Publié sur YouTube, le thème « circuit montlhery 100 ans » exploré en vidéo
Vidéo sur le thème « circuit montlhery 100 ans » par Mécanique Sportive
Une vidéo, réalisée par Mécanique Sportive et mise en ligne sur YouTube (le ), se concentre sur le thème « circuit montlhery 100 ans », apportant des éléments de réflexion intéressants.
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La durée (01:15:26s), le titre (HONDA NSX – Les 100 Ans de Montlhéry, Le Mythique Circuit des Records A FOND !!!), fournis par l’auteur sont des éléments à noter, ainsi que la description :« Chapitres
#honda #nsx #auto #passion
Aujourd’hui vous avez pu découvrir la Supercar HONDA NSX hybride avec la première développé par Senna lui même ! grâce à cette vidéo détaillée de la voiture.
0:00 Intro
0:44 présentation extérieur
11:22 coffre / moteur
14:58 places avant
20:42 essai routier
20:46 sur circuit
33:14 Avec Raul Marchisio ( le professeur )
48:44 balade au village
57:53 avec Pauline
1:02:31 avec Alix
1:06:22 avec Tongy ( passionné Honda )
1:13:33 conclusion
Découvrez la Honda NSX, la supercar hybride japonaise qui repousse les limites de la performance et de la technologie. Avec son moteur V6 biturbo couplé à trois moteurs électriques, la NSX offre une expérience de conduite à couper le souffle. Plongez dans l’univers de cette voiture d’exception et laissez-vous séduire par son design futuriste et ses performances époustouflantes
La Honda NSX, c’est l’alliance parfaite entre tradition et innovation. Cette supercar hybride allie la puissance d’un moteur thermique à l’efficacité des moteurs électriques pour offrir des sensations de conduite uniques. Suivez-nous pour une présentation complète de cette voiture de sport d’exception.
Plongez au cœur de la technologie hybride de la Honda NSX. Nous décryptons pour vous le fonctionnement du système SH-AWD (Super Handling All-Wheel Drive), qui associe un moteur V6 biturbo à trois moteurs électriques pour une répartition optimale du couple. Découvrez comment cette architecture innovante permet à la NSX d’offrir une agilité et une adhérence exceptionnelles
La Honda NSX, c’est bien plus qu’une simple voiture de sport. C’est une véritable prouesse technologique. Dans cette vidéo, nous vous proposons une analyse détaillée de ses spécificités techniques : moteur, transmission, châssis… Nous répondrons à toutes vos questions sur cette supercar hybride
Honda NSX, supercar, hybride, V6 biturbo, SH-AWD, performance, voiture de sport, automobile, technologie, revue, essai, comparatif.
Toutes les informations sont disponible poids , puissance , moteur , espace , volume de coffre , nombres de places , consommations.
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La vidéo est prête à être regardée directement ci-dessous
Caractéristiques du circuit et de ses infrastructures
Records de vitesse et distinctions notables
Le circuit de Montlhéry est le témoin derecords importantsde vitesse. En 1926, Violette Cordery a réussi l’exploit de parcourir 8000 kilomètres à une moyenne de 113,8 km/h au volant d’une Invicta, devenant ainsi la première femme à recevoir le prestigieuxDewar Trophy. Ce circuit a aussi vu des records en moto, avec des marques emblématiques comme Norton, Triumph et Honda.De nombreux recordsde vitesse ont également été réalisés par des automobiles de grand prix et de sport, attirant les meilleurs pilotes du monde pour tester les limites de la vitesse.
Description de la piste et de ses spécificités
La piste de l’Autodrome de Montlhéry est sans égal. Conçue pour des voitures pesant jusqu’à 1000 kg, elle se démarque par sa grande inclinaison, favorisant les vitesses élevées. L’ovale de 2,548 kilomètres constitue un véritable défi technique pour les pilotes et offre un tracé difficile à maîtriser, ce qui en fait un circuit privilégié pour les courses de vitesse. Au départ, le circuit était destiné aux automobiles de course, mais un parcours routier a été intégré en 1925, ouvrant la porte à des meetings divers et des courses de longue distance.
Montlhéry est reconnu pour ses innombrables records de vitesse. Un des moments clés a été la victoire de Robert Benoist, pilote français, lors du premier Grand Prix de France sur ce circuit en 1925. Depuis lors, deprouessesde vitesse, en deux roues et en voiture, y ont été établis, attirant des véhicules de plusieurs marques, notamment des Ferrari et des motos de course puissantes, de 500 cm3 à plus de 1000 cm3.
Autodrome de Linas-Montlhéry : Un Lieu Inoubliable
Poids dans le domaine de l’automobile en France
Le Circuit de Montlhéry occupe une position unique dans l’histoire du sport auto en France. C’est devenu le site emblématique des courses de vitesse et de résistance, où deperformancesde vitesse et de distance ont été atteints. Les 1000 kilomètres de Montlhéry, le Bol d’Or pour les deux rouess et d’autres compétitions comme laCoupe du Salonet leGrand Prix de l’Âge d’Ory ont été organisés, faisant de ce lieu un pilier incontournable du sport auto. Au fil des années, Montlhéry a su maintenir sa pertinence dans le monde des courses, accueillant des voitures emblématiques telles que les Ferrari, tout en servant de terrain de formation et de stage pour les jeunes pilotes et les aficionados de voitures de course et de motos.
Historique et évolution du circuit
L’Autodrome de Montlhéry, connu sous le nom deL’autodrome de Linas-Montlhéry, est un circuit emblématique du paysage du sport auto en France. Inauguré le 4 octobre 1924, ce lieu célèbre se situe à Linas, à environ 30 kilomètres de Paris. Créé par l’ingénieur René Jamin à la demande de l’industriel Alexandre Lamblin, ce circuit constitue un exploit architectural pour son temps avec une piste ovale de 2,548 kilomètres. Sa conception a permis aux véhicules de circuler à des vitesses atteignant 220 km/h, un véritable record à l’époque.
La première course automobile d’envergure sur le circuit, le Grand Prix de France de 1925, a réuni les meilleurs pilotes de l’époque. Organisé par l’Automobile Club de France, cet rassemblement marquant a vu la victoire de Robert Benoist au volant d’une Delage, tandis qu’Antonio Ascari, pilote de Ferrari, perdait tragiquement la vie au volant de son Alfa Romeo. Ce circuit historique a continué d’accueillir des compétitions de haut niveau, attirant des véhicules d’exception, des Ferrari aux monoplaces françaises, ainsi que des motos de diverses marques internationales.
Événements et animations sur le circuit
Événements et festivals sportifs prévus
Chaque année, Montlhéry est le théâtre de nombreux meetings d’envergure, comprenant des festivals et des courses qui attirent des fans du monde entier. LeFestival de l’Autodrome, qui met en avant des automobiles historiques, des Ferrari et des véhicules de collection, ainsi que des motos vintage, est l’un des meetings les plus prisés. Le circuit organise également des rassemblements de autos de sport, des courses de monoplaces et des rassemblements permettant de découvrir un plateau exceptionnel de véhicules. En plus des festivals, des courses régulières comme lePrix de l’Automobile Club de Franceet leFestival de la Motooffrent une occasion unique d’assister à des records de vitesse.
Formations et stages de conduite proposés
Le circuit de Linas-Montlhéry est aujourd’hui bien plus qu’un simple circuit de course : c’est un lieu de formation où divers stages de conduite sont régulièrement proposés. Des formations sont accessibles aux amateurs de vitesse qui souhaitent améliorer leur maîtrise de la voiture, avec des stages de pilotage et des formations spécifiques pour les deux rouess et les autos de haute puissance, comme celles dotées de moteurs de 5000 cm3. Ces stages permettent aux participants d’explorer les limites de leur véhicule, de parcourir la piste dans des conditions sécurisées et de découvrir les caractéristiques uniques de ce circuit historique.
Informations pratiques sur l’accès et les services
Guide pratique pour les visiteurs
L’Autodrome de Linas-Montlhéry est situé à une trentaine de kilomètres au sud de Paris, ce qui permet un accès facile depuis la capitale. Le site met à disposition de vastes espaces de stationnement pour les visiteurs se rendant en voiture. Des actualités sont également accessibles pour les personnes qui désirent assister aux rassemblements, avec des guides et des services d’assistance pour les amateurs de sports mécaniques. Les amateurs de moto et de automobiles de course peuvent y trouver de nombreux services, allant du stationnement pour véhicules de sport aux installations pour le public.
Services proposés pour les fervents sur le site
Le circuit propose divers services pour améliorer l’expérience des visiteurs. Des stages de formation pour les amateurs de vitesse et de course sont organisés tout au long de l’année, permettant à chacun de se perfectionner au volant d’un véhicule de sport ou d’une moto. Un club de amateurs offre également des conseils et des informations pour profiter pleinement des meetings organisés sur le circuit.
Les visiteurs peuvent aussi assister aux compétitions de deux rouess et de autos, tout en profitant des installations de restauration et des espaces de détente sur place. L’Autodrome de Montlhéry, riche en histoire et en rassemblements, est un lieu incontournable pour les fans de vitesse, de autos et de motos, où se conjuguent course, formation et spectacles mécaniques pour tous les âges.
