsi à l’aura légendaire de ce circuit emblématique du sport auto en France.
Rassemblements mémorables à Linas
Événements sportifs emblématiques et Grand Prix
Avec les années, l’Autodrome de Linas-Montlhéry a accueilli d’innombrables Grands Prix et courses légendaires où des automobiles de toutes cylindrées ont brillé. Aujourd’hui, le célèbre plateau Saint-Eutrope rassemble chaque année des automobiles anciennes et des modèles emblématiques sans chronométrage, dans une ambiance conviviale. Ces événements attirent un public passionné, rassemblant amateurs et collectionneurs autour de véhicules mythiques.
Journées de roulage et expériences uniques pour les fans
Loin des compétitions, des sessions de roulage sont proposées aux fans de auto et de moto pour une expérience authentique sur le tracé historique de l’autodrome. Dans des conditions sécurisées, les passionnés peuvent ressentir l’adrénaline de l’anneau de vitesse, une opportunité de découvrir l’autodrome et de vivre des instants uniques.
La scène des automobiles anciennes à Linas-Montlhéry
Les héros du volant et leurs équipes qui ont marqué les temps
Les figures emblématiques de l’automobile, ainsi que des équipes renommées, ont marqué l’histoire du circuit. Des coupes prestigieuses et des courses d’endurance ont vu des pilotes tels que Gwenda Stewart et Raymond Sommer s’affronter, parmi d’autres légendes de la vitesse. Chaque édition des meetings actuels rend hommage aux exploits et aux personnages qui ont contribué à l’identité de le circuit.
La contribution des automobiles historiques à l’événementiel
Le circuit constitue un cadre idéal pour les véhicules anciens, qui sont exposés lors de festivals et d’expositions. L’absence de compétition chronométrée met en lumière ces autos de collection dans un environnement qui respecte l’histoire de l’voiture. Ces meetings offrent au public la chance d’admirer de près des modèles rares et des automobiles légendaires ayant marqué différentes époques.
Anticipations pour l’avenir de le circuit
Initiatives de développement et d’innovation
En ce moment, l’Utac, gestionnaire de l’autodrome, travaille sur des projets d’innovation pour moderniser le circuit avec les nouvelles techniques. En plus des événements traditionnels, des installations contemporaines permettent de tester des véhicules autonomes et d’expérimenter des techniques de auto intelligente. Un campus automobile est en développement, centré sur les inventions de la mobilité de demain.
Engagement pour la sauvegarde du patrimoine automobile
Conscient de son rôle dans l’histoire, l’autodrome est déterminé à préserver le patrimoine auto. En partenariat avec des associations locales et des passionnés, l’Utac s’engage à entretenir ce lieu légendaire, garantissant son accessibilité aux générations futures. La conservation du circuit et les événements sans chronométrage revitalisent les véhicules anciens tout en sensibilisant le public à l’importance de ce site exceptionnel.