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#HONDA #NSX #Les #Ans #Montlhéry #Mythique #Circuit #des #Records #FOND
Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: [Music] perfect [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] buongiorno ragazzi ciao that you that you I didn’t expect you ride so hard hello everyone welcome to the sports YouTube channel it’s Nicolas today for the centenary from UTAC montlerry there we are right in the center of the speed ring which goes all the way around to present to you today this Honda NSX and look what I did thanks to the Clos garage at Honda which is not very far from here in montlerry I managed to find you the first versions here we have a phase one and there we have the very first production of the NSX with chassis 00 that’s still a small exclusivity that I’m bringing out to you here, thanks to Honda and thanks to lutac for inviting me here to be able to present it to you, run it in front of you since we’re going to roll on the platforms, we’re going to try to drive hard, push a few cars a little bit, what you will see it’s a pretty incredible car and besides I ‘m going to take some friends inside, some of whom you probably recognize that you may have already seen in the intro in short I’m going to tell you quickly about this one -this but it’s especially this one that interests me I had never tried it there are only 11 in France so it’s a fairly rare car in fact it keeps its reputation rather well At the time, it was the first Honda NSX, everyone knows that it was developed by Sena, the NBER Green, etc., apparently at the time, he had tried it, he said, it’s not great, they took a year they completely reworked it they released it it was in the 90s it seems to me if I’m not talking nonsense 1989 it had been presented at a show during a press conference at Honda they had made noise and so on it had pissed off everyone a little bit everyone said wow what is this toy they made it one of the cars that pissed off Ferrari a little bit since apparently it was better than a Ferrari at the time I didn’t learn everything by heart but to avoid telling you nonsense I’m taking my little technical sheet it was a V6 engine positioned here at the rear a V6 Vtech engine it was on the first versions 272 horsepower then later 274 at the time in Japan and they were a little [__] that’s why there are lots of cars even the skyl luncers and so on were all [__] pretty much at this power we have no right to exceed 280 horsepower and there it was the same thing a rear-wheel drive car it existed in several versions there we can see that we have the one with popup lights which rises right here there is even had on the latest versions the lights which were all in plexiglass with two small rounded ones on the top with the lights which I believe looked a little like xenons the same existed in the Targa version there were quite a few things in terms of the weight we are on a car which was rather light also 1315 kg on this car there today we are a little bit heavier because this time it has hybridizations and besides this one was the first supercar in series with hybridization on the front wheels since it is a 4-wheel drive on this one we have three electric motors plus a V6 engine also 3.5 on this version at the time the first were 3 liters here this one offered a 0 to 100 in 5 seconds ne9u which was really not surprising for the time let’s not forget that it’s a propulsion only 280 horsepower we had fairly light cars now around 1800 kg on the other hand we have a 0 to 100 under 3 seconds with the launch control which is quite impressive and you will see that it works rather well because 651 horsepower here in total on this car will be very nice since we have a circuit and we will be able to have fun with it I will take you as usual for a little ride on the road to see what it is because I was not at all expecting this type of car when trying this one in terms of torque we had 290 nm here at the time this time 645 we can see that it has more than doubled and the torque is which will be the most impressive thing and also thanks to the toc vectoring located on the front mainly now many do it on the rear to be able to rotate this one work that differently thanks to the electric motor on the front su so we two and you will see in the bend it’s placed rather well to give you the dimensions of it it measures 4 M49 long so often the superc it’s quite long it’s very low only 1.20 high and 1 .94 wide without the mirrors the mirrors still come out quite a bit we can see that they are quite sharp they also play with the air because besides you will see in terms of aerodynamics it is a quite car specific is that it does not have a fin here at the rear so in terms of the engine to go into more detail this time it is a 3.5 V6 engine that you find here biturbo 3 cylinders on the left TR cylinders on the right so a turbo for each 507 horsepower in thermal and 550 Nm of torque which is already not bad it is helped by the turbo plus a 48 horsepower electric motor which will come to help then we have two electric motors on the ‘before 37 horses on this side 37 horses on this side which will allow us when braking to regenerate energy to bring us additional torque during acceleration phases but also to play torque victoring’ that is to say that for example a motor will brake the inside wheel when I want to turn it will make it rotate so I play a little bit with the braking it will first act a little electric braking and then it will allow at the rear to pivot more this one accelerate this wheel which will allow me to pivot we will see it in the chicanes on the circuit with this car and it is quite astonishing because I played with Porsche GT3 even GT3 RS well it’s doing pretty well it doesn’t have four-wheel steering like some of these cars but we can take it little by little it’s quite playful this NSX NSX besides it’s for new sport experience it’s out in 2016 this chassis and it was a very early series and that’s what makes me love it, thank you again to Honda and thank you all for following this channel, don’t hesitate to subscribe so that I can you produce more content like that and come meet you it was super cool to see lots of subscribers to the channel and lots of enthusiasts today signing little autographs and all that made me very happy h released in 2016, this toy was worth around €180,000 so I looked at the price a little, the advantage is that it’s a car that has a very low price, 11 of them were sold in France as I told you and it’s worth between 160,000 and 250,000 for some very very low mileage versions so the investment is not bad actually it sold few because it was little known but for having taken people during this weekend and having gone on ride it really catches the eye since it’s very very rare and a lot of people had never seen one before today on the front part we really see that it’s a great one because we don’t have an engine at the front just the axles and finally the small electric motors but an electric motor is very compact it can do that it’s like a drill but a little bit bigger we see that we have a is very plunging so here we have a fairly prominent plate holder I put the ring because on the circuit it is obligatory in case we need to be towed but we will try not to do it today very plunging in V the Honda here that is This is perhaps to remind us of the Vtech, it’s very nice to have air extractions there since we have air inlets there which cool the radiators which then come out over the top so basically we has additional support because it comes in there it presses inside and it comes out there with the hot air also then we have the mirrors which guide towards the air inlets also on the rear so that it’s the radiators here we have a very nice look which I really like it is especially there these points 1 2 3 4 5 6 which serve as a daytime light and also as a night light so everything is directly integrated there it is very fine it’s very pretty it’s happening more and more but at the time in 2016 it was still quite revolutionary at the front we just have a slightly technical side but no trunk unfortunately it could have been a small advantage and then a beautiful carbon blade there which comes on the front the advantage that this car also has is that it is not too low it easily passes the dodan and there is no lift it’s true that it could have been a little extra for from time to time but in the end I never struggled on a Dodane so in fact it makes it a good everyday supercar on the side of this car what happened almost now most supercars have different size wheels we have 19 inches at the front and 20 inches at the rear we are on 305 at the rear I might as well tell you that it will drive it is pretty good but you have to be able to transmit this power and this torque 19 to the front in 245 which already gives us really wide tires also we find an aluminum and carbon chassis which is glued to it so it is not screwed like some precisely to not have any vibration to ensure that it doesn’t loosen and also to have rigidity but we will see that we have a really comfortable car Because in terms of the suspension I don’t know how they did that They made a dynamic, sporty and comfortable car, the same in terms of the seats, I’ll show it to you just then, six-piston carbon ceramic brake at the front, we have a big four-piston at the rear, I might as well tell you that it brakes quite well. is shod today in Michelin Pilot Sport 4S we are not sure of the much sportier Cup 2 but that will be the good compromise for road and other because the advantage is that we can serve as this car under all conditions and as it is a 4 drive well that still makes the car much healthier and usable on a daily basis very low car 1.20 as I told you and on that side the big inputs of air which also cools here here Radi and we have an aero side there on the side which comes to play to then press on this little duck tail at this place since we have no wing on this car everything was played on direct aerodynamics so with fluidity on this car we can see lines here which go back towards this guide the small NSX engraved on the window we have a carbon roof all the same to play on the weight we still tried to reduce the masses as much as possible just like the forged rims here which are frankly pretty and when we see this car we say to ourselves [ __ ] Honda can still do some pretty impressive things and even having tried the very latest type it’s rather not bad from what I know they are working on the next one I really can’t wait to see what the next Honda NSX will be like on this side we will put the fuel back on it will have to be opened but it’s a small hatch we don’t even have enough to remove the cap inside that’s rather bad the doors we press here and we open we have a door which opens quite wide and which gives rather good accessibility to the interior that I will show you just then on the rear so we will see that this car is not very high since precisely no spoiler et cetera as I told you we have drives which come to the engine just behind the rear where we I can just see this glass engine part and what is most impressive is that also when I open my trunk I have a small button here very well hidden very discreet which allows me to open and above all which gives me access to my engine which is right there in fact it’s not separate I don’t open it first just the trunk is over there in fact it’s really this whole part which opens and there it’s very very cool because we have a part entirely in carbon and then see the 0 here that’s still super cool engine so in the central rear position that’s what ‘s best for balance of a car because the porches for example it’s in a backpack as they say in rear door it’s behind the heavens there it really is so the rear wheels there that it’s here so central here at the rear it allows you to have a well-balanced playful car and also with rather low masses we will see what it gives on the circuit you will see we still find here a trunk so we have a trunk of 110 L I think that it ‘is roughly the equivalent of a Mazda MX5 I’m not going to be able to get in there but can I yeah it’s a little complicated well I still have my helmet another helmet and other and a little bit of instead we can go on vacation with Madame but she must not take too much business for a short weekend and then right in the back we have this long strip here these lights on the sides and especially the exhaust which is placed in the carbon diffuser at the very bottom we can see that it’s quite pretty the air extractions the little fins here you want to hear it okay I’m going to give you a little pleasure it’s good because it’s [ Music] well it’s still a small V6 it doesn’t sound like a V8 or a V10 but inside then you’ll hear it while we’re on the circuit it sings quite well and the most important thing it’s my pleasure to me B so they opened this one for me to show you some slightly specific things so the engine here at the rear so this 3 l Vtech placed in the central rear position also like on the new version so what is quite crazy it’s also the way it opens look at the window with this part here so this sort of rear shelf which also smiles a little bit like a hood and this one is mounted on the struts so I love it and we have the trunk which is located here at the rear however at the front also small thing very specific to this car look there is the balance of the masses which was very important on this car and there you see a big hole it was made to put the spare wheel here we have the battery there to balance et cetera but we could have a puncture and put your spare wheel here and be able to replace that it’s still something quite incredible and it’s lights popup that too I love it so as usual you know that I like to show you around the car when I present a car to you because it’s always much nicer and look when you see it from above c it’s a real real tray it’s extremely flat it’s placed especially in the grass like that so it’s very very low and the look it has I find it incredible it’s a great because for me it’s not doesn’t age the front is still crazy on this rear and so with this engine cover here which is glazed B the small plate don’t forget to subscribe it’s r that I put it on the videos but do yourself a favor and look at the width so there is a little delay from Ferrari just like at the time it was really the competitor of the Ferrari and Ferrari took a little time before coming back to that but if you want me to make you a video of it ‘elsewhere, don’t hesitate to put me in the comments if you want us to come back here to montlerry to try this one it could be pretty good I rarely give you cars that are a little bit older but I admit that it bothers me tends very well because there are so many things that have been said about it besides, don’t move, I’ll give you a little pleasure anyway to show you the interior of the old version so we had the leather smell leather that lives it’s crazy 5 speed gearbox on the first ones we had 6 the real handbrake with the NSX here with the little Vtech badge it was beautiful eh look imagine yourself on board this Honda NSX at the time I think you were the king of the road and I love having ventilation here directly in the doors as it was already very low and the engine positioned here at the rear that was still great at that time in short the fun even in 2024 for this centenary that’s it so the handle to open it either you press here or you can come and get it there directly the best is to press there hop the entries of air that I was talking to you about earlier on the side and with the aero side right here pretty crazy the doors so door in Alcantara and leather so it’s a car that has already been driven quite a bit this one has more than 70,000 km it was the first model which was also used for the press and others but electric seat so we had that we cannot adjust the height on the other hand so me who measures 1.80 I am well in it but I could have – be liked to be able to lower a point more but when we actually see at the level of the carpet and there in reality we are already really not very high from the ground pedal here of course in aluminum a big footrest on the side and something to open the hood before right here by the way come let me show you what it looks like from the front because I think there is no person who shows what it looks like from the front on the Internet and my goal is to all you show you know on the channel that I like not to hide anything from you and this is what it looks like so we started here from the chassis the big radiator also at the front with the two huge fans and we can see that there is nothing there I don’t really know what it is, it looks like it’s braking because it seems to me that it was incredible braking by wire and the steering there right at the bottom at the bottom I don’t know if you know see over there we have controlled suspensions so we recognize controlled suspension thanks to that we have a little wire that comes and it will change the behavior of the car depending on the mode in which we are going to be in come on let’s click hop it is C I love this V front like that it looks like a real arrow come on let me show you the interior now the Honda NSX where I have just settled into ultra comfortable seats so look here so we have seats in leather like at the time but they are super super comfortable it really looks like a sofa at home in which you want to stay and I’m going to try to move back as far as possible al it’s not easy in this car b here I am already at maximum and when I come to close here this is what it looks like because you are the driver of a Honda NSX 2 between 2016 and 2024 I am going to start it straight away to put the air conditioning back on, button here with my foot on the brake it starts at every time I start it it still starts the combustion engine for me to please me with a little welcome here with the NSX which comes to display at this place checking the tire pressure it’s normal because as I I’m using the circuit and I deflated the tires to be at the right pressure ready for driving, that’s it, it’s already back to hybrid, I activated my air conditioning and the advantage is that we have a battery at the rear which will allow us to have more power and torque we will be able to drive approximately between 500 and 1 km with a battery charge but basically it’s like a hybrid car it’s clearly basically a Toyota Yaris or Prius of the time but in sports what on that side is what inspired Honda also with the regulators here and there beautiful paddles behind the steering wheel which are large and which are above all attached to the steering wheel just like this screen which was at the time what was going to happen at Honda just like the speed lock that we always find on the brand new Hondas and basically the NSX was really the prototype and it’s still like that as I explain to you in the video comes from the supercars of the highest models of GAM and then it flows onto the smallest cars from so with my big handle the rearview mirror here therefore which is perched on a long branch of the speakers a little bit everywhere sound system is rather good quality we have leather everywhere and carbon there it is real carbon leather and the finish is impeccable a real sports car as we like them the air conditioning on the sides here we have enough to deactivate the SP and remove the parking sensors the steering wheel is adjustable in height and depth and in terms of the screen here is what it looks like so it is digital already at that time now it has become very commonplace but at the time it wasn’t common in the streets the digital dashboards the fuel gauge on this side the temperature gauge on the other side there if for example it is assisting the engine or if it is in the process to charge and on this side my battery reserve and there the trip that I have just done in short quite incredible with a counter which goes up to 7500 revolutions here and that’s not bad then what to show you here we are going to to be able to select these modes I have a quot mode here so what is good is that it is like in video games I don’t know if you see basically it tells me here is the power train minimum power the Z the suspension and others then I can switch to sport then I can switch to sport plus which immediately starts the engine there this time it will come into play and there my little V6 engine which is right there behind me hello my little engine so who has a window that you cannot open because otherwise it would be much too hot in the passenger compartment and then to switch to Sport mode plus just one technique you have to be stationary in the parking lot and hold down like this and there with nervousness and so there it deactivates the SP for me so we can see that it has been deactivated there and there it becomes yet another car this screen we have the base in the air conditioning and so on the music then the air conditioning unit here change these modes there the gearbox the handbrake and the auto hold so that I find incredible which is the auto hold on a super car an SX which is recalled here in the laser engraved alcantara I think a small storage bin here and also another storage behind we will be able to connect our phone via USB here with an HDMI port so I didn’t know that there was an HDM port here maybe we can watch videos in our car sonol there and a box glove box which opens right here, very practical, thank you Honda for making a glove box in a sports car, it’s no longer used in the streets and also a USB here, anyway, what do you think, let’s try it, let’s do it a few minutes on the road and then circuit with guests let’s go well you know me I like to test all the cars in all types of situations we will start with a very small part of town quickly do a little part of the road and others and starting small engine nice the battery almost at 100% but when starting it gives you a little pleasure all the same we start normally in Sport mode so we have several modes the quot the sport the sport plus ah the sport plus opens small valves we’re going to start in Sport mode quietly, that’s it, it’s cut off so with the drive it’s better and I’m in my hybrid superc which starts in that for everyday use I admit that it’s still really not bad having already driven a little bit with it I like this car because it has a very comfortable side and even for the city this side is quite pleasant in addition in gray like that and is rather discreet it can really be the superc of the daily and even on the imperfection anomalies like the seats are soft even if I pass on the mouths of drips and others well I find that it is a car which is still rather top good you bought a super because you still want have a little bit of noise in sport mode which starts the Meur mod for me this time and I can drop my gears new speed box as I told you goes back to first when stopped so there is a nice blind spot there and on the other [Music] side it’s very torquey so we play a little bit like a big American V8 because the electric side brings a lot of torque and power and we feel the torque it’s quite impressive it’s a four-wheel drive so it pulls a little from the front so we have little power on the front we have 37 and 37 but that’s already enough to play we’ll see on the circuit especially the effectiveness of this torque victoring on the front which will slow down a little bit and I think it will be quite interesting but for the [Music] city it’s very nice the Paris region 10 traffic jams and there the hybrid supercar is still very interesting not necessarily burning fuel stupidly in traffic jams I find it good for the fact that it will extend my autonomy so it will allow me to drive further with a full tank rather than sometimes you have a big engine and so on and in traffic jams it overheats there that’s not at all the case since the engine cuts out I drive electric so I don’t burn fuel stupidly so it extends my autonomy and it allows me when I’m going to use it a little more on a daily basis of not necessarily going to the gas station well for nothing afterwards I can put it in sport more and I restart it so it’s possible if you just want to have the sound this side pleasure of being able to be in sport more and always start otherwise even the Sport mode switches to hybrid or otherwise I have the coot mode which will force the car to drive as much as possible without % electric. I find that super interesting for a car and frankly the comfort it provides there is in this car well it’s a treat because it’s seats which are meant to be very comfortable but at the same time with good support and clearly it can be the super everyday car par excellence because it’s not too noisy it is easy to drive perfect steering can’t wait to show you on the circuit to see if it’s really one of the best super cars in any type of use when it frees up and it runs a little better at 90 there I I put my little regulator on, I have an average for the moment of 9.9 which is not surprising having had traffic jams and others with a big engine all the same at 90 km/h I am in 9th gear 1500 rpm for a petrol car it’s rather cool apart from the big big cars often American where you’re not in the towers it’s quite rare but on the other hand there is this pleasant side it’s rather well soundproofed I don’t hear much of what’s going on is happening around me the engine is quite discreet at this speed so I know that there is something running but on the other hand it’s pleasant I don’t have anything too noisy it’s simple effective and if I ‘I need to [Music] overtake ah yeah there’s torque there’s torque there’s power I felt the rear already give away a little bit so what we have to say is that It’s been raining there since a while ago so I’m lucky it’s just oily I don’t get caught in the rain luckily the SP is there because at the moment the car said to me okay I’m ready she put some torque she said so great because we must not forget we must always be humble enough and not do anything which is why we see crashes no matter how but then in a straight line by example where it pushes it tows there’s something to enjoy and we have a little bit of sound if we want to on the other hand we still have to be quite careful especially when it’s wet let’s not forget a supercar that has super wide tires but a cool ride is very very nice and if I switch to Sport mode just to have fun for example with the paddles and iron the paddle oh yeah as soon as we are above 4500 revs it starts to have a little more engine presence it’s going to be very nice on the circuit there’s a little something going on there’s turbo discharge too I can hear the turbo just behind me that’s nice I don’t dare press hard because well it’s is wet we’re going to stay calm for the moment and we’re only going to enjoy it on the circuit well I’m in the straight here before leaving on the circuit in this car here we go we took it off the road for the now put directly on the circuit and we will see, we’re going to be able to have fun with it, let’s go, let’s get started, everyone is ready, we’re going to have a little warm-up lap at the same time, rediscover this circuit here in Mont lry and we’re going to see what that gives, thank you, sir. so this NSX I put it here in Sport mode plus which should be more than enough we will see for the track mode perhaps in the second session to be able to discover this car already at first it is always very important to there go to the flow and so there it is the first lap oh there it’s already pushing I feel that there is a lot of cutting we are going to heat up the brakes the engine the tires all of it that’s what is super important too in circuit it is to have a car at a good temperature the same in terms of brakes as we have the carbon ceramics the carbon ceramics it brakes effectively when it’s hot not when it’s cold the tires seize even better when it’s is hot also you have to be careful there we have a pin here so it’s the same when we’re going to brake we’re going to do a nice degressive but we mustn’t forget because otherwise we’re going to go straight hop important here is to take good se trag there h we know we re-widen and what is great in a tour of Chau like that is because it is to take the stage carefully we can see there for example that there is still a little bit of water with some flaes in certain places what is great with this car is we feel the ease I have the impression I can’t wait to see in really dynamic driving because there for example there are chicanes so we will have to take hop there is grass there are big holes you should definitely not go into the grass here braking we heat everything up a little bit so I think that normally we have two warm-up laps like that it allows us to discover this circuit here let’s go we arrive at the end of the Safety Car lap and we’re going to be able to there it’s starting to become very nice hop the chicane and we follow the Ferrari BR in front oh la la oh la la oh la la ah yeah it’s pushing it’s pushing it’s pushing you have to be careful we’re on the circuit we’re just on a fun day oh it’s pushing the torque of the hybrid it’s quite incredible there we have a beautiful field in front of us and new things in the Ferrari 296 same V6 hybrid we have a small turbo porch in front come on we’re going to try to overtake what’s that [Music] walkel enjoy it motor job m job it’s not ridiculous Ferrari ant distance than that we’ll be careful we stay safe but this car is amazing, it’s quite incredible and what’s crazy is that I still have a lot of comfort with this car, it’s quite easy, we have good lateral grip, we’re not in ceistics or other overtaking in the Bing it’s true that the GT3 RS is nice but it lacks a little bit of power or there guys or there guys it lags a little bit in front of GT4 RS it also wants to drive a little bit a little bit of traffic good it’s more fun to play with friends it’s pushing it’s pushing it’s cheeky good the GT3 RS it would be good if he put a little bit of rhythm he’s the sharpest car for the chassis oh the braking is great I really like the progressiveness of the [ __ ] so it’s not super biting at the start but we feel that we have a lot of progressiveness in fact with the car and it is super healthy very easy to drive it jumps [Music] oh it’s still very very nice I love this car after having done a few laps this car is quite incredible but it is incredible easy both when braking as when entering a corner on the exit in turns on everything in fact and in comfort that’s what is quite impressive is that it is ultra versatile that I have fun like that whether I am on the road whether I am in Sport mode sport plus it can even go back to hybrid if I want it’s on the circuit there we’re on the cooling lap the goal is to cool the brakes and so on once everything has heated up but this car is bluffing clearly an ease we still have a nice sound which comes from the back and frankly I clearly enjoy it and it’s quite easy that’s what bluffs me is that almost no matter who can drive very fast with this car without necessarily being a driver and it will forgive you a lot of things and let’s not forget I’m just a Michelin sport driver 4 not even in Cup 2 or other for the circuit so it’s quite extreme versatility and then even TR comfort it’s really pleasant I love this car friends I found the Mongasque with the best Italian accent in all of Monaco I think it’s our friend we have to wait a little bit he lets us pass c ‘is good ah he wanted to put a beautiful Ferrari in front of us did he know that we are going to go and play with the ferrarii I’m happy raou to take you for once it’s me who’s taking you because you have the chance to take a lot of people but it’s a pleasure to take you the noise is as soon as we put a little pe in yes I open it makes a little noise yeah and so it’s a V6 3 .5 and there is a little something all the same and when it comes from the rear I find it nicer too so here we will slowly warm up the tires and the brakes its carbon brake you raou here you would like to slide it has there is plenty of room but there we have a four wheel drive with a word you have to be really strong to make it slide especially the problem with the qu wheel drive is having the power to make it come out, that’s what you always miss the power as much as you are powerful you always lack it because it grips a lot exactly but here we are lucky it’s still a little bit more propulsion laugh it’s good you you have already ridden here yes I had ridden yes ah I during the relis of Paris we had done we had driven a little here and I had driven with laaventor RESV on the how do we say the parabolic the ring yeah the ring the ring it’s magnificent I love where banking they also say yeah banking that’s incredible to do it’s the first time I’m doing it as a passenger ah well it makes me happy that it’s with me yeah were you going up to the top or not yes further possible yes well I don’t know why I’m asking you I’m sure with you you had seen Ken Block at the time he had drifted here the year it’s true not seen car with rally cross car he’s ‘amus in the ring to make thegiss magnificent that maybe one day we will ask my one to do it person inspired a lot of people [Music] it’s true that at the top it’s impressive unbelievable it’s magnificent I love it it’s the best moment of this intro circuit him with the Ferrari I see he is a little bit angry read he wants to leave a lot of traffic be careful when there is so much traffic especially here today it It’s a day between friends, we didn’t come there to win a [Music] race, it’s pushing, yeah, it’s pushing quite well, we know that there are incredible couples, but the people in front are driving too slowly, you see when we accelerate [Music] a good stretch we’re going to give them a little bit of distance because otherwise we’re not going to have fun letting them pass that’s good too I love it it’s really a beautiful car the category Ms latite I’m very I always tell everyone that when someone asks for advice I say buy a Mercedes GTA yes it’s a good car pp quality Ren you even see there is good grip or it’s incredible [Music ] [Music] it’s a great car eh or i it’s impressive and it’s comfortable plus we have good performance after very lo TR [Music] very you have to be careful people brake very early yeah what’s- what do you think Raoul of this magnificent car I am very surprised I too I was surprised you know because the car she remains very PAF it never gives you bad sensations you see yeah it makes you very comfortable very not or exactly that’s what’s quite impressive is that it’s easy and you see there is there has no bad behavior and even if you try hard to make it go a little harder on the brakes, you immediately start accelerating really hard [Music] and that’s what’s amazing about this car, it’s that there is a very good lateral grim it’s [Music] incredible it’s magnificent it’s it’s I love it you see we really catch up with them too quickly ah yes no no it’s incredible how it comes on the others comment more easily you see and it doesn’t seem that when you see this car you think of a Honda and you don’t think that it’s such a good car I’m really surprised you don’t see I didn’t know the product I did n’t know but I am and I think that a lot of people don’t know the product and that’s why they haven’t sold a lot even though it’s an incredible car and you see the behavior especially me that I find everything works all the time suite and you see there is all the power of [Music] couple good it’s okay Raoul you’re not afraid no it’s okay you drive well well done cool no no you drive well you put it on well you see you give security sometimes you ride with people all the time who act like that I don’t suppose I get scared you see you drive well you make her run it’s good me I noticed something there are a lot of people who play all the time no no I don’t support that and in the end I noticed that I go faster certain drivers because in fact I put it properly no no that’s it you drive very well look that you drive well but that’s nice the part of a pilot it makes me happy you put it right B you brake with the right it’s good and there we would like propulsion a little [Music] little it’s incredible you saw how it pushes again torque it’s not all cars thing like that often 1 2 3 it pushes a lot or it’s magnificent that’s the new Courvette the C8 that’s a car for children that looks how the doubles [Music] [Music] I love the circuit I would love to do it every day it would have to be my real job every day come on banking it’s always crazy it’s unbelievable and it’s been around for 100 years incredible you think pe year that it exists that it’s there and so that’s why we’re here for a centenary t of cooling for the tires and everything it’s you P it’s incredible and the number of records here I don’t know