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#Les #Grandes #Heures #Automobiles #alexsmolik
Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: Hey everyone, alexsmolik here! Where were you on september 23/24?! Well, I was at « Les Grandes Heures Automobiles » And you should’ve been there as well! But first things first What exactly is « Les Grandes Heures Automobiles? It’s a great project started with one man, Franz HUMMEL Whose purpose was to give back its illustrous noble past to the mythical autodrome of Linas-Montlhéry Indeed, one has got to admit that the autodrome, after having such a glorious past after hosting so many events, wether it’s the « 1000 km of Paris » or the « Bol d’Or », and so many more… With renown drivers, such as Jean-Pierre BELTOISE, Louis CHIRON, Jean-Pierre WIMILLE… (( BTW, those two names should ring a bell to every Bugatti fan out there )) Despite all this, the autodrome was somewhat age worn Especially since the non-renewal of its « race homologation » back in 2004 Still, that didn’t stop Ken BLOCK from filming his Gymkhana 3 there in 2010 Which is not bad! With passion as its guiding principle « Les Grandes Heures » aims to unite and federate Wether it’s passionate people, drivers, curious people, around this famous race track During a festive and family-oriented kind of week-end in the hopes of bringing back to life the Autodrome The adventure has been going on for 3 years now Many would say the 2nd edition was the real « first edition » Considering how good it was That being said, this year was on another level so… The event keeps getting better and better each year, getting bigger as well BTW, the event might be called the « Grandes Heures AUTOMOBILES » (mentioning « cars ») But motorbikes have a say in it ! This year, no less than 200 motorbikes took part in the event and participated to the show As far as I’m concerned I know shit about bikes I’m afraid So I can’t really talk to you about that… … hey… maybe I’ve got a new angle there… One thing is for certain: There were some MEAN machines there! So the 2017 edition was special for us for many reasons Firstly, giving the quality of the cars present there, which simply was outstanding But I’ll get back to that later But there also is a second reason: we had an agreement with the organizers to try and bring to life an « outstanding GT » and supercars batch whose name would be « alexsmolik supercar series » Seeing your name being associated with an event known for its quality it’s flattering but it’s also quite intimidating Thanks to the Cars & Food club, a bunch of outstanding GT were able to join us to participate in the event and enjoy themselves With a pretty remarkable honor and privilege Which was to have four driving sessions around the track, including one night session Which is pretty impressive and… for some, still traumatizing (<<<=== me) Our batch had Corvette, Porsche, Aston Martin, Ferrari, Lambo, Mercedes… you catch the drift Definitely a great show especially for a first ! But most importantly: every participant loved it and was very satisfied of their week-end So was the public btw, from what I’ve heard here and there. Everyone enjoyed it so… that’s cool Hoping to renew the challenge next year? Who knows! I have to admit we were incredbly lucky with the weather though, which was magnificent A scorching sun, with temperatures reaching 25 F all week-end Basically, a real « indian summer » But « Les Grandes Heures » is also the presence of great pilots This year, the 9-time world rally champion Sébastien LOEB, stole everyone’s thunder Indeed, the man from Alsace came to drive his Peugeot 208 T16 with whom he broke the Pikes Peak hillclimb record in eight minutes and thirteen seconds (8″13′) Not about to be broken just yet… Oh come on, don’t pretend you don’t know the car?! An 875 bhp beast for 875 kilos ? With a wing straight out of hell? … nope … ? Fair enough. A little reminder then There also was a mythical McLaren and its little sister, both were big stars this weekend too The McLaren F1 became an icon as soon as it got out of the factory in 1995 She was accompanied by its « little sister », the McLaren P1, part of the tryptic The commonly-known « Holy Trinity » But what was super cool about these two is that they both had the same dress colour « Genesis Blue ». So yes, same paintjob colour And they formed a catching pair Pair who clearly became the focus point of many cameras this weekend Sadly, they didn’t drive… but hey, what can you do, that’s life! Actually, WRONG Considering the McLaren F1 took part in the sunday parade Around 6/7 PM… basically, you had to be there! Couldn’t miss this ! But for me, what literally had me Was David PIPER’s cars Indeed, the former english pilot, familiar with endurance racing back in the days Known for actively taking part in the « Le Mans » movie alongside Steve McQueen Which was a harsh experience for him, considering he lost part of his leg as a result of it all Well, get ready because mister PIPER Didn’t bring just one… Or even two… But he brought SIX of his cars !! His green Porsche 917, « PIPER green », with a Salzburg livery was simply magnificent Sadly, she didn’t race at all, but with these cars, it’s almost understandable You always have to be careful in a way Even more when most of his other cars were driving! You can’t have it all ! There was his famously green Ferrari 250 LM Which is quite special as it has been re-bodied by DROGO As you can tell by its slightly longer and « smashed » nose You know what? Compare it to the other 250 LM that week-end, you’ll see the difference! There also was his Ferrari 365P, which between you and I, ressembles a 250LM cabriolet… Speaking of which, she was actually the ONLY car who wasn’t « PIPER GREEN », but « Rosso Corsa » I almost forgot about this Ferrari 330 P2 Which is a derivate from the Ferrari 365P etc… and who will later give birth to the 330 P3s and P4 etc of which she is an illustrous ancestor There was the magnificent LOLA T70 MK III B Again, I feel like this car reminds me of the 250 GT Breadvan, mainly from the back … Let’s not forget the « crème de la crème » His Ferrari 330 P3 Many will say it’s not a « real one » Considering it was re-bodied with non-original parts etc Anyways, long story I’ll let the experts debate about that I’m just really happy to see it! There were also a bunch of Group B rally cars With M1 Procars, Audi Quattro … and my little favorite, the Peugeot 205 T16 Which I tenderly call » the little flame-thrower » By little I mean compared to the M1 Procar, which spits meter-long flames Even though this week-end, I didn’t see a lot of flames from them – it happens! SO – a GREAT week-end spent at the autodrome in your company during les Grandes Heures Automobiles Hope you had a good time too ! Hope you’re enjoying this new kind of video ? Tell me what you think of this new format please! a penny for your thoughts? Share your tips and opinions! But don’t forget to subscribe, like & share the video! As for me, I bid you farewell! See ya! .
Déroulement de la vidéo:
0 Hey everyone, alexsmolik here!
Where were you on september 23/24?!
0 Well, I was at "Les Grandes Heures Automobiles"
And you should&;ve been there as well!
0 But first things first
0 What exactly is "Les Grandes Heures Automobiles?
0 It&;s a great project started with one man,
0 Whose purpose was to give back its illustrous noble past to the mythical autodrome of Linas-Montlhéry
0 Indeed, one has got to admit that the autodrome,
after having such a glorious past
0 after hosting so many events, wether it&;s the "1000 km of Paris" or the "Bol d&;Or", and so many more…
0 With renown drivers, such as Jean-Pierre BELTOISE, Louis CHIRON, Jean-Pierre WIMILLE…
0 (( BTW, those two names should ring a bell to every Bugatti fan out there ))
0 Despite all this, the autodrome was somewhat age worn
0 Especially since the non-renewal of its "race homologation" back in 2004
0 Still, that didn&;t stop Ken BLOCK from filming his Gymkhana 3 there in 2010
0 Which is not bad!
0 With passion as its guiding principle
0 "Les Grandes Heures" aims to unite and federate
0 Wether it&;s passionate people, drivers, curious people, around this famous race track
0 During a festive and family-oriented kind of week-end
0 in the hopes of bringing back to life the Autodrome
0 The adventure has been going on for 3 years now
0 Many would say the 2nd edition
was the real "first edition"
0 Considering how good it was
0 That being said, this year was on another level so…
0 The event keeps getting better and better each year, getting bigger as well
0 BTW, the event might be called the "Grandes Heures AUTOMOBILES" (mentioning "cars")
0 But motorbikes have a say in it !
0 This year, no less than 200 motorbikes took part in the event and participated to the show
0 As far as I&;m concerned
I know shit about bikes I&;m afraid
0 So I can&;t really talk to you about that…
… hey… maybe I&;ve got a new angle there…
0 One thing is for certain:
There were some MEAN machines there!
0 So the 2017 edition was special for us
for many reasons
0 Firstly, giving the quality of the cars present there, which simply was outstanding
0 But I&;ll get back to that later
0 But there also is a second reason: we had an agreement with the organizers
0 to try and bring to life
an "outstanding GT" and supercars batch
0 whose name would be
"alexsmolik supercar series"
0 Seeing your name being associated
with an event known for its quality
0 it&;s flattering
0 but it&;s also quite intimidating
0 Thanks to the Cars & Food club, a bunch of outstanding GT were able to join us
0 to participate in the event and enjoy themselves
0 With a pretty remarkable honor and privilege
0 Which was to have four driving sessions around the track, including one night session
0 Which is pretty impressive and… for some, still traumatizing (<<<=== me)
0 Our batch had Corvette, Porsche, Aston Martin, Ferrari, Lambo, Mercedes… you catch the drift
0 Definitely a great show
especially for a first !
0 But most importantly: every participant loved it and was very satisfied of their week-end
0 So was the public btw, from what I&;ve heard here and there. Everyone enjoyed it so… that&;s cool
0 Hoping to renew the challenge next year?
Who knows!