what I was told but 85% of the records were made and in the 30s and 40s that’s what was incredible at the time with a lot of records and there are lots of Renaults, lots of brands and even At the time there were endurance races here so it’s not open to the public but you continue straight on, there’s a big big circuit at the very back, I’m riding there for the people who are on the circuit, in fact there’s another circuit where we are not allowed to go on days like that which is closed and there you have a long straight line of 2 km but if we try one day we will come here with a car what is your favorite car if you had to keep a car I knew I fought between F40 because ok it’s the two special cars then there are normal road cars ime a lot I really like the Mclarins too ok because you take a lot of pleasure in driving I don’t know if you tried a little me the 720s it’s my favorite Spider it’s incredible I love that pumps the noise the turbo you have sensations you have emotions yeah and when you fall in gear it explodes behind it’s incredible the car is yours it’s a bit like this one you see after the other it works a little because the propulsions move a little on all sides it’s very beautiful and it’s true that I think the F40 is a dream everyone likes the carrèagt with manual transmissions again because now it’s over, manual gearboxes don’t exist anymore, we said last time it had to be me who goes down to Monaco and yes you see I’m going to try that’s how it is now you know for the next time it’s you who I will take you for a ride with great pleasure thank you that makes me happy Raou in all cases we have a lot of fun you drive very well and the car is magnificent thank you very much in any case no it’s true I was surprised to be all both no sometimes you ride with hands he wants to impress you he wants to make you see things you you rode really well perfect you’re very good it’s nice no it’s true it’s true you have me I say there was Sandy Sandy what I say is we have nothing to prove to anyone no that’s it you see but sometimes the guys get in the car with you they want to show you that they are capable who here who’s there it’s and it’s who stresses you see it’s not a pleasure after that it shows that you drive that you have a job I mean you’re not you do n’t need to be a driver sometimes to be able to drive a car well a guy who has done a lot of kilometers drives well ah yeah I’m lucky a little bit it’s like it’s my job and you have it shows that you have been driving for years are you driving drive well I mean after me I would like one day to get into a rally car with you ah yes in you come we’ll do it with the Delta I have them it’ll be nice afterwards you know a rally car that’s be incredible it’s magnificent it’s very B afterwards you know me I’m more for the cars of my time modern cars I’ve never driven I’ve never tried it yet but I would like I would like to try a rally car cross yes I tried a Clio rally 3 magnificent on the snow Pas de la Casa and it was incredible on the ice all across like you like magnificent everything pushed with the sequential gearbox it was just super good Raoul thank you no thank you to you gr thank you really really enjoyed the incredible car and you too it makes me happy if you took advantage and you discovered something new I am delighted magnificent I was really surprised I cyais I didn’t know you see and me too when I discovered combustible I had to try weird things 2016 8 years or it’s not a thing you can’t even say that it’s modern I mean 8 years is a long time it’s a long time car especially cars look at the 287 the evolution which has seen in the from 2022 to today there is a crazy evolution on the cars and wow it drives like the cars of today eh incredible I think that if we were really riding in the dry well the good pressures all that I think that someone who does well with that he goes as fast as the Ferrari yes yeah you are not far from the modern cars of the day you see me I am I I’m happy with this car, after a first hard day, we’re back to refueling this NSX and we’re going to continue tomorrow, second day, we’re going home, we’re having a little sleep today, it was super cool, so it’s We left to have fun with this car, we’re going to go and give it a little rest, it drove very well today and I think the public appreciated it and a lot of people were quite surprised by this wave because a lot of people didn’t like it. I didn’t expect it to work so much and he had some surprises, you came to see me, some for those who recognize themselves and I too in the end I decided to put it there so that people can enjoy it on the small village and the small village looks like this so we are in the heart of the ring we have the banking which we see there on the side the big wheel and there are small padocs with cars on display it looks like a beautiful 205 GTI Griff that’s the GT3 and so basically there you can buy little things there are little goodies clothes there are cars on display there is decoration in short it’s pretty cool to see that we also find some friends Vulcane magazine we tried their Porsche this one on the montlerry circuit and remember it was one of the cars that scared me the most and so we have Sylvain there with customers with all the magazines right here very very beautiful magazines every time I love the touch the paper and others that I recommend to you m lady look also she seems very nice well I know that among you there are always real little enthusiasts even of Japanese cars there we still have something very nice everyone knows its engines then it looks a little bit prepared this one he look at me this toy in the distance it’s just magnificent and from that side I’m in the we’re going to say no dooc or parking of all the platforms so there are six sets and I’m parked there with my little anx now because that’s uh all the participants so everything you see as a car right here it’s going to roll so that’s the supercar set we can see the very nice little cars come on I’m going to take you for a little ride all the same so my little L6 992 GT3 RS that we also tried it on my lerry Corvette C8 on that side in that I never tried Porsche SLS so that’s something that makes me like the look that it’s timeless 488 convertible alpine convertible at 11 r LEM so that’s a special series there haven’t been many it seems to me so I I don’t know the number anymore exactly, it’s very cool GT3 RS 991 phase 1 to recognize with these fire 4 guys there like that pretty cool to see one that’s not the ru at the time it was incredible with people from Brabus cemira R8 296 GTS that’s with the convertible version that ‘s a GT3 California the MG GTR so that I also loved GT4 RS by so that we drove that we drove that I didn’t do it but it’s pretty cool and behind a little don dd8 and a Touring in the most beautiful configuration it’s just incredible a GT3 right at the bottom and then there are platforms which are a little more car a little older before the 2000s so I don’t know if it’s the young timer plate it’s possible if it has to be young timer that there are really very pretty ones with the little gtiel Speedster it’s very beautiful I’ll buy a Porch one day like that just to enjoy the little Fiat porch with front engine pe Peugeot and then we arrive on plateaus where there are much older cars the vintage Alpines that’s the real A10 that cute what do I see over there is it a Corvette C3 that but this one Sting with the big exhausts on the side 454 it’s furnished 454 that’s the big big engines when you see the exhaust thatel when it’s on the track it scream really really incredible there we have the trays so old ones coming Gordini that I tried one the other time look at me that little car all cute and there are still pads a little bit further away where there are older cars so I don’t know if I’ve already shown you this D8 GTO but it’s incredible I really have to negotiate with Chris to be able to try it because it’s not popular in the streets he has very few in it France basically Donover it was someone who lived in the Netherlands who wanted Cateram but Cateram was not approved in the Netherlands in fact he widened the S did that and now it’s Audi TTRS engines basically deant the F all in carb jeoudis not gr puance it’s one of the most insolent things that exists besides chris is also the owner of this superb Cobra so he has that a beautiful collection it ‘s just too beautiful clearly this era with the chassis we see inside he explained to me that we can even see behind the engine cover all the little hammer blows made to shape this perfect rounding since it was done by hand there is the big man in red and on this side the cars are a bit more in a small Mustang mg of the time then mg now it has changed a lot eh electric car there type had Raoul drove a little bit with yesterday alpha for sale ah no it’s 356 which will be for sale and then there is the tray which is getting ready to roll oh the mini that I love it look at me that look it’s quite crazy with the little one in front it’s so [Music] happy I love these cars v C3 our alpha and we arrive on the set there much older even avant-garde cars a little tour of this set also in the 70s 70s oh the DS it’s incredible we made a kind of crazy expedition car Alpine Renault Alpine at the time alpha a little Ferrari see it’s cars a little bit more prepared ah before besides this 308 GT4 mini it has on the side we can see Carrera and I’m going to take you to see then these old vintage cars look there here then that’s really another world these cars there Kid is it over there it’s a bugattiou that’s it it looks like I’m not an expert I have the impression that it is called all type 35 those times look how beautiful it is and tell yourself that at the time he was racing with that ah it’s incredible wow the comfort seems very rudimentary and there it was really mechanical you can see the oil and everything everywhere small central mirror and the shape of a drop of water for the aero side not bad and on that side big Bentley which had huge engines I think that at the at the time these cars had engines up to 6 7 L cylinder even there were 20 l engines it seems to me at the time it must be crazy to drive even I think as a passenger the experience must be incredible so that it’s called a lea Francis never heard of this brand engine at the front like that gent with radius always as beautiful so I admit to you he as usual it’s in the comments you often put it to me you know nothing about it old car I admit I know absolutely nothing because I don’t have the time in fact friends to be interested in everything because I understood it was a Citroëne the Citroën adventure ass it’s incredible and I don’t didn’t know this logo here that I had never seen before crazy relay Riley Ry brooksland new never heard of it and there were some other old ones with the Suspensions what I liked was that we could see precisely the blade suspension here look you can even adjust the tension directly there it looks beautiful with the collectors on the side these lights which I found incredible at the time like a rily what is that rily too a lot of rily I had never heard of rily before today to hide nothing from you and yet another one it seems that the whole club came to ride here well come on let’s see what’s happening on the track we’re arriving above from the pit line look there are lots of people who give us access to this circuit with the little chicane here which is made to please the public to make people slow down a little and give a little bit of acceleration not bad there are a lot of people even in front I admit that I am never in front and there you can see the cars arriving there are quite a few people I am going to try to go up on the roof up there to try to give you a little view a little nicer good day it’s Sunday today in the sun and I’m taking Pauline for her baptism hello it’s the first time you’re driving here yes you’ve already done the banking no never well well you’ll see normally it must have been quite impressive today I told myself that I was going to do the tire pressures to warm everything up and drive because I found this car exceptional yesterday we’re going to see what it turns out we’re going to try to have fun today today also here we go it will be able to start rolling [Music] [Music] [Music] everything is going well until then everything is going [Music] well we will quickly catch up with the others [Music] [Music] [Music ] [Music] [Music] we’re going to go play with the GT3 RS [Music] blowing this car every time it impresses me in turns it holds up really well, pivots as it should GT3s he could go 1000 times harder he’s a little bit shy doubling it’s going to go faster here we have more power, don’t worry, more later you have to make him want to buy [Music ] [Music] chế [Music] [Music] well so that’s how it’s really good it’s nice in this color and everything it’s perfect yeah I like the configuration it’s nice perfect come on let’s go it’s good you’re ready yeah here we go really ready first lap little warm up lap you’re going to discover the circuit ok you’ll see it’s pretty good yeah ah it heats the tire exactly good often heat the tires like that it’s not of much use it’s more when braking that we heat the tires ah yeah exactly yes well yes exactly cool yes VO there ah yes because just now there was a little shock yeah yeah yeah you have to do it mistake and on the other hand there we’ll be careful ah or we’ll be careful the Ferrari drives well and the Corvette takes its time too much [Music] hop oh it’s killing it’s so good a little too strong yeah come on let’s let it pass GT4 RS you’ll see it must have been nice he drives very hard good driver I’m trying to film there but it’s going to be a disaster [Music] watch out he’s still there we still manage to follow a GT4 RS really well in is [Music ] [Music] it’s incredible it’s so good it’s so good it’s cool it’s incredible having fun with these cars ah Franch [Music] we try to brake really hard that’s how the brakes turn red unbelievable good it’s so good [Music] we caught up with Dobi too Doby with his beautiful m2 competition works well too it’s small BMW VO so this little incredible feeling so good you really liked it ah but phenomenal it ‘what’s your favorite thing on the circuit there well that’s the banking there ah yeah no but incredible yeah it’s true that it’s crazy all the same to be able to ride like that on an incline ah you because still everything what is Chica pin and everything yeah well you see it still goes really well you see sometimes like that yeah yeah no it’s it ‘s incredible you’re not used to having a B like that which when you’re at the top it’s it’s so cool good friends to end this day I took a friend tongy who also likes cars and especially Hondas and he wanted to get into an NSX and well it’s done and that’s it because maybe one day there will be one [Music] ready at the end of the day like that beautiful sunset session it’s [Music] done because there are some who are [Music] walking around you not me I’m not here to laugh [Music] ah it works it works quite well eh actually you have to brake early yeah well it’s because in front it brakes very very early yeah in reality we can go much much harder and you look at this which impresses me it’s there in the bend the Alpine we’re going to put a little distance on it the little one to know that it’s certainly light hop there go hello the Alpine [Music] [Music] [Music] I wasn’t expecting you drive so hard ah good k I like it you see it’s my job for several years so enjoy a little bit of a job it’s not bad a little bit of trafi onaitif is where Madam no [Music] so what is it what do you think about it so far ah very impressive it works well yes you wouldn’t believe it’s a car bought clearly interior not that it’s the [Music] the [Music] cow impress this [ __ ] how do you come back to [ Music] you know the car well ah I’m starting to know it well even don goodbye we’re going to play a game atoi it’s a big delirium see how he drives Chris Chris he’s pissed off too a behind [Music] on the other hand vaer much later than that it’s light his thing against paserre [Music] the ble to wear out AC [Music] Marchei he’s very very lighta much more ardenteoute not l ‘forget look at trajectory tuev 1800 plusme pasist how you get back on him he can spend much later still there to please [Music] that you are more used to it than him that it works eh yeah Mo she bluffs me with this box frankly you arrive when even holding the Donou it’s phew yes good thanks again to all the Montlry teams thank you for this centenary this incredible event feels like a year that this circuit exists and especially in this weather on this Sunday it was super cool thanks to the CLA garage for lending me this car to give you a sort of little comparison, if you’re interested, put it in the comments, we’ll go and try this one because they told me, Nico, why not, you look nice we’ll maybe lend you one it’s true that it could be cool to come back here to montléie with this one good thanks to Raoul thanks to the friends thanks to all of you who came to the circuit we met it also made me happy because I often do my little events on the side where I test drive cars I’m happy to see you too since it’s thanks to you that this channel exists and then maybe we’ll see each other again on other events I come quite often to my lerie because it’s one of my favorite circuits it’s especially the closest to me in addition because I’m in the Paris region h this car so for the debrief quite incredible uh the chassis and crazy with comfort we can have incredible sportiness but while keeping a hyper stable car super playful had something to have radical fun and I think that everyone who saw it driving today in montlerry and yesterday on these days were quite amazed because this centenary lasted on Saturday and Sunday and I drove well thanks again very much to Honda France who went out of their way to find me this car which comes from Germany uh to be able to tell you about it have a video made and especially with chassis 00 thank you to them for lending me and trusting me with a car like that if there are other brands who are tempted for me to have fun with their car don’t hesitate and then it will make me happy as usual the little blue thumb like that don’t hesitate to subscribe it’s written right there then if you are there it’s always a pleasure in short kisses see you soon Ciao .