0 I have to admit we were incredbly lucky with the weather though, which was magnificent
0 A scorching sun, with temperatures reaching 25 F all week-end
0 Basically, a real "indian summer"
0 But "Les Grandes Heures"
is also the presence of great pilots
0 This year, the 9-time world rally champion
0 Sébastien LOEB, stole everyone&;s thunder
0 Indeed, the man from Alsace
came to drive his Peugeot 208 T16
0 with whom he broke the Pikes Peak hillclimb record
0 in eight minutes and thirteen seconds
0 Not about to be broken just yet…
0 Oh come on, don&;t pretend you don&;t know the car?!
0 An 875 bhp beast for 875 kilos ?
0 With a wing straight out of hell?
0 … nope … ?
0 Fair enough. A little reminder then
0 There also was a mythical McLaren and its little sister, both were big stars this weekend too
0 The McLaren F1 became an icon as soon as it got out of the factory in 1995
0 She was accompanied by its "little sister",
the McLaren P1, part of the tryptic
0 The commonly-known "Holy Trinity"
0 But what was super cool about these two is that they both had the same dress colour
0 "Genesis Blue". So yes, same paintjob colour
0 And they formed a catching pair
0 Pair who clearly became the focus point of many cameras this weekend
0 Sadly, they didn&;t drive…
but hey, what can you do, that&;s life!
0 Actually, WRONG
0 Considering the McLaren F1 took part
in the sunday parade
0 Around 6/7 PM… basically, you had to be there!
Couldn&;t miss this !
0 But for me, what literally had me
0 Was David PIPER&;s cars
0 Indeed, the former english pilot, familiar with endurance racing back in the days
0 Known for actively taking part in the "Le Mans" movie alongside Steve McQueen
0 Which was a harsh experience for him, considering he lost part of his leg as a result of it all
0 Well, get ready because mister PIPER
Didn&;t bring just one…
0 Or even two…
0 But he brought SIX of his cars !!
0 His green Porsche 917, "PIPER green", with a Salzburg livery was simply magnificent
0 Sadly, she didn&;t race at all, but with these cars, it&;s almost understandable
0 You always have to be careful in a way
0 Even more when most of his other cars were driving! You can&;t have it all !
0 There was his famously green Ferrari 250 LM
0 Which is quite special
as it has been re-bodied by DROGO
0 As you can tell by its slightly longer
and "smashed" nose
0 You know what? Compare it to the other 250 LM that week-end, you&;ll see the difference!
0 There also was his Ferrari 365P, which between you and I, ressembles a 250LM cabriolet…
0 Speaking of which, she was actually the ONLY car
0 who wasn&;t "PIPER GREEN", but "Rosso Corsa"
0 I almost forgot about this Ferrari 330 P2
0 Which is a derivate from the Ferrari 365P etc…
0 and who will later give birth to the 330 P3s and P4 etc
0 of which she is an illustrous ancestor
0 There was the magnificent
0 Again, I feel like this car reminds me of the 250 GT Breadvan, mainly from the back …
0 Let&;s not forget the "crème de la crème"
His Ferrari 330 P3
0 Many will say it&;s not a "real one"
0 Considering it was re-bodied with non-original parts etc
0 Anyways, long story
I&;ll let the experts debate about that
0 I&;m just really happy to see it!
0 There were also a bunch of Group B rally cars
0 With M1 Procars, Audi Quattro …
0 and my little favorite, the Peugeot 205 T16
0 Which I tenderly call
" the little flame-thrower"
0 By little I mean compared to the M1 Procar, which spits meter-long flames
0 Even though this week-end, I didn&;t see a lot of flames from them – it happens!
0 SO – a GREAT week-end
spent at the autodrome in your company
0 during les Grandes Heures Automobiles
0 Hope you had a good time too !
0 Hope you&;re enjoying this new kind of video ?
0 Tell me what you think of this new format please!
a penny for your thoughts?
0 Share your tips and opinions!
0 But don&;t forget to subscribe, like & share the video!
0 As for me, I bid you farewell!
See ya!
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