Déroulement de la vidéo:
10.196 [Music] perfect [Music]
10.196 [Music]
10.196 [Music]
10.196 [Music]
10.196 buongiorno ragazzi ciao that you that you I didn&;t expect you ride so
10.196 hard hello everyone welcome to the sports YouTube channel it&;s Nicolas today
10.196 for the centenary from UTAC montlerry there we are right in the center of the speed ring which
10.196 goes all the way around to present to you today this Honda NSX and look what I did thanks
10.196 to the Clos garage at Honda which is not very far from here in montlerry I managed to
10.196 find you the first versions here we have a phase one and there we have the very first production
10.196 of the NSX with chassis 00 that&;s still a small exclusivity that I&;m bringing out to you here, thanks
10.196 to Honda and thanks to lutac for inviting me here to be able to present it to you, run it in front of
10.196 you since we&;re going to roll on the platforms, we&;re going to try to drive hard, push a few cars a little bit,
10.196 what you will see it&;s a pretty incredible car and besides I
10.196 &;m going to take some friends inside, some of whom you probably recognize
10.196 that you may have already seen in the intro in short I&;m going to tell you quickly about this one -this but
10.196 it&;s especially this one that interests me I had never tried it there are only 11 in France so
10.196 it&;s a fairly rare car in fact it keeps its reputation rather well At the time, it was
10.196 the first Honda NSX, everyone knows that it was developed by Sena, the NBER Green, etc.,
10.196 apparently at the time, he had tried it, he said, it&;s not great, they took a year they
10.196 completely reworked it they released it it was in the 90s it seems to me if I&;m not talking nonsense
10.196 1989 it had been presented at a show during a press conference at Honda they
10.196 had made noise and so on it had pissed off everyone a little bit everyone said
10.196 wow what is this toy they made it one of the cars that pissed off
10.196 Ferrari a little bit since apparently it was better than a Ferrari at the time I didn&;t learn everything
10.196 by heart but to avoid telling you nonsense I&;m taking my little technical sheet it was a
10.196 V6 engine positioned here at the rear a V6 Vtech engine it was on the first versions 272 horsepower
10.196 then later 274 at the time in Japan and they were a little [__] that&;s why
10.196 there are lots of cars even the skyl luncers and so on were all [__] pretty much at this
10.196 power we have no right to exceed 280 horsepower and there it was the same thing a
10.196 rear-wheel drive car it existed in several versions there we can see that we have the one with popup lights which
10.196 rises right here there is even had on the latest versions the lights which were all in plexiglass with
10.196 two small rounded ones on the top with the lights which I believe looked a little
10.196 like xenons the same existed in the Targa version there were quite a few things in terms of the weight we are
10.196 on a car which was rather light also 1315 kg on this car there today we are
10.196 a little bit heavier because this time it has hybridizations and besides this one
10.196 was the first supercar in series with hybridization on the front wheels since it is
10.196 a 4-wheel drive on this one we have three electric motors plus a V6 engine also
10.196 3.5 on this version at the time the first were 3 liters here this one offered a 0 to
10.196 100 in 5 seconds ne9u which was really not surprising for the time let&;s not forget that it&;s
10.196 a propulsion only 280 horsepower we had fairly light cars now
10.196 around 1800 kg on the other hand we have a 0 to 100 under 3 seconds with the launch control which is
10.196 quite impressive and you will see that it works rather well because 651 horsepower here in total
10.196 on this car will be very nice since we have a circuit and we will be able to have fun with it
10.196 I will take you as usual for a little ride on the road to see what it is because
10.196 I was not at all expecting this type of car when trying this one in terms of torque we had
10.196 290 nm here at the time this time 645 we can see that it has more than doubled and the torque is
10.196 which will be the most impressive thing and also thanks to the toc vectoring located on the front
10.196 mainly now many do it on the rear to be able to rotate this one
10.196 work that differently thanks to the electric motor on the front su so we two and
10.196 you will see in the bend it&;s placed rather well to give you the dimensions of it it
10.196 measures 4 M49 long so often the superc it&;s quite long it&;s very low only 1.20 high
10.196 and 1 .94 wide without the mirrors the mirrors still come out quite a bit we can see that they
10.196 are quite sharp they also play with the air because besides you will see in
10.196 terms of aerodynamics it is a quite car specific is that it does not have a fin
10.196 here at the rear so in terms of the engine to go into more detail this time it is a
10.196 3.5 V6 engine that you find here biturbo 3 cylinders on the left TR cylinders on the right so
10.196 a turbo for each 507 horsepower in thermal and 550 Nm of torque which is already not bad it is
10.196 helped by the turbo plus a 48 horsepower electric motor which will come to help then we have two
10.196 electric motors on the &;before 37 horses on this side 37 horses on this side which will
10.196 allow us when braking to regenerate energy to bring us additional torque during
10.196 acceleration phases but also to play torque victoring&; that is to say that for example a motor
10.196 will brake the inside wheel when I want to turn it will make it rotate so I
10.196 play a little bit with the braking it will first act a little electric braking and then
10.196 it will allow at the rear to pivot more this one accelerate this wheel which will allow me
10.196 to pivot we will see it in the chicanes on the circuit with this car and it is quite astonishing
10.196 because I played with Porsche GT3 even GT3 RS well it&;s doing pretty well it doesn&;t have
10.196 four-wheel steering like some of these cars but we can take it little by little
10.196 it&;s quite playful this NSX NSX besides it&;s for new sport experience it&;s out in
10.196 2016 this chassis and it was a very early series and that&;s what makes me love it, thank you again
10.196 to Honda and thank you all for following this channel, don&;t hesitate to subscribe so
10.196 that I can you produce more content like that and come meet you it was
10.196 super cool to see lots of subscribers to the channel and lots of enthusiasts today signing little
10.196 autographs and all that made me very happy h released in 2016, this toy was worth around
10.196 €180,000 so I looked at the price a little, the advantage is that it&;s a car that has a
10.196 very low price, 11 of them were sold in France as I told you and it&;s worth between 160,000 and 250,000 for
10.196 some very very low mileage versions so the investment is not bad actually
10.196 it sold few because it was little known but for having taken people during this weekend
10.196 and having gone on ride it really catches the eye since it&;s very very rare and a lot of
10.196 people had never seen one before today on the front part we really see that it&;s a
10.196 great one because we don&;t have an engine at the front just the axles and finally the small electric motors
10.196 but an electric motor is very compact it can do that it&;s like a drill but
10.196 a little bit bigger we see that we have a is very plunging so here we have a fairly prominent plate holder
10.196 I put the ring because on the circuit it is obligatory in case we need
10.196 to be towed but we will try not to do it today very plunging in V the Honda
10.196 here that is This is perhaps to remind us of the Vtech, it&;s very nice to have
10.196 air extractions there since we have air inlets there which cool the radiators which
10.196 then come out over the top so basically we has additional support because it comes
10.196 in there it presses inside and it comes out there with the hot air also then we have
10.196 the mirrors which guide towards the air inlets also on the rear so that it&;s the
10.196 radiators here we have a very nice look which I really like it is especially there these points 1
10.196 2 3 4 5 6 which serve as a daytime light and also as a night light so everything is directly integrated
10.196 there it is very fine it&;s very pretty it&;s happening more and more but at the time in 2016 it was
10.196 still quite revolutionary at the front we just have a slightly technical side but no
10.196 trunk unfortunately it could have been a small advantage and then a beautiful carbon blade there which
10.196 comes on the front the advantage that this car also has is that it is not too low
10.196 it easily passes the dodan and there is no lift it&;s true that it could have been a little
10.196 extra for from time to time but in the end I never struggled on a Dodane so in fact it makes it
10.196 a good everyday supercar on the side of this car what happened almost
10.196 now most supercars have different size wheels we have 19 inches at the front
10.196 and 20 inches at the rear we are on 305 at the rear I might as well tell you that it will drive
10.196 it is pretty good but you have to be able to transmit this power and this torque 19 to the front in 245
10.196 which already gives us really wide tires also we find an aluminum and
10.196 carbon chassis which is glued to it so it is not screwed like some precisely to not have
10.196 any vibration to ensure that it doesn&;t loosen and also to have rigidity
10.196 but we will see that we have a really comfortable car Because in terms of the suspension I
10.196 don&;t know how they did that They made a dynamic, sporty and comfortable car, the same
10.196 in terms of the seats, I&;ll show it to you just then, six-piston carbon ceramic brake
10.196 at the front, we have a big four-piston at the rear, I might as well tell you that it brakes quite well. is
10.196 shod today in Michelin Pilot Sport 4S we are not sure of the much sportier Cup 2
10.196 but that will be the good compromise for road and other because the advantage is
10.196 that we can serve as this car under all conditions and as it is a 4 drive well that
10.196 still makes the car much healthier and usable on a daily basis very low car 1.20
10.196 as I told you and on that side the big inputs of air which also cools
10.196 here here Radi and we have an aero side there on the side which comes to play to then press
10.196 on this little duck tail at this place since we have no wing on this car everything
10.196 was played on direct aerodynamics so with fluidity on this car we can see lines
10.196 here which go back towards this guide the small NSX engraved on the window we have a carbon roof
10.196 all the same to play on the weight we still tried to reduce the masses as much as possible just
10.196 like the forged rims here which are frankly pretty and when we see this car we say to ourselves
10.196 [ __ ] Honda can still do some pretty impressive things and even having tried the
10.196 very latest type it&;s rather not bad from what I know they are working
10.196 on the next one I really can&;t wait to see what the next Honda NSX will be like on
10.196 this side we will put the fuel back on it will have to be opened but it&;s a small hatch we don&;t even have enough
10.196 to remove the cap inside that&;s rather bad the doors we press here and we open
10.196 we have a door which opens quite wide and which gives rather good accessibility to
10.196 the interior that I will show you just then on the rear so we will see that this car
10.196 is not very high since precisely no spoiler et cetera as I told you we have drives
10.196 which come to the engine just behind the rear where we I can just see this glass engine part
10.196 and what is most impressive is that also when I open
10.196 my trunk I have a small button here very well hidden very discreet which allows me to open
10.196 and above all which gives me access to my engine which is right there in fact it&;s not separate I
10.196 don&;t open it first just the trunk is over there in fact it&;s really this whole part which opens
10.196 and there it&;s very very cool because we have a part entirely in carbon and then see the
10.196 0 here that&;s still super cool engine so in the central rear position that&;s what
10.196 &;s best for balance of a car because the porches for example it&;s in a backpack
10.196 as they say in rear door it&;s behind the heavens there it really is so the rear wheels
10.196 there that it&;s here so central here at the rear it allows you to have a well-balanced playful car
10.196 and also with rather low masses we will see what it gives on the circuit you will
10.196 see we still find here a trunk so we have a trunk of 110 L I think that it &;is
10.196 roughly the equivalent of a Mazda MX5 I&;m not going to be able to get in there but can I yeah
10.196 it&;s a little complicated well I still have my helmet another helmet and other and a
10.196 little bit of instead we can go on vacation with Madame but she must not take
10.196 too much business for a short weekend and then right in the back we have this long strip here these
10.196 lights on the sides and especially the exhaust which is placed in the carbon diffuser
10.196 at the very bottom we can see that it&;s quite pretty the air extractions the little fins here
10.196 you want to hear it okay I&;m going to give you a little pleasure it&;s good because it&;s
10.196 [ Music]
10.196 well it&;s still a small V6 it doesn&;t sound like a V8 or a V10 but inside then
10.196 you&;ll hear it while we&;re on the circuit it sings quite well and the most important thing
10.196 it&;s my pleasure to me B so they opened this one for me to show you some slightly
10.196 specific things so the engine here at the rear so this 3 l Vtech placed in the central rear position
10.196 also like on the new version so what is quite crazy it&;s also the way
10.196 it opens look at the window with this part here so this sort of rear shelf which also smiles
10.196 a little bit like a hood and this one is mounted on the struts so I love it
10.196 and we have the trunk which is located here at the rear however at the front also small thing
10.196 very specific to this car look there is the balance of the masses which was very
10.196 important on this car and there you see a big hole it was made to put the
10.196 spare wheel here we have the battery there to balance et cetera but we could have a puncture and put your
10.196 spare wheel here and be able to replace that it&;s still something quite incredible and
10.196 it&;s lights popup that too I love it so as usual you know that I like to show you
10.196 around the car when I present a car to you because it&;s always much
10.196 nicer and look when you see it from above c it&;s a real real tray it&;s extremely
10.196 flat it&;s placed especially in the grass like that so it&;s very very low and the look it has I
10.196 find it incredible it&;s a great because for me it&;s not doesn&;t age the front is still crazy
10.196 on this rear and so with this engine cover here which is glazed B the small plate don&;t forget
10.196 to subscribe it&;s r that I put it on the videos but do yourself a favor and look at the
10.196 width so there is a little delay from Ferrari just like at the time it was really
10.196 the competitor of the Ferrari and Ferrari took a little time before coming back to that but
10.196 if you want me to make you a video of it &;elsewhere, don&;t hesitate to put me in the
10.196 comments if you want us to come back here to montlerry to try this one it could
10.196 be pretty good I rarely give you cars that are a little bit older but I admit that it
10.196 bothers me tends very well because there are so many things that have been said about it
10.196 besides, don&;t move, I&;ll give you a little pleasure anyway to show you
10.196 the interior of the old version so we had the leather smell leather that lives it&;s crazy
10.196 5 speed gearbox on the first ones we had 6 the real handbrake with the NSX
10.196 here with the little Vtech badge it was beautiful eh look imagine yourself on board this Honda NSX
10.196 at the time I think you were the king of the road and I love having ventilation
10.196 here directly in the doors as it was already very low and the engine positioned
10.196 here at the rear that was still great at that time in short the fun even in 2024 for this
10.196 centenary that&;s it so the handle to open it either you press here or you can come and get it
10.196 there directly the best is to press there hop the entries of air that I was talking to you about earlier
10.196 on the side and with the aero side right here pretty crazy the doors so door in Alcantara and
10.196 leather so it&;s a car that has already been driven quite a bit this one has more than 70,000 km it was the
10.196 first model which was also used for the press and others but electric seat so we had that
10.196 we cannot adjust the height on the other hand so me who measures 1.80 I am well in it
10.196 but I could have – be liked to be able to lower a point more but when we actually see at the level of the
10.196 carpet and there in reality we are already really not very high from the ground pedal here of course in aluminum a
10.196 big footrest on the side and something to open the hood before right here by the way come let me
10.196 show you what it looks like from the front because I think there is no person who shows
10.196 what it looks like from the front on the Internet and my goal is to all you show you know on the
10.196 channel that I like not to hide anything from you and this is what it looks like so we started here from the chassis
10.196 the big radiator also at the front with the two huge fans and we can
10.196 see that there is nothing there I don&;t really know what it is, it looks like it&;s braking because
10.196 it seems to me that it was incredible braking by wire and the steering there right at the bottom
10.196 at the bottom I don&;t know if you know see over there we have controlled suspensions so we recognize
10.196 controlled suspension thanks to that we have a little wire that comes and it will change the behavior
10.196 of the car depending on the mode in which we are going to be in come on let&;s click hop it is C
10.196 I love this V front like that it looks like a real arrow come on let me show you the interior
10.196 now the Honda NSX where I have just settled into ultra comfortable seats so look
10.196 here so we have seats in leather like at the time but they are super super comfortable it
10.196 really looks like a sofa at home in which you want to stay and I&;m going to try to move back
10.196 as far as possible al it&;s not easy in this car b here I am already at maximum and when I
10.196 come to close here this is what it looks like because you are the driver of a Honda NSX 2 between
10.196 2016 and 2024 I am going to start it straight away to put the air conditioning back on, button here with my foot on the
10.196 brake it starts at every time I start it it still starts the combustion engine
10.196 for me to please me with a little welcome here with the NSX which comes to display at this place
10.196 checking the tire pressure it&;s normal because as I I&;m using the circuit and
10.196 I deflated the tires to be at the right pressure ready for driving, that&;s it, it&;s already
10.196 back to hybrid, I activated my air conditioning and the advantage is that we have a battery at the rear
10.196 which will allow us to have more power and torque we will be able to drive approximately between 500
10.196 and 1 km with a battery charge but basically it&;s like a hybrid car it&;s clearly
10.196 basically a Toyota Yaris or Prius of the time but in sports what on that side is what
10.196 inspired Honda also with the regulators here and there beautiful paddles behind the steering wheel
10.196 which are large and which are above all attached to the steering wheel just like this screen which was at the time
10.196 what was going to happen at Honda just like the speed lock that we always find on the brand
10.196 new Hondas and basically the NSX was really the prototype and it&;s still like that as I
10.196 explain to you in the video comes from the supercars of the highest models of GAM and then it
10.196 flows onto the smallest cars from so with my big handle the rearview mirror here
10.196 therefore which is perched on a long branch of the speakers a little bit everywhere sound system
10.196 is rather good quality we have leather everywhere and carbon there it is real carbon leather and the
10.196 finish is impeccable a real sports car as we like them the air conditioning on the sides
10.196 here we have enough to deactivate the SP and remove the parking sensors the steering wheel is adjustable in
10.196 height and depth and in terms of the screen here is what it looks like so it is digital
10.196 already at that time now it has become very commonplace but at the time it wasn&;t common in the streets the
10.196 digital dashboards the fuel gauge on this side the temperature gauge on the other
10.196 side there if for example it is assisting the engine or if it is in the process to charge and on
10.196 this side my battery reserve and there the trip that I have just done in short quite incredible with
10.196 a counter which goes up to 7500 revolutions here and that&;s not bad then what to show you
10.196 here we are going to to be able to select these modes I have a quot mode here so what is good is that it
10.196 is like in video games I don&;t know if you see basically it tells me here is the power
10.196 train minimum power the Z the suspension and others then I can switch to sport then I
10.196 can switch to sport plus which immediately starts the engine there this time it will come into
10.196 play and there my little V6 engine which is right there behind me hello my little engine
10.196 so who has a window that you cannot open because otherwise it would be much too
10.196 hot in the passenger compartment and then to switch to Sport mode plus just one technique you have to be
10.196 stationary in the parking lot and hold down like this and there with nervousness and so there it deactivates the SP for me so we
10.196 can see that it has been deactivated there and there it becomes yet another car this screen we have the
10.196 base in the air conditioning and so on the music then the air conditioning unit here change these modes there the gearbox
10.196 the handbrake and the auto hold so that I find incredible which is the auto hold
10.196 on a super car an SX which is recalled here in the laser engraved alcantara I think a small
10.196 storage bin here and also another storage behind we will be able to connect our phone
10.196 via USB here with an HDMI port so I didn&;t know that there was an HDM port here maybe we
10.196 can watch videos in our car sonol there and a box glove box which opens right here,
10.196 very practical, thank you Honda for making a glove box in a sports car, it&;s no longer used
10.196 in the streets and also a USB here, anyway, what do you think, let&;s try it, let&;s do it
10.196 a few minutes on the road and then circuit with guests let&;s go well you
10.196 know me I like to test all the cars in all types of situations we will start
10.196 with a very small part of town quickly do a little part of the road and others and
10.196 starting small engine nice the battery almost at 100% but when
10.196 starting it gives you a little pleasure all the same we start normally
10.196 in Sport mode so we have several modes the quot the sport the sport plus ah the sport
10.196 plus opens small valves we&;re going to start in Sport mode quietly, that&;s it,
10.196 it&;s cut off so with the drive it&;s better and I&;m in my hybrid superc
10.196 which starts in that for everyday use I admit that it&;s still
10.196 really not bad having already driven a little bit with it I like this car because it
10.196 has a very comfortable side and even for the city this side is quite pleasant in addition in gray like
10.196 that and is rather discreet it can really be the superc of the daily and even on the
10.196 imperfection anomalies like the seats are soft even if I pass on the mouths of drips and others
10.196 well I find that it is a car which is still rather top good you bought
10.196 a super because you still want have a little bit of noise in sport mode which starts
10.196 the Meur mod for me this time and I can drop my gears new speed box as I told you
10.196 goes back to first when stopped so there is a nice blind spot there and on the other [Music]
10.196 side it&;s very torquey so we play a little bit like a big American V8 because the
10.196 electric side brings a lot of torque and power and we feel the torque it&;s quite
10.196 impressive it&;s a four-wheel drive so it pulls a little from the front so we
10.196 have little power on the front we have 37 and 37 but that&;s already enough to play we&;ll see
10.196 on the circuit especially the effectiveness of this torque victoring on the front which will slow down a little
10.196 bit and I think it will be quite interesting but for the [Music] city it&;s very nice the
10.196 Paris region 10 traffic jams and there the hybrid supercar is still very interesting
10.196 not necessarily burning fuel stupidly in traffic jams I find it good for the fact
10.196 that it will extend my autonomy so it will allow me to drive further with a full tank rather
10.196 than sometimes you have a big engine and so on and in traffic jams it overheats there that&;s not
10.196 at all the case since the engine cuts out I drive electric so I don&;t burn fuel
10.196 stupidly so it extends my autonomy and it allows me when I&;m going to use it a little more
10.196 on a daily basis of not necessarily going to the gas station well for nothing afterwards I can put it in
10.196 sport more and I restart it so it&;s possible if you just want to have the sound this side pleasure
10.196 of being able to be in sport more and always start otherwise even the Sport mode switches to hybrid or
10.196 otherwise I have the coot mode which will force the car to drive as much as possible without %
10.196 electric. I find that super interesting for a car and frankly the comfort it provides there is
10.196 in this car well it&;s a treat because it&;s seats which are meant to be very comfortable but at the
10.196 same time with good support and clearly it can be the super everyday car par excellence
10.196 because it&;s not too noisy it is easy to drive perfect steering can&;t wait to
10.196 show you on the circuit to see if it&;s really one of the best super cars in
10.196 any type of use when it frees up and it runs a little better at 90 there I I put
10.196 my little regulator on, I have an average for the moment of 9.9 which is not surprising having had
10.196 traffic jams and others with a big engine all the same at 90 km/h I am in 9th gear 1500
10.196 rpm for a petrol car it&;s rather cool apart from the big big cars often
10.196 American where you&;re not in the towers it&;s quite rare but on the other hand there is this pleasant side it&;s
10.196 rather well soundproofed I don&;t hear much of what&;s going on is happening around me the engine is quite discreet
10.196 at this speed so I know that there is something running but on the other hand it&;s pleasant I
10.196 don&;t have anything too noisy it&;s simple effective and if I &;I need to [Music] overtake ah yeah
10.196 there&;s torque there&;s torque there&;s power I felt the rear already give away
10.196 a little bit so what we have to say is that It&;s been raining there since a while ago so I&;m
10.196 lucky it&;s just oily I don&;t get caught in the rain luckily the SP is there because
10.196 at the moment the car said to me okay I&;m ready she put some torque she said so
10.196 great because we must not forget we must always be humble enough and not do anything which is
10.196 why we see crashes no matter how but then in a straight line by example where it
10.196 pushes it tows there&;s something to enjoy and we have a little bit of sound if we want to on the other hand
10.196 we still have to be quite careful especially when it&;s wet let&;s
10.196 not forget a supercar that has super wide tires but a cool ride is very very nice and
10.196 if I switch to Sport mode just to have fun for example with the paddles and iron the paddle
10.196 oh yeah as soon as we are above 4500 revs it starts to have a little more engine presence
10.196 it&;s going to be very nice on the circuit there&;s a little something going on
10.196 there&;s turbo discharge
10.196 too I can hear the turbo just behind me that&;s nice I don&;t dare press hard because
10.196 well it&;s is wet we&;re going to stay calm for the moment and we&;re only going to enjoy it on the circuit well
10.196 I&;m in the straight here before leaving on the circuit in this car here we
10.196 go we took it off the road for the now put directly on the circuit and we will
10.196 see, we&;re going to be able to have fun with it, let&;s go, let&;s get started, everyone is ready, we&;re going
10.196 to have a little warm-up lap at the same time, rediscover this circuit here in Mont lry and we&;re going to
10.196 see what that gives, thank you, sir. so this NSX I put it here in Sport mode plus which
10.196 should be more than enough we will see for the track mode perhaps in the second session to be able to
10.196 discover this car already at first it is always very important to there go to the flow
10.196 and so there it is the first lap oh there it&;s already pushing I feel that there is a lot of cutting
10.196 we are going to heat up the brakes the engine the tires all of it that&;s what is super
10.196 important too in circuit it is to have a car at a good temperature the same in terms
10.196 of brakes as we have the carbon ceramics the carbon ceramics it brakes effectively when
10.196 it&;s hot not when it&;s cold the tires seize even better when it&;s is hot also
10.196 you have to be careful there we have a pin here so it&;s the same when we&;re going to brake we&;re going to do
10.196 a nice degressive but we mustn&;t forget because otherwise we&;re going to go straight hop
10.196 important here is to take good se trag there h we know we re-widen and what
10.196 is great in a tour of Chau like that is because it is to take the stage carefully we can
10.196 see there for example that there is still a little bit of water with some flaes in certain
10.196 places what is great with this car is we feel the ease I have the impression
10.196 I can&;t wait to see in really dynamic driving because there for example there are
10.196 chicanes so we will have to take hop there is grass there are
10.196 big holes you should definitely not go into the grass here braking we heat
10.196 everything up a little bit so I think that normally we have two warm-up laps like that it allows us to
10.196 discover this circuit here let&;s go we arrive at the end of the Safety Car lap and we&;re going to
10.196 be able to there it&;s starting to become very nice hop the chicane and we follow the
10.196 Ferrari BR in front oh la la oh la la oh la la ah yeah it&;s pushing it&;s pushing it&;s
10.196 pushing you have to be careful we&;re on the circuit we&;re just on a
10.196 fun day oh it&;s pushing the torque of the hybrid it&;s quite incredible there
10.196 we have a beautiful field in front of us and new things in
10.196 the Ferrari 296 same V6 hybrid we have a small turbo porch in front come on we&;re going to try to
10.196 overtake what&;s that [Music]
10.196 walkel enjoy it motor job m job it&;s not
10.196 ridiculous Ferrari ant distance than that we&;ll be careful we stay safe
10.196 but this car is amazing, it&;s quite incredible and what&;s crazy
10.196 is that I still have a lot of comfort with this car,
10.196 it&;s quite easy, we have good lateral grip, we&;re not in ceistics or
10.196 other overtaking in the Bing
10.196 it&;s true that the GT3 RS is nice but it lacks a little bit of power or there guys
10.196 or there guys it lags a little bit in front of GT4 RS it also wants to drive a little
10.196 bit a little bit of traffic good it&;s more fun to play with
10.196 friends it&;s pushing it&;s pushing it&;s cheeky good the GT3 RS it would be good
10.196 if he put a little bit of rhythm he&;s the sharpest car for the
10.196 chassis
10.196 oh the braking is great I really like the progressiveness of the [ __ ] so it&;s not
10.196 super biting at the start but we feel that we have a lot of progressiveness in fact with the car
10.196 and it is super healthy very easy to
10.196 drive it
10.196 jumps [Music] oh it&;s still very very nice I love this car after having done
10.196 a few laps this car is quite incredible but it is incredible easy both when
10.196 braking as when entering a corner on the exit in turns on everything in fact and in
10.196 comfort that&;s what is quite impressive is that it is ultra versatile that I have fun
10.196 like that whether I am on the road whether I am in Sport mode sport plus it can even go back to
10.196 hybrid if I want it&;s on the circuit there we&;re on the cooling lap the goal
10.196 is to cool the brakes and so on once everything has heated up but this car
10.196 is bluffing clearly an ease we still have a nice sound which comes from the back
10.196 and frankly I clearly enjoy it and it&;s quite easy that&;s what
10.196 bluffs me is that almost no matter who can drive very fast with this car without necessarily being
10.196 a driver and it will forgive you a lot of things and let&;s not forget I&;m just a Michelin
10.196 sport driver 4 not even in Cup 2 or other for the circuit so it&;s quite extreme versatility and then
10.196 even TR comfort it&;s really pleasant I love this car
10.196 friends I found the Mongasque with the best Italian accent in all of Monaco I
10.196 think it&;s our friend
10.196 we have to wait a little bit he lets us pass c &;is good ah he wanted
10.196 to put a beautiful Ferrari in front of us did he know that we are going to go and
10.196 play with the ferrarii I&;m happy raou to take you for once it&;s me who&;s taking you
10.196 because you have the chance to take a lot of people but it&;s a pleasure to
10.196 take you the noise is as soon as we put a little pe in yes
10.196 I open it makes a little noise yeah and so it&;s a V6
10.196 3 .5 and there is a little something all the same and when it comes from the rear I find it nicer
10.196 too so here we will slowly warm up the tires and the brakes its carbon brake you raou
10.196 here you would like to slide it has there is plenty of room but there we have a four wheel
10.196 drive with a word you have to be really strong to make it slide especially the problem with the qu
10.196 wheel drive is having the power to make it come out, that&;s what you always miss
10.196 the power as much as you are powerful you always lack it because it grips a lot
10.196 exactly but here we are lucky it&;s still a little bit more propulsion laugh it&;s
10.196 good you you have already ridden here yes I had ridden yes ah I during the relis of Paris we had done
10.196 we had driven a little here and I had driven with laaventor RESV on the how do we say the
10.196 parabolic the ring yeah the ring the ring it&;s magnificent I love where banking they also say
10.196 yeah banking that&;s incredible to do it&;s the first time I&;m doing it as
10.196 a passenger ah well it makes me happy that it&;s with me yeah were you going up to the top or not
10.196 yes further possible yes well I don&;t know why I&;m asking you I&;m sure with you
10.196 you had seen Ken Block at the time he had drifted here the year it&;s
10.196 true not seen car with rally cross car he&;s &;amus in the ring to
10.196 make thegiss magnificent that maybe one day we will ask my one to do it
10.196 person inspired a lot of people
10.196 [Music] it&;s true that at the top it&;s impressive unbelievable
10.196 it&;s magnificent I love it it&;s the best moment of this
10.196 intro circuit him with the Ferrari I see he is a little bit angry read he wants to
10.196 leave a lot of traffic be careful when there is so much traffic especially
10.196 here today it It&;s a day between friends, we didn&;t come there to win a
10.196 [Music]
10.196 race, it&;s pushing, yeah, it&;s pushing quite well, we know that there are incredible couples, but the
10.196 people in front are driving too slowly, you see when we accelerate [Music] a good
10.196 stretch we&;re going to give them a little bit of distance because
10.196 otherwise we&;re not going to have fun letting them pass that&;s good too I love it
10.196 it&;s really a beautiful car the category Ms latite I&;m very
10.196 I always tell everyone that when someone asks
10.196 for advice I say buy a Mercedes GTA yes it&;s a good
10.196 car pp quality Ren you even see there is good grip or it&;s incredible
10.196 [Music ]
10.196 [Music]
10.196 it&;s a great car eh or i it&;s impressive and
10.196 it&;s comfortable plus we have good performance after very lo TR
10.196 [Music]
10.196 very you have to be careful people brake very early yeah what&;s- what do you think Raoul of
10.196 this magnificent car I am very surprised I too I was surprised you know because the car
10.196 she remains very PAF it never gives you bad sensations you see yeah it makes you very
10.196 comfortable very not or exactly that&;s what&;s quite impressive is that it&;s easy and
10.196 you see there is there has no bad behavior and even if you try hard to make it
10.196 go a little harder on the brakes,
10.196 you immediately start accelerating really hard [Music]
10.196 and that&;s what&;s amazing about this car, it&;s that there is a very good lateral grim it&;s
10.196 [Music]
10.196 incredible it&;s magnificent it&;s it&;s I love it you see we really catch up with them too quickly ah
10.196 yes no no it&;s incredible how it comes on the others comment more easily you see
10.196 and it doesn&;t seem that when you see this car you think of a Honda and you don&;t think that it&;s
10.196 such a good car I&;m really surprised you don&;t see I didn&;t know the product I did
10.196 n&;t know but I am and I think that a lot of people don&;t know the product and that&;s why
10.196 they haven&;t sold a lot even though it&;s an incredible car and you see the
10.196 behavior especially me that I find everything works all the time suite and you see there is all
10.196 the power of [Music] couple good it&;s okay Raoul you&;re not afraid no it&;s okay you drive well well done
10.196 cool no no you drive well you put it on well you see you give security sometimes you ride
10.196 with people all the time who act like that I don&;t suppose I get scared you see you
10.196 drive well you make her run it&;s good me I noticed something there are a lot of people who
10.196 play all the time no no I don&;t support that and in the end I noticed that I go faster
10.196 certain drivers because in fact I put it properly no no that&;s it you drive very
10.196 well look that you drive well but that&;s nice the part of a pilot it makes me happy you put it
10.196 right B you brake with the right it&;s good and there we would like propulsion a little
10.196 [Music] little it&;s incredible you saw how it pushes again torque it&;s not all
10.196 cars thing like that often 1 2 3 it pushes a lot or it&;s
10.196 magnificent that&;s the new Courvette
10.196 the C8 that&;s a car for children that looks how the doubles
10.196 [Music]
10.196 [Music]
10.196 I love the circuit I would love to do it every day it would have to be
10.196 my real job every day come on banking it&;s always crazy it&;s
10.196 unbelievable and it&;s been around for 100 years incredible you think pe year that
10.196 it exists that it&;s there and so that&;s why we&;re here for
10.196 a centenary t of cooling for the tires and everything it&;s you P it&;s incredible and the number of
10.196 records here I don&;t know what I was told but 85% of the records were made and in the 30s and
10.196 40s that&;s what was incredible at the time with a lot of records and there are lots of
10.196 Renaults, lots of brands and even At the time there were endurance races here so
10.196 it&;s not open to the public but you continue straight on, there&;s a big big circuit at the very back, I&;m
10.196 riding there for the people who are on the circuit, in fact there&;s another circuit where we are not allowed
10.196 to go on days like that which is closed and there you have a long straight line of 2 km but if
10.196 we try one day we will come here with a car what is your favorite car if you had to
10.196 keep a car I knew I fought between F40 because ok it&;s the two special cars then
10.196 there are normal road cars ime a lot I really like the Mclarins too ok because
10.196 you take a lot of pleasure in driving I don&;t know if you tried a little me the 720s it&;s my
10.196 favorite Spider it&;s incredible I love that pumps the noise the turbo you have sensations you have emotions
10.196 yeah and when you fall in gear it explodes behind it&;s incredible the car
10.196 is yours it&;s a bit like this one you see after the other it works a little because the
10.196 propulsions move a little on all sides it&;s very beautiful and it&;s true that I think the F40
10.196 is a dream everyone likes the carrèagt with manual transmissions again because now
10.196 it&;s over, manual gearboxes don&;t exist anymore, we said last time it had to be
10.196 me who goes down to Monaco and yes you see I&;m going to try that&;s how it is now you know
10.196 for the next time it&;s you who I will take you for a ride with great pleasure thank you
10.196 that makes me happy Raou in all cases we have a lot of fun you drive very well and the car
10.196 is magnificent thank you very much in any case no it&;s true I was surprised to be all both
10.196 no sometimes you ride with hands he wants to impress you he wants to make you see things
10.196 you you rode really well perfect you&;re very good it&;s nice no it&;s true it&;s true
10.196 you have me I say there was Sandy Sandy what I say is we have nothing to prove to
10.196 anyone no that&;s it you see but sometimes the guys get in the car with you they want to
10.196 show you that they are capable who here who&;s there it&;s and it&;s who stresses you see it&;s not
10.196 a pleasure after that it shows that you drive that you have a job I mean you&;re not you do
10.196 n&;t need to be a driver sometimes to be able to drive a car well a guy who has done a lot of
10.196 kilometers drives well ah yeah I&;m lucky a little bit it&;s like it&;s my job
10.196 and you have it shows that you have been driving for years are you driving drive well I mean after
10.196 me I would like one day to get into a rally car with you ah yes in you come we&;ll do it
10.196 with the Delta I have them it&;ll be nice afterwards you know a rally car that&;s be incredible
10.196 it&;s magnificent it&;s very B afterwards you know me I&;m more for the cars of my time
10.196 modern cars I&;ve never driven I&;ve never tried it yet but I would like I would like to try
10.196 a rally car cross yes I tried a Clio rally 3 magnificent on the snow Pas de la
10.196 Casa and it was incredible on the ice all across like you like magnificent everything pushed
10.196 with the sequential gearbox it was just super good Raoul thank you no thank you to you gr thank you really
10.196 really enjoyed the incredible car and you too it makes me happy if you took advantage and you discovered
10.196 something new I am delighted magnificent I was really surprised I cyais
10.196 I didn&;t know you see and me too when I discovered combustible I had to try
10.196 weird things 2016 8 years or it&;s not a thing you can&;t even say that it&;s modern I mean
10.196 8 years is a long time it&;s a long time car especially cars look at the 287 the evolution
10.196 which has seen in the from 2022 to today there is a crazy evolution on the cars and
10.196 wow it drives like the cars of today eh incredible I think that if we were really
10.196 riding in the dry well the good pressures all that I think that someone who does well
10.196 with that he goes as fast as the Ferrari yes yeah you are not far from the modern cars of the day you
10.196 see me I am I I&;m happy with this car, after a first hard day, we&;re back
10.196 to refueling this NSX and we&;re going to continue tomorrow, second day, we&;re going home, we&;re
10.196 having a little sleep today, it was super cool, so it&;s We left to have fun with this
10.196 car, we&;re going to go and give it a little rest, it drove very well today and I think
10.196 the public appreciated it and a lot of people were quite surprised by this wave because
10.196 a lot of people didn&;t like it. I didn&;t expect it to work so much and he had some surprises,
10.196 you came to see me, some for those who recognize themselves and I too in the end
10.196 I decided to put it there so that people can enjoy it on the small village and the
10.196 small village looks like this so we are in the heart of the ring we have the banking which we see there on
10.196 the side the big wheel and there are small padocs with cars on display it looks like a beautiful 205
10.196 GTI Griff that&;s the GT3 and so basically there you can buy little things there are little goodies
10.196 clothes there are cars on display there is decoration in short it&;s pretty cool to see that we
10.196 also find some friends Vulcane magazine we tried their Porsche this one on
10.196 the montlerry circuit and remember it was one of the cars that scared me the most and
10.196 so we have Sylvain there with customers with all the magazines right here very very
10.196 beautiful magazines every time I love the touch the paper and others that I recommend to you m lady
10.196 look also she seems very nice well I know that among you there are always real
10.196 little enthusiasts even of Japanese cars there we still have something very nice everyone
10.196 knows its engines then it looks a little bit prepared this one he look at me this toy in the
10.196 distance it&;s just magnificent and from that side I&;m in the we&;re going to say no dooc or parking of
10.196 all the platforms so there are six sets and I&;m parked there with my little anx now
10.196 because that&;s uh all the participants so everything you see as a car right here it&;s
10.196 going to roll so that&;s the supercar set we can see the very nice little cars
10.196 come on I&;m going to take you for a little ride all the same so my little L6 992 GT3 RS that we
10.196 also tried it on my lerry Corvette C8 on that side in that I never tried Porsche SLS so
10.196 that&;s something that makes me like the look that it&;s timeless 488 convertible alpine convertible
10.196 at 11 r LEM so that&;s a special series there haven&;t been many it seems to me so I I don&;t know
10.196 the number anymore exactly, it&;s very cool GT3 RS 991 phase 1 to recognize with these fire 4
10.196 guys there like that pretty cool to see one that&;s not the ru at the time it was incredible
10.196 with people from Brabus cemira R8 296 GTS that&;s with the convertible version that
10.196 &;s a GT3 California the MG GTR so that I also loved GT4 RS by so that
10.196 we drove that we drove that I didn&;t do it but it&;s pretty cool and behind a little
10.196 don dd8 and a Touring in the most beautiful configuration it&;s just incredible a GT3 right
10.196 at the bottom and then there are platforms which are a little more car a little older before
10.196 the 2000s so I don&;t know if it&;s the young timer plate it&;s possible if it
10.196 has to be young timer that there are really very pretty ones with the little gtiel Speedster
10.196 it&;s very beautiful I&;ll buy a Porch one day like that just to enjoy the little Fiat
10.196 porch with front engine pe Peugeot and then we arrive on plateaus where there are
10.196 much older cars the vintage Alpines that&;s the real A10 that cute what do I see
10.196 over there is it a Corvette C3 that but this one Sting with the big exhausts on the
10.196 side 454 it&;s furnished 454 that&;s the big big engines when you see the exhaust thatel
10.196 when it&;s on the track it scream really really incredible there we have the trays so
10.196 old ones coming Gordini that I tried one the other time look at me that little car
10.196 all cute and there are still pads a little bit further away where there are older cars
10.196 so I don&;t know if I&;ve already shown you this D8 GTO but it&;s incredible
10.196 I really have to negotiate with Chris to be able to try it because it&;s not popular in the
10.196 streets he has very few in it France basically Donover it was someone who lived in the
10.196 Netherlands who wanted Cateram but Cateram was not approved in the Netherlands in fact he
10.196 widened the S did that and now it&;s Audi TTRS engines basically deant the F all in
10.196 carb jeoudis not gr puance it&;s one of the most insolent things that exists besides chris
10.196 is also the owner of this superb Cobra so he has that a beautiful collection it
10.196 &;s just too beautiful clearly this era with the chassis we see inside he
10.196 explained to me that we can even see behind the engine cover all the little hammer blows
10.196 made to shape this perfect rounding since it was done by hand there is the big man
10.196 in red and on this side the cars are a bit more in a small Mustang mg of the time then
10.196 mg now it has changed a lot eh electric car there type had Raoul drove a little bit
10.196 with yesterday alpha for sale ah no it&;s 356 which will be for sale and then there is the tray which
10.196 is getting ready to roll oh the mini that I love it look at me that look it&;s quite crazy
10.196 with the little one in front it&;s so [Music] happy I love these cars v C3 our alpha and we arrive
10.196 on the set there much older even avant-garde cars a little tour of
10.196 this set also in the 70s 70s oh the DS it&;s incredible we made a kind of
10.196 crazy expedition car Alpine Renault Alpine at the time alpha a little Ferrari
10.196 see it&;s cars a little bit more prepared ah before besides this 308 GT4 mini
10.196 it has on the side we can see Carrera and I&;m going to take you to see then these old
10.196 vintage cars look there here then that&;s really another world these cars
10.196 there Kid is it over there it&;s a bugattiou that&;s it it looks like I&;m not
10.196 an expert I have the impression that it is called all type 35 those times look how
10.196 beautiful it is and tell yourself that at the time he was racing with that ah it&;s incredible
10.196 wow the comfort seems very rudimentary and there it was really mechanical you can
10.196 see the oil and everything everywhere small central mirror and the shape of a drop of water for the
10.196 aero side not bad and on that side big Bentley which had huge engines I think that at the at the time
10.196 these cars had engines up to 6 7 L cylinder even there were 20 l engines
10.196 it seems to me at the time it must be crazy to drive even I think as a passenger
10.196 the experience must be incredible so that it&;s called a lea Francis never heard
10.196 of this brand engine at the front like that gent with radius always as beautiful so I admit to you he
10.196 as usual it&;s in the comments you often put it to me you know nothing about it
10.196 old car I admit I know absolutely nothing because I don&;t have the time in fact
10.196 friends to be interested in everything because I understood it was a Citroëne the Citroën adventure ass it&;s
10.196 incredible and I don&;t didn&;t know this logo here that I had never seen before crazy
10.196 relay Riley Ry brooksland new never heard of it and there were some other
10.196 old ones with the Suspensions what I liked was that we could see precisely
10.196 the blade suspension here look you can even adjust the tension directly there it looks
10.196 beautiful with the collectors on the side these lights which I found incredible at the time like
10.196 a rily what is that rily too a lot of rily I had never heard
10.196 of rily before today to hide nothing from you and yet another one it seems that the whole club
10.196 came to ride here well come on let&;s see what&;s happening on the track we&;re arriving above
10.196 from the pit line look there are lots of people who give us access to this
10.196 circuit with the little chicane here which is made to please the public to make
10.196 people slow down a little and give a little bit of acceleration not bad there are a lot of people even in front
10.196 I admit that I am never in front and there you can see the cars arriving there are
10.196 quite a few people I am going to try to go up on the roof up there to try to
10.196 give you a little view a little nicer good day it&;s Sunday today in the sun and
10.196 I&;m taking Pauline for her baptism hello it&;s the first time you&;re driving here yes you&;ve already
10.196 done the banking no never well well you&;ll see normally it must have been quite impressive
10.196 today I told myself that I was going to do the tire pressures to warm everything up
10.196 and drive because I found this car exceptional yesterday we&;re going to see what it turns out
10.196 we&;re going to try to have fun today today also here we go it will be able to start rolling
10.196 [Music]
10.196 [Music]
10.196 [Music]
10.196 everything is going well until then everything is going
10.196 [Music] well we will quickly catch up with the others
10.196 [Music]
10.196 [Music]
10.196 [Music ]
10.196 [Music]
10.196 [Music]
10.196 we&;re going to go play with the GT3 RS
10.196 [Music]
10.196 blowing this car every time it impresses me in turns
10.196 it holds up really well, pivots as it
10.196 should GT3s he could go 1000 times harder he&;s a little bit shy
10.196 doubling it&;s going to go faster here we have more
10.196 power,
10.196 don&;t
10.196 worry, more
10.196 later you have to make him want to buy
10.196 [Music ]
10.196 [Music]
10.196 chế
10.196 [Music]
10.196 [Music]
10.196 well so that&;s how it&;s really
10.196 good it&;s
10.196 nice in this color and everything it&;s perfect yeah I like the configuration it&;s nice
10.196 perfect come on let&;s go it&;s good you&;re ready yeah here we go really ready first lap little warm up lap
10.196 you&;re going to discover the circuit ok you&;ll see it&;s pretty good yeah ah it heats the tire
10.196 exactly good often heat the tires like that it&;s not of much use it&;s more when braking
10.196 that we heat the tires ah yeah exactly yes well yes exactly cool yes VO there ah yes because
10.196 just now there was a little shock yeah yeah yeah you have to do it mistake and on the other hand there we&;ll be
10.196 careful ah or we&;ll be careful the Ferrari drives well
10.196 and the Corvette takes its time too much [Music] hop oh it&;s
10.196 killing it&;s so good a little too strong yeah come on let&;s let it pass GT4 RS you&;ll
10.196 see it must have been nice he drives very hard good driver I&;m trying to film there but it&;s going to be a disaster
10.196 [Music]
10.196 watch out he&;s still there
10.196 we still manage to follow a GT4 RS really well in is
10.196 [Music ]
10.196 [Music] it&;s
10.196 incredible it&;s so
10.196 good it&;s so good it&;s cool it&;s
10.196 incredible having fun with these cars ah Franch [Music]
10.196 we try to brake really hard that&;s how the brakes turn red
10.196 unbelievable
10.196 good it&;s so good
10.196 [Music]
we caught up with Dobi too Doby with his beautiful m2
10.196 competition works well too it&;s small BMW VO so this little incredible feeling so good
10.196 you really liked it ah but phenomenal it &;what&;s your favorite thing on the circuit there well
10.196 that&;s the banking there ah yeah no but incredible yeah it&;s true that it&;s crazy all the same to be
10.196 able to ride like that on an incline ah you because still everything what is Chica pin and everything yeah
10.196 well you see it still goes really well you see sometimes like that yeah yeah no it&;s it
10.196 &;s incredible you&;re not used to having a B like that which when you&;re at the top it&;s it&;s so
10.196 cool good friends to end this day I took a friend tongy
10.196 who also likes cars and especially Hondas and he wanted to get
10.196 into an NSX and well it&;s done and that&;s it because maybe one day there will be one
10.196 [Music]
10.196 ready at the end of the day like that beautiful sunset session it&;s
10.196 [Music]
10.196 done because there are some who are
10.196 [Music] walking around you not me I&;m not here to laugh
10.196 [Music]
10.196 ah it works it works quite well eh actually you have to brake early
10.196 yeah well it&;s because in front it brakes very very early yeah in reality
10.196 we can go much much harder and you look at this which impresses me it&;s there in
10.196 the bend the Alpine we&;re going to put a little distance on it
10.196 the little one to know that it&;s certainly light
10.196 hop there go hello the Alpine
10.196 [Music]
10.196 [Music]
10.196 [Music] I wasn&;t expecting you drive so hard ah good k I like it you see
10.196 it&;s my job for several years so enjoy a little bit of a job it&;s not
10.196 bad a little bit of
10.196 trafi onaitif is where Madam no
10.196 [Music]
10.196 so what is it what do you think about it so far ah very impressive
10.196 it works well yes you wouldn&;t believe it&;s a car bought clearly
10.196 interior
10.196 not that it&;s the
10.196 [Music]
10.196 the
[Music] cow impress this [ __ ] how do you come back to
10.196 [ Music] you know the car well ah I&;m starting to know it well even don goodbye
10.196 we&;re going to play a game atoi it&;s a big delirium see how he drives
10.196 Chris Chris he&;s pissed off too a behind
10.196 [Music] on the other hand vaer much later than that it&;s light his thing
10.196 against paserre
10.196 [Music]
10.196 the
ble to wear out AC
10.196 [Music] Marchei he&;s very very
10.196 lighta much
10.196 more ardenteoute not l &;forget look at
10.196 trajectory
10.196 tuev 1800
10.196 plusme pasist
10.196 how you get back on him he can spend much later
10.196 still
10.196 there to please
10.196 [Music]
10.196 that you are more used to it than
10.196 him that it works eh yeah Mo she bluffs me with this box frankly
10.196 you arrive when even holding the Donou it&;s phew yes good thanks again to all the
10.196 Montlry teams thank you for this centenary this incredible event feels like a year that this circuit exists and
10.196 especially in this weather on this Sunday it was super cool thanks to the CLA garage for lending me
10.196 this car to give you a sort of little comparison, if you&;re interested, put it in
10.196 the comments, we&;ll go and try this one because they told me, Nico, why not, you look
10.196 nice we&;ll maybe lend you one it&;s true that it could be cool to come back here to montléie
10.196 with this one good thanks to Raoul thanks to the friends thanks to all of you who came to the circuit we
10.196 met it also made me happy because I often do my little events
10.196 on the side where I test drive cars I&;m happy to see you too since it&;s thanks to
10.196 you that this channel exists and then maybe we&;ll see each other again on other events I come quite
10.196 often to my lerie because it&;s one of my favorite circuits it&;s especially the closest
10.196 to me in addition because I&;m in the Paris region h this car so for the debrief
10.196 quite incredible uh the chassis and crazy with comfort we can have
10.196 incredible sportiness but while keeping a hyper stable car super playful had something to have
10.196 radical fun and I think that everyone who saw it driving today in montlerry and yesterday
10.196 on these days were quite amazed because this centenary lasted on Saturday and Sunday and
10.196 I drove well thanks again very much to Honda France who went out of their way to find me
10.196 this car which comes from Germany uh to be able to tell you about it have a video made and especially
10.196 with chassis 00 thank you to them for lending me and trusting me with a car like that if there are
10.196 other brands who are tempted for me to have fun with their car don&;t hesitate and then it
10.196 will make me happy as usual the little blue thumb like that don&;t hesitate to subscribe
10.196 it&;s written right there then if you are there it&;s always a pleasure in short kisses see you soon Ciao
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